§ brp_VHL_Setup_AdrMode

Specifies the addressing mode. This parameter is only available on readers supporting LEGIC advant. LEGIC prime readers ignore it.

To allow for backward compatibility with LEGIC prime readers, omitting this parameter will not result in the default value, but in the following behavior: VHL address 0 is mapped to protocol header address 25 , starting with the first data byte after the longest possible LEGIC prime stamp.


To read the segment stamp , use this mode.

VHL address 0 corresponds to protocol header address 18, starting with the first stamp data byte. The stamp, which has a length between 1 and 12 bytes, is followed by the application data.


To only read the application data of the segment, use this mode.

VHL address 0 corresponds to address 0 in the user-specific application data area ("DATA area" according to the LEGIC documentation).


For LEGIC prime cards, this addressing mode is available only with restrictions: Here, the stamp length is undefined - the card doesn't know it. So, when accessing the card using VHL.Setup , the stamp in SegmentInfo with the given length will be applied.

If the actual stamp is longer, the reader assigns the remaining part of the stamp to the application data area (DATA). If the segment is accessed via segment number, no stamp length information is available at all. In this case, the application data area (DATA) contains the complete stamp (this is equivalent to the ProtocolHeader addressing mode).

See the following table for examples.


_SegmentInfo_ EnStamp AdrMode Result of VHL.Read(Id=0xFF, Adr=0, Len=5)
1 False ProtocolHeader 0x11 22 33 44 01
0x11 22 33 True ProtocolHeader 0x11 22 33 44 01
1 False Advant 0x11 22 33 44 01
0x11 22 33 44 False Advant 0x01 02 03 04 05
0x11 22 True Advant 0x33 44 01 02 03

Definition at line 2549 of file typedefs.h.