sys.h File Reference

With the Sys command group, you can interact with the reader itself. More...

#include "../typedefs.h"

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#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgFull   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x01)
 There's not enough space to store the reader's configuration values. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgAccess   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x02)
 Reading/writing to the internal memory failed. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x03)
 The meaning of this status code varies depending on the access mode: More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidCfgBlock   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x04)
 The format of the configuration file (BEC file) is invalid. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgAccessDenied   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x05)
 Memory access denied. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrRegAccess   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x06)
 Register cannot be modified or doesn't exist. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidProtocol   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x07)
 The selected protocol isn't supported by the current firmware. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrNotSupportedByHardware   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x08)
 This feature isn't supported by the reader hardware. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrFactsetRestore   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x09)
 Restoring the reader's factory settings failed. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgConfigSecurityCode   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0A)
 brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock() was run with an invalid Config Security Code, i.e. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgVersion   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0B)
 brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock() was run with a configuration version that is older than the one currently deployed (learn more). More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgLoadWrongState   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0C)
 The command can't be run in the current (CfgLoadBlock) state, i.e. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidFwCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x7F)
 The CRC of the firmware is invalid. More...


brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetBufferSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *MaxSendSize, unsigned *MaxRecvSize, unsigned *TotalSize)
 This command returns the maximum sizes of command and response frames that the reader can send and receive. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_HFReset (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned OffDuration)
 This command turns the HF antenna off or on. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_Reset (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command reboots the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetInfo (brp_protocol protocol, char **Info, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the firmware string of the reader, which holds information about the reader firmware and serial number. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetBootStatus (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Sys_GetBootStatus_BootStatus *BootStatus)
 This command retrieves the boot status of the reader, i.e. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPort (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask *PortMask)
 This command retrieves the voltage for the custom I/O ports of the module. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetPort (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask PortMask)
 **Please use brp_UI_Enable() and brp_UI_Disable() instead of this command for new applications. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetValue (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value, brp_buf *Content, size_t *Content_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves a desired value of the reader's configuration, specified by the Key and Value parameters. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgSetValue (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value, brp_buf Content, size_t Content_len)
 This command stores a value in the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgDelValues (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value)
 This command deletes a key or a value from the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetKeyList (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned **KeyList, size_t *KeyList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieves a list of all keys stored in the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetValueList (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned **ValueList, size_t *ValueList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns a list of all configuration values within a specified Key. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgWriteTlvSector (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf TlvBlock, size_t TlvBlock_len)
 **Please use brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock() instead of this command for new applications. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgCheck (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *TotalSize, unsigned *FreeSize)
 This command checks the consistency of the reader's internal configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_ConfigPort (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask InpOutp, brp_IoPortBitmask DefaultState)
 Configures generic I/O ports for input/output. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetRegister (brp_protocol protocol, bool ResetRegister, brp_Sys_SetRegister_RegisterAssignments_Entry *RegisterAssignments, size_t RegisterAssignments_len)
 Sets one or multiple of the reader's internal registers. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetRegister (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ID, unsigned *Value)
 Retrieves one of the reader's internal registers. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_PowerDown (brp_protocol protocol)
 Powers off the device. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SelectProtocol (brp_protocol protocol, brp_ProtocolID Protocol)
 This command starts a host protocol. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetCommParam (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Baudrate NewBaudrate, brp_Parity NewParity, unsigned CWT)
 This command is only required when the serial host-to-reader interface is in use. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Version, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 This command transfers the configuration from a BEC file into the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPlatformId (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *PlatformId, unsigned *BootloaderId, unsigned *BootloaderMajor, unsigned *BootloaderMinor, unsigned *BootloaderBuild, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Maintenance command only needed for Baltech internal use to get detailed information about the actually used hardware. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgReset (brp_protocol protocol)
 Deletes the complete configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_StopProtocol (brp_protocol protocol, brp_ProtocolID Protocol)
 This command stops a host protocol. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetId (brp_protocol protocol, char **ConfigId, char **ConfigName, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the identifier of the reader configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetDeviceSettingsId (brp_protocol protocol, char **ConfigId, char **ConfigName, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the ID of the reader configuration containing the device settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_FactoryResetLegacy (brp_protocol protocol)
 **This is a legacy command! For new developments please use brp_Sys_FactoryReset() . More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetStatistics (brp_protocol protocol, bool DeleteCounters, brp_Sys_GetStatistics_CounterTuple_Entry **CounterTuple, size_t *CounterTuple_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves all available statistics counters from the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetFeatures (brp_protocol protocol, brp_FeatureID **FeatureList, size_t *FeatureList_len, brp_FeatureID *MaxFeatureID, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the list of features supported by the reader, so you can find out if the reader meets your requirements. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPartNumber (brp_protocol protocol, char **PartNo, char **HwRevNo, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the part number and the hardware revision number of the device. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadPrepare (brp_protocol protocol, brp_AuthReqUpload AuthReq)
 This command initiates the transfer of a BEC file via brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock(). More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction FinalizeAction)
 This command has to be called after transferring a BEC file with brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock(). More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_FactoryReset (brp_protocol protocol, bool PerformReboot)
 This command restores the reader's factory settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetLicenses (brp_protocol protocol, brp_LicenseBitMask *LicenseBitMask)
 This command retrieves a bit mask of the licenses that are activated in the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetFwCrc (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *CRC)
 Maintenance command only needed for Baltech internal use to get the CRC of the firmware. More...

Detailed Description

With the Sys command group, you can interact with the reader itself.

You can e.g. retrieve reader information, set up its behavior, and control it during runtime.

For a quick overview, please see our list of most important Sys commands.

Definition in file sys.h.