§ brp_Mif_AuthE2Extended()

brp_errcode brp_Mif_AuthE2Extended ( brp_protocol  protocol,
unsigned  AuthLevel,
bool  KeyHasExtIdx,
unsigned  EV1Mode,
bool  IsKeyB,
unsigned  Block,
unsigned  KeyIdx,
unsigned  KeyExtIdx,
brp_buf  DivData,
size_t  DivData_len 

This command is identical to the brp_Mif_AuthE2() command with the exception that it supports stronger authentication methods (MIFARE and AES), supported by MIFARE Pro cards.

[in]protocolused to execute the command
[in]AuthLevelDesired authentication level * 0: AES SL1 authentication * 1: AES SL2 authentication * 2: AES SL3 authentication * 3: MIFARE authentication
[in]KeyHasExtIdxSet this flag if extended crypto memory is used (using KeyExtIdx parameter).
[in]EV1ModeSwitches to EV1 secure messaging. (Only supported by MFP EV1 cards)
[in]IsKeyBKey B is used when this flag is set, whereas Key A is used when this flag is cleared.
[in]BlockBlock/Key address of MIFARE Pro card.
[in]KeyIdxCrypto Memory Index (SAM or CryptoMemory) of MIFARE key * SAM: 0-7F * CrMem: 80-BF
[in]KeyExtIdxCrypto Memory Index (SAM or CryptoMemory) of authentication key * SAM: SAM: Key version (0..0xFF) * Crypto Memory: Page (0..15)
[in]DivDataKey diversification according to NXP AN10922 will be done if diversification data bytes are specified.