Deprecated List
Global brp_CardEmu_StartEmu (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr, unsigned ATQA, unsigned SAK, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *FirstCmd, size_t *FirstCmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_EpcUid_EpcInventory (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Sel, unsigned Session, unsigned SlotCoding, unsigned *MemStatusFlag, unsigned *LabelNr, brp_buf *LabelData, size_t *LabelData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Truncate, unsigned Target, unsigned Action, brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect_MemBank MemBank, unsigned MaskPointerLength, brp_buf MaskPointer, size_t MaskPointer_len, unsigned MaskLength, brp_buf SelectionMask, size_t SelectionMask_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned DR848, brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding Coding)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_EpcUid_UidDestroy (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf EpcUidData, size_t EpcUidData_len, brp_buf DestroyCode, size_t DestroyCode_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_EpcUid_UidReplyRound (brp_protocol protocol, bool EPC, bool FixSlot, unsigned SlotCoding, unsigned MaskLength, brp_buf SelectionMask, size_t SelectionMask_len, unsigned HashValue, unsigned *MemStatusFlag, unsigned *LabelNr, unsigned *LabelLength, brp_buf *LabelData, size_t *LabelData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_EpcUid_UidWrite (brp_protocol protocol, bool EPC, unsigned BlockAdr, brp_buf BlockData, size_t BlockData_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_exec_AR_GetMessage (brp_protocol protocol, int *msg_type, char *msg, size_t max_msg_len, size_t *msg_len)
Global brp_exec_Sys_CfgGetValue (brp_protocol protocol, int key, int value, brp_buf data, size_t max_data_len, size_t *data_len)
Global brp_exec_Sys_CfgSetValue (brp_protocol protocol, int key, int value, brp_buf data, size_t data_len)
Global brp_exec_Sys_GetInfo (brp_protocol protocol, char *fws)
Global brp_I4CE_ExchangeInverseAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Rsp, size_t Rsp_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Cmd, size_t *Cmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_I4CE_ExtendWaitingTime (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned WaitingTimeout, unsigned WTXM, unsigned RefreshTimeRatio)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_I4CE_GetExternalHfStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ExtFieldStat)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_I4CE_StartEmu (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr, unsigned FWT, unsigned TimeoutPCD, unsigned TimeoutAPDU, brp_buf ATS, size_t ATS_len, unsigned AutoWTX, brp_buf *FirstCmd, size_t *FirstCmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, bool ReqAll, brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy_UIDSize *UIDSize, unsigned *Coll, unsigned *ProprietaryCoding)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso14b_GetTransparentSettings (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Iso14b_GetTransparentSettings_Tags_Entry **Tags, size_t *Tags_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso14b_SetTransparentSettings (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Iso14b_SetTransparentSettings_Tags_Entry *Tags, size_t Tags_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso15_ReadBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, unsigned BlockNum, bool EnBlockSec, unsigned *LabelStat, unsigned *BlockLen, brp_Iso15_ReadBlock_Data_Entry **Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso15_TransparentCmdLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, bool EnRxWait, bool EnCRCRX, bool EnCRCTX, unsigned Len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf Data, unsigned RxWait, brp_buf *LabelData, size_t *LabelData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso15_WriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, unsigned BlockNum, unsigned BlockLen, bool OptionFlag, brp_buf *Data, size_t Data_len, unsigned *LabelStat)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso78_CloseSamLegacy (brp_protocol protocol)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso78_ExchangeApduLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso78_OpenSamLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *ATR, size_t *ATR_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Iso78_SelectSlot (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SlotIndex)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_GenSetDelete (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned GenSetNum, unsigned *DeletedGenSetNum)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_GenSetRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned DesiredGenSetNum, unsigned *GenSetNum, brp_buf *Stamp, unsigned *StampLen, unsigned *WriteExLen, bool *WriteExShad, brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode *WriteExMode, unsigned *WriteExStart, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_Idle (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Lg_Idle_PowOff PowOff)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_Lock (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Lg_Lock_PwdStat *PwdStat)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_MakeMIMCRC (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned CRCAdr)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_ReadMIM (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned *DataAdr, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_ReadMIMCRC (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned CRCAdr, unsigned *DataAdr, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *RFU, unsigned *SWV, unsigned *SmStat, unsigned *HfPow, bool *NoMIM, brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus_MIMVersion *MIMVersion, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_Select (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned TO, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned PollTime, unsigned CRCAdr, unsigned SafeDat, unsigned ChgSeg, unsigned ProtHead, unsigned CRCCalc, unsigned CRCChk, unsigned SegID, brp_buf Stamp, size_t Stamp_len, brp_Lg_Select_MediaType *MediaType, unsigned *FuncLevel, unsigned *OrgLevel, brp_Lg_Select_EvStat *EvStat, unsigned *ActSegID, unsigned *ActAdr, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_SetPassword (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Password, brp_Lg_SetPassword_PwdStat *PwdStat)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_Unlock (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Password, brp_Lg_Unlock_PwdStat *PwdStat)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_WriteMIM (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lg_WriteMIMCRC (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned DataLen, unsigned CRCAdr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Lga_TransparentCommand (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, brp_buf CmdParams, size_t CmdParams_len, unsigned Timeout, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_Anticoll (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BitCount, brp_buf PreSelectedSnr, brp_buf *SelectedSnr, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ContinousReadBlocks (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ContinousReadBlocksExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_FastWriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_FastWriteWord (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdr, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_FastWriteWordExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdrLo, unsigned BlockAdrHi, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_GetBootStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode, unsigned *BootStatusLo, unsigned *BootStatusHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_GetInfo (brp_protocol protocol, char **Info, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_Halt (brp_protocol protocol)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_HFReset (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned OffDurationLo, unsigned OffDurationHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_HighSpeedWriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_HighSpeedWriteBlockExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, brp_buf Data)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ReadBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf *Data, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ReadBlockExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, brp_buf *Data, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ReadMultipleBlocks (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ReadMultipleBlocksExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ReadWord (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdr, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned *DataLo, unsigned *DataHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_ReadWordExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned *DataLo, unsigned *DataHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_Request (brp_protocol protocol, bool ReqAll, brp_buf *ATQA, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_Reset (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Quit)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_Select (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_SetReturnLink (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_Test (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode, unsigned *Teststatus, brp_buf *Snr, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_TransparentCmd (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned EnBitMode, unsigned EnCRCRX, unsigned EnCRCTX, unsigned ParityMode, unsigned EnParity, unsigned LenLo, unsigned LenHi, unsigned TimeoutLo, unsigned TimeoutHi, unsigned DSI, unsigned DRI, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len, unsigned *ReturnLenLo, unsigned *ReturnLenHi, unsigned *ColPos, brp_buf *ReturnData, size_t *ReturnData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_WriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_WriteBlockExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, brp_buf Data)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_WriteFile (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileNr, unsigned Mode, unsigned BlockAdr, brp_buf Data)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_WriteWord (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdr, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_LT_WriteWordExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdrLo, unsigned BlockAdrHi, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Mif_Anticoll (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BitCount, brp_buf PreSelSer, brp_buf *Snr, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Mif_Request (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ReqAll, unsigned *ATQA)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Sys_CfgCheck (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *TotalSize, unsigned *FreeSize)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Sys_CfgWriteTlvSector (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf TlvBlock, size_t TlvBlock_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Sys_GetPlatformId (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *PlatformId, unsigned *BootloaderId, unsigned *BootloaderMajor, unsigned *BootloaderMinor, unsigned *BootloaderBuild, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_Sys_SetPort (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask PortMask)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_TTF_IdteckRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_VHL_Format (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Id)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_VHL_SetupISO15 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FirstBlock, unsigned BlockCount, bool OptionFlag)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_VHL_SetupLegic (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StampLen, unsigned SegmentID, brp_buf Stamp, size_t Stamp_len)
This command may be removed in future!
Global brp_VHL_SetupMifare (brp_protocol protocol, bool CustomKey, bool KeyA, brp_buf Key)
This command may be removed in future!
File commands.h