struct | brp_KeyAccessRights_KeySettings |
| Accessrights for Keys. More...
struct | brp_VirtualLedDefinition_Mode |
| This byte is required to enable additional fields for the characterization of the desired LED behavior. More...
struct | brp_Bat_Run_SubCmds_Entry |
struct | brp_Bat_Run_Rsps_Entry |
struct | brp_BlePeriph_DefineService_Characteristics_Entry |
struct | brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_Events_Entry |
struct | brp_Desfire_GetDfNames_AppNr_Entry |
struct | brp_Felica_Request_Labels_Entry |
struct | brp_FlashFS_ReadRecords_RecordList_Entry |
struct | brp_FlashFS_WriteRecords_RecordList_Entry |
struct | brp_Iso14b_Request_ValueList_Entry |
struct | brp_Iso14b_SetTransparentSettings_Tags_Entry |
struct | brp_Iso14b_GetTransparentSettings_Tags_Entry |
struct | brp_Iso15_GetUIDList_Labels_Entry |
struct | brp_Iso15_ReadBlock_Data_Entry |
struct | brp_Iso15_WriteMultipleBlocks_WriteBlocks_Entry |
struct | brp_Iso15_ReadMultipleBlocks_RecvBlocks_Entry |
struct | brp_Mif_SectorSwitch_SectorSpec_Entry |
struct | brp_Sys_GetBootStatus_BootStatus |
struct | brp_Sys_SetRegister_RegisterAssignments_Entry |
struct | brp_Sys_GetStatistics_CounterTuple_Entry |
struct | brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Pipes_Entry |
struct | brp_VHL_Setup_SelectFileCmdList_Entry |
struct | brp_CardTypes125KhzPart1 |
struct | brp_CardTypes125KhzPart2 |
struct | brp_SegmentIdentificationAndAddressing |
| This byte defines how a Legic segment shall be accessed. More...
struct | brp_AddressAndEnableCRC |
| This word defines the start address according to the addressing mode selected in SegmentIdentificationAndAddressing for every fragment. More...
struct | brp_CRCAddressAndCRCType |
| This word defines the CRC address according to the addressing mode selected in SegmentIdentificationAndAddressing. More...
struct | brp_MifareClassicVhlKeyAssignment |
| This bitmask can be combined with a reference to a key index in the readers keylist and specifies more details. More...
struct | brp_TemplateFilter |
| For every of these filter bits, a specific data conversion mechanism is specified. More...
struct | brp_AutoRunCommand |
struct | brp_KeyAccessRights |
struct | brp_CryptoMemoryIndex |
struct | brp_IoPortBitmask |
struct | brp_LedBitMask |
| A bitmask containing the physical LEDs you want to switch. More...
struct | brp_RunSequenceCmd |
struct | brp_CardFamilies |
struct | brp_DesfireFileDescription |
struct | brp_HostSecurityAccessConditionBits |
| Every Feature in this list can be disabled by not setting the corresponding bit. More...
struct | brp_HostSecurityAuthenticationMode |
| Specifies a minimum of security requirements, when working in this security level. More...
struct | brp_FirmwareVersion |
struct | brp_VirtualLedDefinition |
struct | brp_LicenseBitMask |
| License bit mask. More...
#define | BRP_BALTECH_API_VERSION "D-31800" |
enum | brp_AutoRunCommand_RunMode { brp_AutoRunCommand_RunMode_Standard = 0,
brp_AutoRunCommand_RunMode_Continuous = 1,
brp_AutoRunCommand_RunMode_Repeat = 2,
brp_AutoRunCommand_RunMode_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_KeyAccessRights_DiversificationMode { brp_KeyAccessRights_DiversificationMode_NoDiversification = 0,
brp_KeyAccessRights_DiversificationMode_ModeAv2 = 2,
brp_KeyAccessRights_DiversificationMode_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode {
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_EnablePort = 1,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_DisablePort = 2,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop = 5,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_WaitMs = 8,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_WaitSec = 9,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_EndOfSequence = 241,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_StartLoop = 242,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_OnStop = 243,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_EnablePortGreenLed = 16,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_EnablePortRedLed = 17,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_EnablePortBeeper = 18,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_EnablePortRelay = 19,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_EnablePortBlue = 22,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_DisablePortGreenLed = 32,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_DisablePortRedLed = 33,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_DisablePortBeeper = 34,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_DisablePortRelay = 35,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_DisablePortBlue = 38,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_InvertPortGreenLed = 48,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_InvertPortRedLed = 49,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_InvertPortBeeper = 50,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_InvertPortRelay = 51,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_InvertPortBlue = 54,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Repeat1Times = 81,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop2Times = 82,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop3Times = 83,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop4Times = 84,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop5Times = 85,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop6Times = 86,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop7Times = 87,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop8Times = 88,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop9Times = 89,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop10Times = 90,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop11Times = 91,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop12Times = 92,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop13Times = 93,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop14Times = 94,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_RepeatLoop15Times = 95,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait100Ms = 129,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait200Ms = 130,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait300Ms = 131,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait400Ms = 132,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait500Ms = 133,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait600Ms = 134,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait700Ms = 135,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait800Ms = 136,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait900Ms = 137,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1000Ms = 138,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1100Ms = 139,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1200Ms = 140,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1300Ms = 141,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1400Ms = 142,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1500Ms = 143,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1600Ms = 144,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1700Ms = 145,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1800Ms = 146,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait1900Ms = 147,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2000Ms = 148,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2100Ms = 149,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2200Ms = 150,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2300Ms = 151,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2400Ms = 152,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2500Ms = 153,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2600Ms = 154,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2700Ms = 155,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2800Ms = 156,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait2900Ms = 157,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3000Ms = 158,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3100Ms = 159,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3200Ms = 160,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3300Ms = 161,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3400Ms = 162,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3500Ms = 163,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3600Ms = 164,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3700Ms = 165,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3800Ms = 166,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait3900Ms = 167,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4000Ms = 168,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4100Ms = 169,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4200Ms = 170,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4300Ms = 171,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4400Ms = 172,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4500Ms = 173,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4600Ms = 174,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4700Ms = 175,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4800Ms = 176,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait4900Ms = 177,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5000Ms = 178,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5100Ms = 179,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5200Ms = 180,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5300Ms = 181,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5400Ms = 182,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5500Ms = 183,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5600Ms = 184,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5700Ms = 185,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5800Ms = 186,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait5900Ms = 187,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait6000Ms = 188,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait6100Ms = 189,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait6200Ms = 190,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_Wait6300Ms = 191,
brp_RunSequenceCmd_CmdCode_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileCommunicationSecurity { brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileCommunicationSecurity_Plain = 0,
brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileCommunicationSecurity_Mac = 1,
brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileCommunicationSecurity_Encrypted = 3,
brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileCommunicationSecurity_undefined = -1
} |
| Communication settings that define if data is to be MAC'ed or encrypted before it's transmitted to the host system. More...
enum | brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileType { brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileType_Standard = 0,
brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileType_Backup = 1,
brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileType_BackupManualCommit = 2,
brp_DesfireFileDescription_FileType_undefined = -1
} |
| Type of file to read. More...
enum | brp_VirtualLedDefinition_PhysicalLedSelection { brp_VirtualLedDefinition_PhysicalLedSelection_Right = 1,
brp_VirtualLedDefinition_PhysicalLedSelection_Left = 2,
brp_VirtualLedDefinition_PhysicalLedSelection_All = 3,
brp_VirtualLedDefinition_PhysicalLedSelection_undefined = -1
} |
| This field defines which physical LEDs are to be activated when the corresponding VLED port is enabled. More...
enum | brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_EventId { brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_EventId_Connect = 1,
brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_EventId_Disconnect = 2,
brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_EventId_Write = 3,
brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_EventId_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Desfire_ExecCommand_CryptoMode { brp_Desfire_ExecCommand_CryptoMode_Plain = 0,
brp_Desfire_ExecCommand_CryptoMode_MAC = 1,
brp_Desfire_ExecCommand_CryptoMode_Encrypted = 3,
brp_Desfire_ExecCommand_CryptoMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Type of encryption. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_Authenticate_SecureMessaging { brp_Desfire_Authenticate_SecureMessaging_Native = 1,
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_SecureMessaging_EV1 = 0,
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_SecureMessaging_EV2 = 2,
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_SecureMessaging_undefined = -1
} |
| Sets the secure messaging mode. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_Authenticate_KeyDivMode {
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_KeyDivMode_NoDiv = 0,
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_KeyDivMode_SamAV1OneRound = 1,
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_KeyDivMode_SamAV1TwoRounds = 2,
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_KeyDivMode_SamAV2 = 3,
brp_Desfire_Authenticate_KeyDivMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies diversification algorithm. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_SecureMessaging { brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_SecureMessaging_Native = 1,
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_SecureMessaging_EV1 = 0,
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_SecureMessaging_EV2 = 2,
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_SecureMessaging_undefined = -1
} |
| Sets the secure messaging mode. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_CryptoMode {
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_CryptoMode_DES = 1,
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_CryptoMode_TripleDES = 2,
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_CryptoMode_ThreeKeyTripleDES = 3,
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_CryptoMode_AES = 4,
brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_CryptoMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Sets the encryption algorithm. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_ReadData_Mode { brp_Desfire_ReadData_Mode_Plain = 0,
brp_Desfire_ReadData_Mode_MAC = 1,
brp_Desfire_ReadData_Mode_Encrypted = 3,
brp_Desfire_ReadData_Mode_undefined = -1
} |
| Communication settings linked to the file. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_WriteData_Mode { brp_Desfire_WriteData_Mode_Plain = 0,
brp_Desfire_WriteData_Mode_MAC = 1,
brp_Desfire_WriteData_Mode_Encrypted = 3,
brp_Desfire_WriteData_Mode_undefined = -1
} |
| Communication settings linked to the file. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_ChangeExtKey_MasterKeyType { brp_Desfire_ChangeExtKey_MasterKeyType_DESorTripleDES = 0,
brp_Desfire_ChangeExtKey_MasterKeyType_ThreeKeyTripleDES = 1,
brp_Desfire_ChangeExtKey_MasterKeyType_AES = 2,
brp_Desfire_ChangeExtKey_MasterKeyType_undefined = -1
} |
| These bits must only be set if the card's Master Key is changed. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_NewKeyDivMode { brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_NewKeyDivMode_SamAv1OneRound = 0,
brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_NewKeyDivMode_SamAv1TwoRounds = 1,
brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_NewKeyDivMode_SamAv2 = 2,
brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_NewKeyDivMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies diversification algorithm. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_CurKeyDivMode { brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_CurKeyDivMode_SamAv1OneRound = 0,
brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_CurKeyDivMode_SamAv1TwoRounds = 1,
brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_CurKeyDivMode_SamAv2 = 2,
brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_CurKeyDivMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies diversification algorithm. More...
enum | brp_Desfire_SetFraming_CommMode { brp_Desfire_SetFraming_CommMode_DESFireNative = 1,
brp_Desfire_SetFraming_CommMode_ISO7816Compatible = 2,
brp_Desfire_SetFraming_CommMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Defines 14443-4 communication mode to DESFire card. More...
enum | brp_EM_DecodeCfg_RxMod {
brp_EM_DecodeCfg_RxMod_Unknown = 0,
brp_EM_DecodeCfg_RxMod_Manchester = 16,
brp_EM_DecodeCfg_RxMod_Biphase = 32,
brp_EM_DecodeCfg_RxMod_NRZ = 48,
brp_EM_DecodeCfg_RxMod_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Eth_GetTcpConnectionStatus_Status { brp_Eth_GetTcpConnectionStatus_Status_NotConnected = 0,
brp_Eth_GetTcpConnectionStatus_Status_ConnectionTrialRunning = 1,
brp_Eth_GetTcpConnectionStatus_Status_Connected = 2,
brp_Eth_GetTcpConnectionStatus_Status_undefined = -1
} |
| BRP over TCP connection status. More...
enum | brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason {
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_Powerup = 1,
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_LinkChange = 2,
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_SessionkeyTimeout = 4,
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_Message = 8,
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_UdpIntrospection = 16,
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_Reset = 32,
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_FailedConnectionTrials = 32768,
brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason_undefined = -1
} |
| Connection reason bit mask that is sent to the host as soon as a connection is established. More...
enum | brp_Felica_GenericCmd_FastBaud { brp_Felica_GenericCmd_FastBaud_Kbps212 = 0,
brp_Felica_GenericCmd_FastBaud_Kbps424 = 1,
brp_Felica_GenericCmd_FastBaud_undefined = -1
} |
| Baudrate PCD-PICC. More...
enum | brp_Felica_Request_FastBaud { brp_Felica_Request_FastBaud_Kbps212 = 0,
brp_Felica_Request_FastBaud_Kbps424 = 1,
brp_Felica_Request_FastBaud_undefined = -1
} |
| Baudrate PCD-PICC. More...
enum | brp_Hitag_Request_TagType {
brp_Hitag_Request_TagType_HitagS = 0,
brp_Hitag_Request_TagType_Hitag1 = 1,
brp_Hitag_Request_TagType_Hitag2Manchester = 2,
brp_Hitag_Request_TagType_Hitag2Biphase = 3,
brp_Hitag_Request_TagType_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Hitag_Request_Mode { brp_Hitag_Request_Mode_StdHtg12S = 0,
brp_Hitag_Request_Mode_AdvHtg1S = 1,
brp_Hitag_Request_Mode_FAdvHS = 2,
brp_Hitag_Request_Mode_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Hitag_Select_SelMode {
brp_Hitag_Select_SelMode_Select = 0,
brp_Hitag_Select_SelMode_Quiet = 1,
brp_Hitag_Select_SelMode_AuthPwd = 2,
brp_Hitag_Select_SelMode_H2AuthOnlyPwd = 3,
brp_Hitag_Select_SelMode_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy_UIDSize { brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy_UIDSize_SingleSize = 0,
brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy_UIDSize_DoubleSize = 1,
brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy_UIDSize_TripleSize = 2,
brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy_UIDSize_undefined = -1
} |
| Length of "Unique IDentifier" (UID). More...
enum | brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI {
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes16 = 0,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes24 = 1,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes32 = 2,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes40 = 3,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes48 = 4,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes64 = 5,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes96 = 6,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes128 = 7,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_Bytes256 = 8,
brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI_undefined = -1
} |
| Frame Size proximity coupling Device Integer (FSDI) value. More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots {
brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots_TimeSlots1 = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots_TimeSlots2 = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots_TimeSlots4 = 2,
brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots_TimeSlots8 = 3,
brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots_TimeSlots16 = 4,
brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots_undefined = -1
} |
| Number of time slots which should be used for requesting PICCs. More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI {
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes16 = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes24 = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes32 = 2,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes40 = 3,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes48 = 4,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes64 = 5,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes96 = 6,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes128 = 7,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_Bytes256 = 8,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FSCI_undefined = -1
} |
| Frame Size proximity Card Integer (FSCI). More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Request_ProtType { brp_Iso14b_Request_ProtType_NoISO14443L4Support = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Request_ProtType_ISO14443L4Support = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Request_ProtType_undefined = -1
} |
| Protocol type. More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI {
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Us302 = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Us604 = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Us1208 = 2,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Us2416 = 3,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Us4832 = 4,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Us9664 = 5,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms19 = 6,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms39 = 7,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms77 = 8,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms155 = 9,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms309 = 10,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms618 = 11,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms1237 = 12,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms2474 = 13,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_Ms4948 = 14,
brp_Iso14b_Request_FWI_undefined = -1
} |
| Frame Waiting time Integer (FWI). More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR0 { brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR0_Numerator64 = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR0_Numerator48 = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR0_Numerator16 = 2,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR0_undefined = -1
} |
| PICC's minimum delay before responding after the end of a command sent by PCD. More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR1 { brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR1_Numerator80 = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR1_Numerator64 = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR1_Numerator16 = 2,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR1_undefined = -1
} |
| Minimum delay between subcarrier modulation start and beginning of data transmission. More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Attrib_EOF_ { brp_Iso14b_Attrib_EOF__EOFrequired = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_EOF__EOFoptional = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_EOF__undefined = -1
} |
| End Of Frame (EOF) flag for sending data to reader. More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Attrib_SOF { brp_Iso14b_Attrib_SOF_SOFrequired = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_SOF_SOFoptional = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_SOF_undefined = -1
} |
| Start Of Frame (SOF) flag for sending data to reader. More...
enum | brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI {
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes16 = 0,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes24 = 1,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes32 = 2,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes40 = 3,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes48 = 4,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes64 = 5,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes96 = 6,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes128 = 7,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_Bytes256 = 8,
brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI_undefined = -1
} |
| Frame Size proximity coupling Device Integer (FSDI) value. More...
enum | brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI {
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes16 = 0,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes24 = 1,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes32 = 2,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes40 = 3,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes48 = 4,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes64 = 5,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes96 = 6,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes128 = 7,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_Bytes256 = 8,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI_undefined = -1
} |
| Frame Size proximity Card Integer (FSCI). More...
enum | brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI {
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Us302 = 0,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Us604 = 1,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Us1208 = 2,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Us2416 = 3,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Us4832 = 4,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Us9664 = 5,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms19 = 6,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms39 = 7,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms77 = 8,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms155 = 9,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms309 = 10,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms618 = 11,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms1237 = 12,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms2474 = 13,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_Ms4948 = 14,
brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI_undefined = -1
} |
| Frame Waiting time Integer (FWI). More...
enum | brp_Iso78_OpenSam_LID {
brp_Iso78_OpenSam_LID_AV2 = 0,
brp_Iso78_OpenSam_LID_HID = 1,
brp_Iso78_OpenSam_LID_Gen1 = 16,
brp_Iso78_OpenSam_LID_Gen2 = 17,
brp_Iso78_OpenSam_LID_undefined = -1
} |
| Logical SAM-ID (LID) More...
enum | brp_Lg_Select_MediaType {
brp_Lg_Select_MediaType_GAM = 1,
brp_Lg_Select_MediaType_SAM = 2,
brp_Lg_Select_MediaType_IAM = 3,
brp_Lg_Select_MediaType_IM = 4,
brp_Lg_Select_MediaType_NM = 5,
brp_Lg_Select_MediaType_XAM1 = 6,
brp_Lg_Select_MediaType_undefined = -1
} |
| Indicates the type of card that was selected. More...
enum | brp_Lg_Select_EvStat {
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_OKNoEvent = 0,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_EEPROMFull = 1,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_StampToEEPROM = 2,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_SamOutOfHF = 3,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_NoStampOnSAM = 4,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_StampDeleted = 5,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_StampDeletionAborted = 6,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_StampAlreadyInEEPROM = 7,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_StampNotStoredToEEPROM = 8,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_NewStampExtended = 9,
brp_Lg_Select_EvStat_undefined = -1
} |
| Event Status of operation. More...
enum | brp_Lg_Idle_PowOff { brp_Lg_Idle_PowOff_On = 0,
brp_Lg_Idle_PowOff_Off = 1,
brp_Lg_Idle_PowOff_OffPowerReduced = 2,
brp_Lg_Idle_PowOff_undefined = -1
} |
| State of the HF field. More...
enum | brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode {
brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode_ArbitraryWriting = 0,
brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode_DecrementOnly = 1,
brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode_IncrementOnly = 2,
brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode_InvalidMode = 3,
brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Determines extended write conditions. More...
enum | brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus_MIMVersion { brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus_MIMVersion_MIM022 = 0,
brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus_MIMVersion_MIM256 = 2,
brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus_MIMVersion_MIM1024 = 3,
brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus_MIMVersion_undefined = -1
} |
| Size of detected MIM. More...
enum | brp_Lg_SetPassword_PwdStat { brp_Lg_SetPassword_PwdStat_Deactivated = 0,
brp_Lg_SetPassword_PwdStat_Activated = 1,
brp_Lg_SetPassword_PwdStat_AlreadySet = 2,
brp_Lg_SetPassword_PwdStat_undefined = -1
} |
| Password protection status. More...
enum | brp_Lg_Lock_PwdStat { brp_Lg_Lock_PwdStat_Activated = 0,
brp_Lg_Lock_PwdStat_Deactivated = 1,
brp_Lg_Lock_PwdStat_undefined = -1
} |
| Password protection status. More...
enum | brp_Lg_Unlock_PwdStat { brp_Lg_Unlock_PwdStat_Unlocked = 0,
brp_Lg_Unlock_PwdStat_NotActivated = 1,
brp_Lg_Unlock_PwdStat_AlreadyUnlocked = 2,
brp_Lg_Unlock_PwdStat_undefined = -1
} |
| Password protection status. More...
enum | brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode {
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_Success = 0,
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_InvalidChecksum = 1,
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_ProgrammingTimeout = 2,
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_VerifyTimeout = 3,
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_UnsupportedCodeType = 4,
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_ProtocolError = 5,
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_SecuredByConfigSecurityCode = 6,
brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode_undefined = -1
} |
| Error code of this operation. More...
enum | brp_Mce_Enable_Mode { brp_Mce_Enable_Mode_Disable = 0,
brp_Mce_Enable_Mode_Enable = 1,
brp_Mce_Enable_Mode_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Mif_SetFraming_CommMode { brp_Mif_SetFraming_CommMode_MifareNative = 1,
brp_Mif_SetFraming_CommMode_MifareISO = 2,
brp_Mif_SetFraming_CommMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Defines 14443-4 communication mode for MIFARE Plus EV1 cards. More...
enum | brp_MobileId_Enable_Mode { brp_MobileId_Enable_Mode_Disable = 0,
brp_MobileId_Enable_Mode_Enable = 1,
brp_MobileId_Enable_Mode_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction { brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction_CancelCfgLoad = 0,
brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction_FinalizeCfgLoadWithoutReboot = 1,
brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction_FinalizeCfgLoadWithReboot = 2,
brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction_undefined = -1
} |
| Defines the reader's behaviour on error/success. More...
enum | brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod {
brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod_Manchester = 16,
brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod_Biphase = 32,
brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod_Ind = 48,
brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod_HIDP = 80,
brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod_PSK = 96,
brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod_SMPL = 112,
brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod_undefined = -1
} |
| Decoder settings - for ID-engine Z use SMPL. More...
enum | brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding {
brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding_FM0 = 0,
brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding_Miller8 = 1,
brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding_Man2 = 2,
brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding_Man4 = 3,
brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies modulation type. More...
enum | brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect_MemBank { brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect_MemBank_EPC = 1,
brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect_MemBank_TID = 2,
brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect_MemBank_User = 3,
brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect_MemBank_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies memory bank. More...
enum | brp_Ultralight_AuthE2_DivMode {
brp_Ultralight_AuthE2_DivMode_NoDiv = 0,
brp_Ultralight_AuthE2_DivMode_SamAv1OneRound = 1,
brp_Ultralight_AuthE2_DivMode_SamAv1TwoRounds = 2,
brp_Ultralight_AuthE2_DivMode_SamAv2 = 3,
brp_Ultralight_AuthE2_DivMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies diversification algorithm. More...
enum | brp_Ultralight_AuthUser_CryptoMode { brp_Ultralight_AuthUser_CryptoMode_TripleDES = 0,
brp_Ultralight_AuthUser_CryptoMode_AES = 1,
brp_Ultralight_AuthUser_CryptoMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Sets the encryption algorithm. More...
enum | brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Type {
brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Type_Control = 0,
brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Type_Interrupt = 1,
brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Type_Bulk = 2,
brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Type_Isochronous = 3,
brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Type_undefined = -1
} |
| Type of Pipe. More...
enum | brp_UI_Toggle_Polarity { brp_UI_Toggle_Polarity_Normal = 0,
brp_UI_Toggle_Polarity_Inverted = 1,
brp_UI_Toggle_Polarity_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_VHL_Setup_AdrMode { brp_VHL_Setup_AdrMode_ProtocolHeader = 0,
brp_VHL_Setup_AdrMode_Advant = 1,
brp_VHL_Setup_AdrMode_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies the addressing mode. More...
enum | brp_VHL_Setup_OptionFlag { brp_VHL_Setup_OptionFlag_OptFlagZero = 0,
brp_VHL_Setup_OptionFlag_OptFlagOne = 1,
brp_VHL_Setup_OptionFlag_OptFlagAuto = 2,
brp_VHL_Setup_OptionFlag_undefined = -1
} |
| Option flag value for read/write operations. More...
enum | brp_VHL_Setup_FileSpecifier { brp_VHL_Setup_FileSpecifier_SelectByName = 0,
brp_VHL_Setup_FileSpecifier_SelectByPath = 1,
brp_VHL_Setup_FileSpecifier_SelectByAPDU = 2,
brp_VHL_Setup_FileSpecifier_undefined = -1
} |
| The method to select the file. More...
enum | brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType {
brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType_RC500 = 1,
brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType_RC632 = 4,
brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType_RC663 = 5,
brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType_PN512 = 33,
brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType_ChipType { brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType_ChipType_TDA8007C2 = 1,
brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType_ChipType_TDA8007C3 = 2,
brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType_ChipType_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId {
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_No = 0,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_RC = 1,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_Legic = 3,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_PN = 17,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_LegicAdvant = 19,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_RC125 = 24,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_PN2 = 26,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_RC663 = 34,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_HTRC110 = 36,
brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId_undefined = -1
} |
| HF subsystem to activate. More...
enum | brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey_WrappedKeyNr { brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey_WrappedKeyNr_WrapNone = 0,
brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey_WrappedKeyNr_WrapDHUK = 1,
brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey_WrappedKeyNr_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt_WrappedKeyNr { brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt_WrappedKeyNr_WrapNone = 0,
brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt_WrappedKeyNr_WrapDHUK = 1,
brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt_WrappedKeyNr_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt_WrappedKeyNr { brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt_WrappedKeyNr_WrapNone = 0,
brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt_WrappedKeyNr_WrapDHUK = 1,
brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt_WrappedKeyNr_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_FileType { brp_FileType_FileByDfName = 0,
brp_FileType_FileByFileId = 1,
brp_FileType_FileByApduCmd = 2,
brp_FileType_undefined = -1
} |
| Filetypes supported by VHL. More...
enum | brp_MifarePlusKeyMemoryType {
brp_MifarePlusKeyMemoryType_CryptoKey = 0,
brp_MifarePlusKeyMemoryType_SamKey = 1,
brp_MifarePlusKeyMemoryType_ReaderChipKey = 2,
brp_MifarePlusKeyMemoryType_VhlKey = 3,
brp_MifarePlusKeyMemoryType_undefined = -1
} |
| This value references a key memory type within the reader. More...
enum | brp_TemplateBitorder { brp_TemplateBitorder_Lsb = 0,
brp_TemplateBitorder_Msb = 1,
brp_TemplateBitorder_undefined = -1
} |
| This is the bit order for the CutNibbles command. More...
enum | brp_ProtocolID {
brp_ProtocolID_BrpSerial = 3,
brp_ProtocolID_BrpRs485 = 4,
brp_ProtocolID_BrpHid = 5,
brp_ProtocolID_BrpTcp = 134,
brp_ProtocolID_DebugInterface = 9,
brp_ProtocolID_RawSerial = 35,
brp_ProtocolID_Wiegand = 32,
brp_ProtocolID_KeyboardEmulation = 43,
brp_ProtocolID_LowLevelIoPorts = 36,
brp_ProtocolID_ClkData = 34,
brp_ProtocolID_Omron = 33,
brp_ProtocolID_Snet = 16,
brp_ProtocolID_Bpa9 = 17,
brp_ProtocolID_Ccid = 54,
brp_ProtocolID_RawSerial2 = 55,
brp_ProtocolID_Osdp = 56,
brp_ProtocolID_BleHci = 59,
brp_ProtocolID_undefined = -1
} |
| A list of all protocols. More...
enum | brp_MessageType {
brp_MessageType_Card = 0,
brp_MessageType_AlarmOn = 1,
brp_MessageType_AlarmOff = 2,
brp_MessageType_Keyboard = 3,
brp_MessageType_CardRemoval = 4,
brp_MessageType_FunctionKey = 5,
brp_MessageType_Logs = 6,
brp_MessageType_undefined = -1
} |
| Event that triggered the message. More...
enum | brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443 {
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri106Dsi106 = 0,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri212Dsi106 = 1,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri424Dsi106 = 2,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri848Dsi106 = 3,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri106Dsi212 = 4,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri212Dsi212 = 5,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri424Dsi212 = 6,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri848Dsi212 = 7,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri106Dsi424 = 8,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri212Dsi424 = 9,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri424Dsi424 = 10,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri848Dsi424 = 11,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri106Dsi848 = 12,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri212Dsi848 = 13,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri424Dsi848 = 14,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_Dri848Dsi848 = 15,
brp_MaxBaudrateIso14443_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_CryptoAlgorithm {
brp_CryptoAlgorithm_DES = 1,
brp_CryptoAlgorithm_TripleDES = 2,
brp_CryptoAlgorithm_ThreeKeyTripleDES = 3,
brp_CryptoAlgorithm_AES = 4,
brp_CryptoAlgorithm_MifareClassic = 5,
brp_CryptoAlgorithm_undefined = -1
} |
| This byte defines the crypto algorithm that shall be used when working with the key that is following. More...
enum | brp_DivisorInteger {
brp_DivisorInteger_Kbps106 = 0,
brp_DivisorInteger_Kbps212 = 1,
brp_DivisorInteger_Kbps424 = 2,
brp_DivisorInteger_Kbps848 = 3,
brp_DivisorInteger_undefined = -1
} |
| Divisor Send/Receive Integer (DSI/DRI) More...
enum | brp_FeatureID {
brp_FeatureID_GreenLed = 1,
brp_FeatureID_RedLed = 2,
brp_FeatureID_Beeper = 3,
brp_FeatureID_Relay = 4,
brp_FeatureID_MHz13 = 5,
brp_FeatureID_Khz125 = 6,
brp_FeatureID_Iso14443A = 7,
brp_FeatureID_Iso14443AUidOnly = 8,
brp_FeatureID_Iso14443B = 9,
brp_FeatureID_Iso14443BUidOnly = 10,
brp_FeatureID_Iso15693 = 11,
brp_FeatureID_Iso15693UidOnly = 12,
brp_FeatureID_Felica = 13,
brp_FeatureID_FelicaUidOnly = 14,
brp_FeatureID_Legic = 15,
brp_FeatureID_Sam = 16,
brp_FeatureID_SamAv2 = 17,
brp_FeatureID_SamHid = 18,
brp_FeatureID_Picopass = 19,
brp_FeatureID_MifareClassic = 35,
brp_FeatureID_MifarePlusEv0 = 36,
brp_FeatureID_MifareDESFireEv1 = 37,
brp_FeatureID_Srix = 38,
brp_FeatureID_Jewel = 39,
brp_FeatureID_ISO14443L4 = 40,
brp_FeatureID_InterIndustry = 41,
brp_FeatureID_EM4205 = 42,
brp_FeatureID_EM4100 = 43,
brp_FeatureID_EM4450 = 44,
brp_FeatureID_FarpointePyramid = 45,
brp_FeatureID_HidProx32 = 46,
brp_FeatureID_HidAwid = 47,
brp_FeatureID_HidProx = 48,
brp_FeatureID_HidIoProx = 49,
brp_FeatureID_Indala = 50,
brp_FeatureID_Keri = 51,
brp_FeatureID_IndalaSecure = 52,
brp_FeatureID_Quadrakey = 53,
brp_FeatureID_SecuraKey = 54,
brp_FeatureID_GProx = 55,
brp_FeatureID_Hitag1S = 56,
brp_FeatureID_Hitag2M = 57,
brp_FeatureID_Hitag2B = 58,
brp_FeatureID_BlueLed = 59,
brp_FeatureID_Cotag = 60,
brp_FeatureID_PicopassUidOnly = 61,
brp_FeatureID_IdTeck = 62,
brp_FeatureID_Tamper = 63,
brp_FeatureID_MaxHfBaudrate106kbps = 64,
brp_FeatureID_MaxHfBaudrate212kbps = 65,
brp_FeatureID_MaxHfBaudrate424kbps = 66,
brp_FeatureID_FirmwareLoader = 67,
brp_FeatureID_FwUploadViaBrpOverSer = 68,
brp_FeatureID_AesHostProtocolEncryption = 69,
brp_FeatureID_PkiHostProtocolEncryption = 70,
brp_FeatureID_HidIClass = 71,
brp_FeatureID_HidIClassSr = 72,
brp_FeatureID_HidIClassSeAndSeos = 73,
brp_FeatureID_MifareUltralight = 74,
brp_FeatureID_CardEmulationISO14443L4 = 75,
brp_FeatureID_MifareDESFireEv2 = 76,
brp_FeatureID_MifarePlusEv1 = 77,
brp_FeatureID_SamAv3 = 78,
brp_FeatureID_OsdpV217 = 79,
brp_FeatureID_Bluetooth = 80,
brp_FeatureID_RgbLed = 81,
brp_FeatureID_RgbLedLimited = 82,
brp_FeatureID_Bec2Upload = 83,
brp_FeatureID_MifareDESFireEv3 = 84,
brp_FeatureID_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_Parity { brp_Parity_None_ = 78,
brp_Parity_Even = 69,
brp_Parity_Odd = 79,
brp_Parity_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies the Parity-bit mode which is used for RS-232/UART protocols. More...
enum | brp_Baudrate {
brp_Baudrate_Baud300 = 3,
brp_Baudrate_Baud600 = 6,
brp_Baudrate_Baud1200 = 12,
brp_Baudrate_Baud2400 = 24,
brp_Baudrate_Baud4800 = 48,
brp_Baudrate_Baud9600 = 96,
brp_Baudrate_Baud14400 = 144,
brp_Baudrate_Baud19200 = 192,
brp_Baudrate_Baud28800 = 288,
brp_Baudrate_Baud38400 = 384,
brp_Baudrate_Baud57600 = 576,
brp_Baudrate_Baud115200 = 1152,
brp_Baudrate_Baud500000 = 5000,
brp_Baudrate_Baud576000 = 5760,
brp_Baudrate_Baud921600 = 9216,
brp_Baudrate_undefined = -1
} |
| The Baudrate specifies the performance of an RS-232/UART based interface in bits per second. More...
enum | brp_IoPort {
brp_IoPort_GreenLed = 0,
brp_IoPort_RedLed = 1,
brp_IoPort_Beeper = 2,
brp_IoPort_Relay = 3,
brp_IoPort_Input0 = 4,
brp_IoPort_Input1 = 5,
brp_IoPort_BlueLed = 6,
brp_IoPort_TamperAlarm = 7,
brp_IoPort_Gpio0 = 8,
brp_IoPort_Gpio1 = 9,
brp_IoPort_Gpio2 = 10,
brp_IoPort_Gpio3 = 11,
brp_IoPort_Gpio4 = 12,
brp_IoPort_Gpio5 = 13,
brp_IoPort_Gpio6 = 14,
brp_IoPort_Gpio7 = 15,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled0 = 64,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled1 = 65,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled2 = 66,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled3 = 67,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled4 = 68,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled5 = 69,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled6 = 70,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled7 = 71,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled8 = 72,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled9 = 73,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled10 = 74,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled11 = 75,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled12 = 76,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled13 = 77,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled14 = 78,
brp_IoPort_CustomVled15 = 79,
brp_IoPort_undefined = -1
} |
| I/O pins of the reader that can be controlled by the user. More...
enum | brp_FireEventAtPowerup {
brp_FireEventAtPowerup_Never = 0,
brp_FireEventAtPowerup_IfClear = 1,
brp_FireEventAtPowerup_IfSet = 2,
brp_FireEventAtPowerup_Always = 3,
brp_FireEventAtPowerup_undefined = -1
} |
| In Autoread mode this values are specifing the states that shall be assumed for input ports before reading them the first time. More...
enum | brp_CardType {
brp_CardType_Default = 0,
brp_CardType_MifareClassic = 16,
brp_CardType_Iso14443aGeneric = 17,
brp_CardType_Iso14443aInterIndustry = 18,
brp_CardType_MifareUltraLight = 19,
brp_CardType_MifareDesfire = 20,
brp_CardType_InfineonSle55 = 21,
brp_CardType_Iso14443aIntIndustryMif = 22,
brp_CardType_MifarePlusL2 = 23,
brp_CardType_LEGICAdvantIso14443a = 24,
brp_CardType_MifarePlusL3 = 25,
brp_CardType_LEGICPrimeLegacy = 32,
brp_CardType_LEGICAdvantLegacy = 33,
brp_CardType_Iso15693 = 48,
brp_CardType_LEGICAdvantIso15693 = 50,
brp_CardType_Iso14443bUnknown = 64,
brp_CardType_Iso14443bIntIndustry = 65,
brp_CardType_IClassIso14B = 66,
brp_CardType_IClassIso14B2 = 80,
brp_CardType_IClass = 96,
brp_CardType_Felica = 112,
brp_CardType_EM4205 = 128,
brp_CardType_EM4100 = 129,
brp_CardType_EM4450 = 131,
brp_CardType_Pyramid = 132,
brp_CardType_HidProx32 = 133,
brp_CardType_Keri = 134,
brp_CardType_Quadrakey = 135,
brp_CardType_HidIndala = 136,
brp_CardType_HidAwid = 137,
brp_CardType_HidProx = 138,
brp_CardType_HidIoprox = 139,
brp_CardType_Hitag1S = 140,
brp_CardType_Hitag2M = 141,
brp_CardType_Hitag2B = 142,
brp_CardType_TTF = 143,
brp_CardType_STSRIX = 144,
brp_CardType_SecuraKey = 160,
brp_CardType_GProx = 161,
brp_CardType_HidIndalaSecure = 162,
brp_CardType_Cotag = 163,
brp_CardType_Idteck = 164,
brp_CardType_BluetoothMce = 176,
brp_CardType_LEGICPrime = 192,
brp_CardType_HidSio = 224,
brp_CardType_undefined = -1
} |
enum | brp_AuthReqUpload {
brp_AuthReqUpload_Default = 0,
brp_AuthReqUpload_None_ = 1,
brp_AuthReqUpload_CustomerKey = 2,
brp_AuthReqUpload_ConfigSecurityCode = 3,
brp_AuthReqUpload_Version = 4,
brp_AuthReqUpload_GreaterVersion = 5,
brp_AuthReqUpload_undefined = -1
} |
| Specifies the authentication level the BEC/BEC2/BF3 file or ConfigCard has to fulfill to be accepted. More...
enum | brp_AutoReadMode {
brp_AutoReadMode_Disabled = 0,
brp_AutoReadMode_Enabled = 1,
brp_AutoReadMode_EnableOnce = 2,
brp_AutoReadMode_EnableIfDefinedRules = 255,
brp_AutoReadMode_undefined = -1
} |
typedef unsigned | brp_DesfireKeyIdx |
typedef unsigned | brp_Time |