Custom / AdminData / FactoryResetFirmwareVersion Value

This value contains information to pinpoint exactly which firmware should be loaded upon a factory reset: - the firmware ID (like 1055) - the firmware version (like 1.16.17), where each of the numbers is stored separately in BCD encoding.



Name Type/Size Description
- Array (until end of frame) -
FirmwareId Integer (16 bits) BCD number that specifies a firmware ID
(Minimum value: 0x1000, maximum value: 0x1999)
FwVersionMajor Integer (8 bits) BCD number that specifies the major number of the fw version
(Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 9)
FwVersionMinor Integer (8 bits) BCD number that specifies the minor number of the fw version
(Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 99)
FwVersionBuild Integer (8 bits) BCD number that specifies the build number of the fw version
(Minimum value: 0, maximum value: 99)