15 #ifndef __BRP_BALTECH_API_CMDS_SYS_H__ 16 #define __BRP_BALTECH_API_CMDS_SYS_H__ 17 #include "../typedefs.h" 21 #define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgFull BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x01) 28 #define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgAccess BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x02) 35 #define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgNotFound BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x03) 39 #define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidCfgBlock BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x04) 43 #define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgAccessDenied BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x05) 47 #define BRP_Sys_ErrRegAccess BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x06) 51 #define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidProtocol BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x07) 55 #define BRP_Sys_ErrNotSupportedByHardware BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x08) 59 #define BRP_Sys_ErrFactsetRestore BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x09) 67 #define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgConfigSecurityCode BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0A) 74 #define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgVersion BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0B) 78 #define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgLoadWrongState BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0C) 83 #define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidFwCrc BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x7F) brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadPrepare(brp_protocol protocol, brp_AuthReqUpload AuthReq)
This command initiates the transfer of a BEC file via brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock().
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPlatformId(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *PlatformId, unsigned *BootloaderId, unsigned *BootloaderMajor, unsigned *BootloaderMinor, unsigned *BootloaderBuild, brp_mempool *mempool)
Maintenance command only needed for Baltech internal use to get detailed information about the actual...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetKeyList(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned **KeyList, size_t *KeyList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Retrieves a list of all keys stored in the reader's configuration.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgSetValue(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value, brp_buf Content, size_t Content_len)
This command stores a value in the reader's configuration.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetValueList(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned **ValueList, size_t *ValueList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
Returns a list of all configuration values within a specified Key.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetCommParam(brp_protocol protocol, brp_Baudrate NewBaudrate, brp_Parity NewParity, unsigned CWT)
This command is only required when the serial host-to-reader interface is in use. ...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_FactoryReset(brp_protocol protocol, bool PerformReboot)
This command restores the reader's factory settings.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPartNumber(brp_protocol protocol, char **PartNo, char **HwRevNo, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command returns the part number and the hardware revision number of the device.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetDeviceSettingsId(brp_protocol protocol, char **ConfigId, char **ConfigName, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command retrieves the ID of the reader configuration containing the device settings.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetId(brp_protocol protocol, char **ConfigId, char **ConfigName, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command returns the identifier of the reader configuration.
A list of all protocols.
unsigned int brp_errcode
This type is used library-wide for passing error codes in the return value of functions.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgWriteTlvSector(brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf TlvBlock, size_t TlvBlock_len)
**Please use brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock() instead of this command for new applications. ...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetRegister(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ID, unsigned *Value)
Retrieves one of the reader's internal registers.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_FactoryResetLegacy(brp_protocol protocol)
**This is a legacy command! For new developments please use brp_Sys_FactoryReset() ...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SelectProtocol(brp_protocol protocol, brp_ProtocolID Protocol)
This command starts a host protocol.
struct brp_protocol_t * brp_protocol
This is a generic handle of a protocol.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetValue(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value, brp_buf *Content, size_t *Content_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command retrieves a desired value of the reader's configuration, specified by the Key and Value ...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetRegister(brp_protocol protocol, bool ResetRegister, brp_Sys_SetRegister_RegisterAssignments_Entry *RegisterAssignments, size_t RegisterAssignments_len)
Sets one or multiple of the reader's internal registers.
Defines the reader's behaviour on error/success.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_Reset(brp_protocol protocol)
This command reboots the reader.
struct brp_mempool_object_t * brp_mempool
mempool handle.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_StopProtocol(brp_protocol protocol, brp_ProtocolID Protocol)
This command stops a host protocol.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetFwCrc(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *CRC)
Maintenance command only needed for Baltech internal use to get the CRC of the firmware.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish(brp_protocol protocol, brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction FinalizeAction)
This command has to be called after transferring a BEC file with brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock().
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetStatistics(brp_protocol protocol, bool DeleteCounters, brp_Sys_GetStatistics_CounterTuple_Entry **CounterTuple, size_t *CounterTuple_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command retrieves all available statistics counters from the reader's configuration.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_HFReset(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned OffDuration)
This command turns the HF antenna off or on.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetFeatures(brp_protocol protocol, brp_FeatureID **FeatureList, size_t *FeatureList_len, brp_FeatureID *MaxFeatureID, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command retrieves the list of features supported by the reader, so you can find out if the reade...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Version, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
This command transfers the configuration from a BEC file into the reader.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetInfo(brp_protocol protocol, char **Info, brp_mempool *mempool)
This command retrieves the firmware string of the reader, which holds information about the reader fi...
Specifies the Parity-bit mode which is used for RS-232/UART protocols.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetBufferSize(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *MaxSendSize, unsigned *MaxRecvSize, unsigned *TotalSize)
This command returns the maximum sizes of command and response frames that the reader can send and re...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_ConfigPort(brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask InpOutp, brp_IoPortBitmask DefaultState)
Configures generic I/O ports for input/output.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgReset(brp_protocol protocol)
Deletes the complete configuration.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPort(brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask *PortMask)
This command retrieves the voltage for the custom I/O ports of the module.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgDelValues(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value)
This command deletes a key or a value from the reader's configuration.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetPort(brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask PortMask)
**Please use brp_UI_Enable() and brp_UI_Disable() instead of this command for new applications...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_PowerDown(brp_protocol protocol)
Powers off the device.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetLicenses(brp_protocol protocol, brp_LicenseBitMask *LicenseBitMask)
This command retrieves a bit mask of the licenses that are activated in the reader.
Specifies the authentication level the BEC/BEC2/BF3 file or ConfigCard has to fulfill to be accepted...
unsigned char * brp_buf
represents a pointer to a protocol data buffer.
The Baudrate specifies the performance of an RS-232/UART based interface in bits per second...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgCheck(brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *TotalSize, unsigned *FreeSize)
This command checks the consistency of the reader's internal configuration.
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetBootStatus(brp_protocol protocol, brp_Sys_GetBootStatus_BootStatus *BootStatus)
This command retrieves the boot status of the reader, i.e.