29 #ifndef __BRP_BALTECH_API_CMDS_BLEPERIPH_H__ 30 #define __BRP_BALTECH_API_CMDS_BLEPERIPH_H__ 31 #include "../typedefs.h" 36 #define BRP_BlePeriph_ErrNotInactive BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4B00, 0x01) brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_GetRSSI(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *AbsRSSI)
This command returns the RSSI value of the connected BLE Central.
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_GetCharacteristic(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CharacteristicNdx, brp_buf *CurrentValue, size_t *CurrentValue_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command retrieves the current value of a characteristic.
unsigned int brp_errcode
This type is used library-wide for passing error codes in the return value of functions.
struct brp_protocol_t * brp_protocol
This is a generic handle of a protocol.
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents(brp_protocol protocol, brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_Events_Entry **Events, size_t *Events_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command returns all events that have occurred since the last call of BlePeriph.GetEvents.
struct brp_mempool_object_t * brp_mempool
mempool handle.
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_SetDeviceName(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf DeviceName, size_t DeviceName_len)
This command sets the device name which should be advertized by the reader.
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_DefineService(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf ServiceUUID, size_t ServiceUUID_len, brp_BlePeriph_DefineService_Characteristics_Entry *Characteristics, size_t Characteristics_len)
This command registers a new BLE service.
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_SetCharacteristic(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CharacteristicNdx, brp_buf NewValue, size_t NewValue_len)
This command changes the value of a characteristic.
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_Enable(brp_protocol protocol, bool Activate)
This command starts/stops the advertisement of the reader as a BLE Peripheral, so you can react to co...
unsigned char * brp_buf
represents a pointer to a protocol data buffer.