11 #ifndef __BRP_BALTECH_API_CMDS_DHWCTRL_H__ 12 #define __BRP_BALTECH_API_CMDS_DHWCTRL_H__ 13 #include "../typedefs.h" 17 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrUnknownPort BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x01) 22 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrMarshall BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x02) 27 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNoStartupRun BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x03) 31 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNoPowermgr BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x04) 35 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNoProdloader BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x05) 39 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrPfid2NotAvailable BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x06) 43 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrEepIndex BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x11) 47 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrEepVerify BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x12) 51 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrEepTimeout BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x13) 55 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflash BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x20) 59 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashTimeout BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x21) 63 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashVerify BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x22) 67 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashParam BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x23) 71 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashSpi BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x24) 75 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashFlash BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x25) 79 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrAvrProgSpi BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x30) 83 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrAvrProgPdi BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x31) 87 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNicNoData BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x50) 91 #define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNicBufferFlow BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x51) brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiProgramEepromPage(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf WriteData, size_t WriteData_len)
Write an eeprom page to target device.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashWritePage(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
Write to a temporary page buffer.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashRead(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned Page, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Read data within a certain page.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetProdLoader(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *LoaderBaudrate)
Returns the baudrate Byte of the production-loader.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitDf(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the dataflash module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitUsbHost(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the USB-Host module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PowermgrSuspend(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Delay, bool KeyboardWakeup)
Takes the board into suspend mode, i.e.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SelectAntenna(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Ant)
Switch external antenna.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiSetSpeed(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Speed)
Set the speed of SPI programming mode.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitSer2(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the serial2 module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Delay10us(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Delay)
Sleeps for some microseconds.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SetBaudrate(brp_protocol protocol, brp_Baudrate NewBaudrate)
Changes the baudrate.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashGetSize(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned *PageCount, unsigned *PageSize)
Retrieves the flash size.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_RegisterWrite(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned RegAdr, unsigned RegValue)
Write processor register.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_EepromWrite(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
Writes data to an arbitrary address in the EEPROM.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SecurityAndConfigReset(brp_protocol protocol)
Reset configuration incl.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitIso14A(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the ISO14443A module.
unsigned int brp_errcode
This type is used library-wide for passing error codes in the return value of functions.
HF subsystem to activate.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt(brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt_WrappedKeyNr WrappedKeyNr, brp_buf Block, size_t Block_len, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len, brp_buf *EncBlock, size_t *EncBlock_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Encrypts a block.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt(brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt_WrappedKeyNr WrappedKeyNr, brp_buf EncBlock, size_t EncBlock_len, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len, brp_buf *Block, size_t *Block_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Decrypts a block.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiAlternateRecv(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCodeA, unsigned CmdCodeB, unsigned Address, unsigned CmdDataLen, brp_buf *CmdData, size_t *CmdData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Send alternately SPI programming instructions and receive data bytes.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispContrast(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Contrast)
Changes the display contrast.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Delay1ms(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Delay)
Sleeps for some milliseconds.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiAlternateSend(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCodeA, unsigned CmdCodeB, unsigned Address, brp_buf CmdData, size_t CmdData_len, unsigned Delay)
Send alternately SPI programming instructions.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SRAMTest(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SramSize, bool *Success)
Tests the external SRAM.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashGetPageSize(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *PageSize)
Retrieves the page size of the program flash.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PulseGenerate(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, unsigned Frequency)
Generates a pulse of specified frequency on a certain pin.
struct brp_protocol_t * brp_protocol
This is a generic handle of a protocol.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType(brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType *ChipType)
Returns the RC reader chip type.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_RegisterRead(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned RegAdr, unsigned *RegValue)
Read processor register.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_BohEnable(brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable, bool Bug6WorkaroundEnabled)
Enables the BRP over HID interface.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitRc(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the rc module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortWait(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, bool Level, unsigned Timeout, unsigned *ReactionTime)
Waits until a port has reached the specified level, or until timeout.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicSend(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len)
Sends a frame via the Network Interface.
struct brp_mempool_object_t * brp_mempool
mempool handle.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_StartProdLoader(brp_protocol protocol)
Starts the production-loader.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiProgramFlashPage(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr)
Program flash page.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiWriteFuse(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Fuse)
Write a fuse byte to target device.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashErasePage(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len)
Erases one or several consecutive program flash pages.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_EepromRead(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Reads data from the EEPROM.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortGet(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, bool *Level)
Reads the current input of a port.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiEraseDevice(brp_protocol protocol)
Erases the target chip device.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiSingleRecv(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, unsigned Address, unsigned *CmdData)
Send a single SPI programming instruction and receive one data byte.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Ser2WriteRead(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned MaxReadCount, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf WriteData, size_t WriteData_len, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Write/Read data to/from the reader's 2nd RS-232/UART interface.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00ProgramBlock(brp_protocol protocol, bool IsLast, brp_buf FwBlock, size_t FwBlock_len, brp_buf *ProgramResponse, size_t *ProgramResponse_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Program one 128 byte block of SM4x00 firmware.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetStartupRun(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Response, size_t *Response_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Returns the result of the execution of DHWCtrl-commands at the startup.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiWriteFlashPage(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf WriteData, size_t WriteData_len)
Write to internal flash page buffer.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashRead(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Read data from program flash.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitRc125(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the RC125 module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashProgramPage(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr)
Program a page to program flash.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetPlatformId2(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned **HWCIdLst, size_t *HWCIdLst_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command retrieves the PlatformId2.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitCc(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the TDA8007 or CCUART module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitLg(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the Legic module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashErasePages(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned StartPage, unsigned Len)
Erase a group of pages.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire(brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId ModuleId)
Acquire specific HF Subsystem.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicReceive(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Receives a frame from the Network Interface.
Specifies the Parity-bit mode which is used for RS-232/UART protocols.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Ser2Flush(brp_protocol protocol)
Wait until output to 2nd RS-232/UART interface is sent out.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitNic(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the Network Interface (NIC) module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitLga(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the Legic Advant module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00EraseFlash(brp_protocol protocol)
Erase SM4x00 Flash.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashWrite(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned Mode, unsigned Page, unsigned StartAdr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
Write data to a certain page.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispBox(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned X, unsigned Y, unsigned Width, unsigned Height)
Draws a filled box.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiReadEeprom(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Read eeprom memory from target device.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiEnable(brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
Enables/disables the SPI programming mode of a connected slave AVR.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicSetMAC(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf MAC)
Set the MAC address of the Network Interface.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortConfig(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, unsigned Mode)
Configures a port.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitIso14B(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the ISO14443B module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispEnable(brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
Enables the Display.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetResetCause(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ResetCause)
Returns the cause of the microcontroller's last reset.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_BgmExec(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Cmd, size_t Cmd_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Rsp, size_t *Rsp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Execute a Bgm12X API command.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_APortMeasure(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, unsigned Count, unsigned **Voltages, size_t *Voltages_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
The selected ADC Clock is MCU Clock / 128 (i.e.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicGetLinkStatus(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *LinkStatus)
Retrieve the Link status of the Network Interface.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiReadFuses(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Read fuse memory from target device.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ScanMatrix(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Bitmask)
Writes a bitmask to the 573, which is used for keyboard scanning.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey(brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey_WrappedKeyNr WrappedKeyNr, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len, brp_buf *WrappedKey, size_t *WrappedKey_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Wraps an AES key for secure storage.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00BootloaderStart(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *BootloaderString, size_t *BootloaderString_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Start SM4x00 Bootloader.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortSet(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, bool Level)
Sets the state of a port.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitIso15(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the ISO15693 module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiEnable(brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
Enables/disables the PDI programming mode of a connected target AVR.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Run(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf CommandList, size_t CommandList_len, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Response, size_t *Response_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Executes a list of commands.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_BgmRead(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Rsp, size_t *Rsp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Read from Bgm12X.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicGetChipType(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *ChipType, size_t *ChipType_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Returns the chip type of the Network Interface.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00WaitForFlashErase(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *EraseResponse, size_t *EraseResponse_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Check if flash erasing has been finished.
unsigned char * brp_buf
represents a pointer to a protocol data buffer.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Ser2Ctrl(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned InterfaceID, bool Enable, brp_Baudrate NewBaudrate, brp_Parity NewParity, unsigned Stopbits)
Enable/Disable and setup the reader's 2nd RS-232/UART interface.
The Baudrate specifies the performance of an RS-232/UART based interface in bits per second...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiReadFlash(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Read flash memory from target device.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitBgm(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the Bluetooth BGM12X chip.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitLcdDrv(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the display module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_MirrorData(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len, brp_buf *MirroredData, size_t *MirroredData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Sends the exact same data back.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitMf(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the Mifare module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiSingleSend(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, unsigned Address, unsigned CmdData, unsigned Delay)
Send a single SPI programming instruction.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispColor(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Color)
Set the drawing color.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiEraseFlashPage(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr)
Erase flash page.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispBacklight(brp_protocol protocol, bool Backlight)
Enables the Baltech reader display's backlight.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType(brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType_ChipType *ChipType)
Returns the RC reader chip type.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitRtc(brp_protocol protocol)
Initializes the rtc module.
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicEnable(brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
Enables the Network Interface.