BRP Communication Library


#define BRP_ERR_AR_NOMESSAGE   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0500, 0x01)
#define BRP_ERR_AR_DISABLED   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0500, 0x10)
 maximum length of firmwarestring (see brp_exec_Sys_GetInfo()) More...
 is used if brp_time shall be infinite. More...
#define BRP_TIME_SUBTRACT(time, delta)
#define BRP_FRAME_INVALID_SIZE   ((size_t) -1)
#define BRP_LOG_DIR_PREFIX   "brp-logs-"
#define BRP_PROTID_BRP   1
 identificator for BRP protocols (see brp_protocol.h) More...
#define BRP_PROTID_TCPIP   2
 identificator for TCP/IP protocol (see tcpip_protocol.h) More...
#define BRP_PROTID_PKI   3
 identificator for composed protocols (see composite_protocol.h) More...
#define BRP_PROTID_DUMMY   5
 internal identificator for unused protocol layers in composed protocols (see composite_protocol.h). More...
#define BRP_PROTID_USB_HID   6
 identificator for USB HID protocols (see usb_hid_protocol.h) More...
#define BRP_PROTID_RS232   7
 identificator for RS232/Virtual Comport protocols (see usb_hid_protocol.h) More...
 identificator for RS232 protocol (see rs232_protocol.h) More...
 identificator for transparent BRP monitor protocol. More...
#define BRP_PROTID_CUSTOM(ndx)   (0x80+(ndx))
 identificator for custom protocols (=not implemented by this library) More...
 unnamed protocol layer More...
#define BRP_LAYERID_IO   1
 lowest protocol layer that forwards More...
#define BRP_LAYERID_BRP   3
 data to OS drivers More...
 monitoring layer More...
 encryption layer More...
 monitoring layer for dencrypted cmds More...
#define BRP_AES_KEY_SIZE   16
#define BRP_AES_BLOCK_SIZE   16
#define BRP_DEFAULT_TCP_PORT   2939
 If a TCP/IP connection is created without specifying a portnr, this default value is used as portnr. More...
 This is the default time that will be assumed as worst case for a single roundtrip. More...


typedef unsigned char * brp_buf
 represents a pointer to a protocol data buffer. More...
typedef unsigned long brp_time
 absolute/relative timeout/delay in ms. More...
typedef unsigned int brp_errcode
 This type is used library-wide for passing error codes in the return value of functions. More...
typedef struct brp_mempool_object_t * brp_mempool
 mempool handle. More...
typedef struct brp_protocol_t * brp_protocol
 This is a generic handle of a protocol. More...
typedef int brp_layer_id
 identifies the layer of a composite protocol stack (see brp_create() or brp_create_composite(). More...
typedef unsigned char brp_sec_key[BRP_AES_KEY_SIZE]
 A AES128 key, that is required for crypto operations. More...
typedef unsigned char brp_sec_iv[BRP_AES_BLOCK_SIZE]
 A AES IV. More...


BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_decode_base64_obj (char *obj_name, brp_frame encoded_frm, brp_frame decoded_frm)
 This function decodes any BASE64-encoded frame and stores the decoded data in "decoded_frm". More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_brp (void)
 Creates a new BRP protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_exec_cmd (brp_protocol protocol, int cmd_code, brp_buf param_buf, size_t param_len, brp_buf resp_buf, size_t max_resp_len, size_t *resp_len, brp_time cmd_timeout)
 Runs a command on the BRP device connected via the assigned protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_send_cmd (brp_protocol protocol, int cmd_code, brp_buf param_buf, size_t param_len, brp_time cmd_timeout, int mode)
 Sends a command frame via a BRP protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_recv_cmd (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf resp_buf, size_t max_resp_len, size_t *resp_len, brp_time timeout)
 Returns the response of a command runned on the BRP device connected via base_protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_break_cmd (brp_protocol protocol)
 Stops a command that was run with brp_send_cmd() with the mode parameter set to in BRP_MODE_CONTINUOUS or BRP_MODE_REPEAT. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_exec_Sys_GetInfo (brp_protocol protocol, char *fws)
 Retrieves the firmware string. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_exec_AR_GetMessage (brp_protocol protocol, int *msg_type, char *msg, size_t max_msg_len, size_t *msg_len)
 Returns the last message read by device. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_exec_Sys_CfgSetValue (brp_protocol protocol, int key, int value, brp_buf data, size_t data_len)
 Modifies the devices (permanent) configuration. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_exec_Sys_CfgGetValue (brp_protocol protocol, int key, int value, brp_buf data, size_t max_data_len, size_t *data_len)
 Retrieves a configuration value from the device. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_composite (void)
 Creates an empty composite protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create (void)
 This is equivalent to the following call: More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_add_layer (brp_protocol composite_protocol, brp_layer_id layer_id)
 Adds a protocol layer without assigning a protocol to it. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_set_layer (brp_protocol composite_protocol, brp_layer_id layer_id, brp_protocol layer_protocol)
 Adds/replaces a protocol layer to a composite protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_get_layer (brp_protocol composite_protocol, brp_layer_id layer_id)
 Retrieves a protocol layer from a composite protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_detach_layer (brp_protocol composite_protocol, brp_layer_id layer_id)
 Removes a protocol from a composite protocol stack without destroying. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_set_io (brp_protocol protocol, brp_protocol io_protocol)
 Assigns an I/O protocol to a composite protocol (protocol stack). More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_set_crypto (brp_protocol composite_protocol, brp_protocol crypto_protocol)
 Assigns a crypto protocol to a composite protocol (protocol stack). More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_suppress_monitoring (brp_protocol protocol)
 Disables the monitoring feature of this library. More...
BRP_LIB void brp_mempool_free (brp_mempool *mempool)
 Releases the memory of a brp_mempool. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_monitor (void)
 Creates a new Monitor protocol layer. More...
BRP_LIB char * brp_map_errcode (brp_errcode errcode)
 Retrieve name of errorcode. More...
BRP_LIB char * brp_map_errcode_to_desc (brp_errcode errcode)
 Retrieve textual description of errorcode in english. More...
BRP_LIB char * brp_map_errcode_to_docurl (brp_errcode errcode)
 Retrieve URL of the documentation describing the passed errcode. More...
BRP_LIB char * brp_map_cmdcode (unsigned cmd_code)
 Retrieve the name of a (16bit) cmdcode as C string. More...
BRP_LIB char * brp_map_cmdcode_to_docurl (unsigned cmd_code)
 Retrieve URL of the documentation describing the passed cmdcode. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_pki (int security_level, brp_buf host_cert_chain, size_t host_cert_chain_len, brp_buf dev_ca_cert_chain, size_t dev_ca_cert_chain_len, brp_buf private_key, size_t private_key_len, brp_time session_timeout)
 Creates a new PKI protocol layer. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_append_host_certs (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf host_cert_chain, size_t host_cert_chain_len)
 Adds certificate(s) to the host certificate chain. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_append_dev_ca_certs (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf dev_ca_cert_chain, size_t dev_ca_cert_chain_len)
 Adds certificate(s) to the devices CA certificate chain. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_pki_save_session (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf persistent_buf, size_t peristent_buf_size, size_t *persistent_buf_actlen)
 This command stores the current PKI session state in a persistent storage for being continued later using brp_pki_restore_session(). More...
BRP_LIB size_t brp_pki_get_session_buf_size (brp_protocol protocol)
 Returns the size of the buffer required to store the session state using brp_pki_save_session(). More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_pki_restore_session (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf persistent_buf, size_t persistent_buf_size)
 This command reloads the current PKI session that was stored by brp_pki_save_session(). More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_pki_get_dev_cert (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf dev_cert_buf, size_t dev_cert_buf_size, size_t *dev_cert_len)
 This command retrieves the certificate of the device which it created a PKI connection to. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_open (brp_protocol protocol)
 Set up a connection via this protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_close (brp_protocol protocol)
 Closes protocol. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_flush (brp_protocol)
 Deletes all data that is waiting in input buffers for being read via brp_recv_frame() (or brp_recv_fix_frame() / brp_frecv_any_frame()). More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_get_io_id (brp_protocol protocol, char **intf_name, brp_frame instance_id)
 Retrieves the instance name of the I/O-protocol of this protocol stack. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_destroy (brp_protocol)
 Closes a protocol if opened and frees all allocated resources thereafter. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_rs232 (char *dev_name, unsigned baudrate, char parity)
 Creates a protocol object for RS232/CDC interfaces from the device name. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_secure_channel (int security_level, brp_sec_key key, int sec_mode)
 Creates a new secured channel that allows you to establish an authenticated and encrypted connection over an insecure BRP channel. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_mutual_authenticate (brp_protocol protocol, int security_level, brp_sec_key key, int *req_auth_modes, brp_sec_key session_key)
 Does a mutual authentication and generates a session key. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_secured_send_frm (brp_protocol protocol, int security_level, int sec_mode, brp_sec_key key, brp_sec_iv iv, int cmd_code, brp_buf param_buf, size_t param_len, brp_time cmd_timeout, int mode)
 Sends an encrypted command. More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_secured_recv_frm (brp_protocol protocol, int sec_mode, brp_sec_key key, brp_sec_iv iv, int cmd_code, brp_frame resp_frm, brp_time timeout)
 Sends an encrypted command. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_tcpip (char *ipaddr)
 Creates a TCP/IP protocol from an IP address. More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_tcpip_by_socket (int socket)
 Creates a TCP/IP protocol from an OS-level socket that was created by the user of the BRP library. More...
BRP_LIB char * brp_get_tcpip_ipaddr (brp_protocol protocol)
 Retrieves the ipaddr set in brp_create_tcpip(). More...
BRP_LIB brp_errcode brp_set_tcpip_roundtrip_timeout (brp_protocol protocol, brp_time timeout)
 If the value of BRP_DEFAULT_TCPIP_ROUNDTRIP_TIMEOUT is not appropriate it can be finetuned for specific protocol instances via this function. More...
BRP_LIB brp_time brp_get_tcpip_roundtrip_timeout (brp_protocol protocol)
 Retrieves the value of the roundtrip timeout set by the last brp_set_tcpip_roundtrip_timeout(). More...
BRP_LIB brp_protocol brp_create_usb_hid (long long snr)
 Creates an (USB) HID protocol object from the connected baltech device with serialnumber 'snr'. More...
BRP_LIB char * brp_get_version (void)
 Returns the version of the BRP Communication Libary. More...


Specifies the run mode / frame format of BRP protocol.

#define BRP_MODE_STD   0x00
 Standard mode. More...
 legacy define More...
#define BRP_MODE_CONTINUOUS   0x01
 Continous mode. More...
#define BRP_MODE_REPEAT   0x02
 Repeat mode. More...
#define BRP_MODE_BREAK   0x03
 Stop continuous / repeat mode. More...


Defines bitmasks for :brp_errcode. If a errcode is and'ed with one of the bitmasks the corresponding part of the error can be extracted.

#define BRP_ERRMASK_GROUP   0xFFFF0000
#define BRP_ERRMASK_CODE   0x0000FFFF


#define BRP_ERRGRP_DEVICE   0x00010000u
 A command failed to execute due to a error on the device side which is not host communication related (card error, ...) More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_COMM_UNSUPPORTED   0x00800000u
 A command cannot be executed as the device does not support the requested feature. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_COMM_ACCESSDENIED   0x01000000u
 A command cannot be executed as the device does not allow access this features in the current operations mode. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_COMM_TIMEOUT   0x02000000u
 A the device or host exceeded the allowed time for sending a frame. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_COMM_FRAMEFORMAT   0x04000000u
 The device or host send a frame that does not correspond the expected frame. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_COMM_UNDEFINED   0x08000000u
 any device <-> host communication problem which is not categoriezed by one of the BRP_ERRGRP_COMM_* macros More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_COMMUNICATION   0x0F800000u
 Any kind of device <-> host communication problem. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_INVALIDCALL   0x10000000u
 The libraries API was used in an invalid manner. More...
 A fatal error occured, which the library cannot recover from. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_OS   0x40000000u
 A error in the operating system layer (i.e. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_UNDEFINED   0x80000000u
 any library specific error which is not one of the BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_* macros. More...
#define BRP_ERRGRP_LIBRARY   0xF0000000u
 Any error which occured in the library. More...


A list of standard error codes that required all over this library.

#define BRP_OK   0x00000000u
 If a function of return type :brp_errcode runs properly, it returns this value. More...
 This error must not be returned if the library operatares correctly. More...
 A BRP command that was send by brp_send_frame() exceeded the specified timeout (see also brp_send_cmd() / brp_exec_cmd()). More...
 The frame returned from the reader does not match the format expected by the BRP protocol. More...
 Returned if the a parameter contains an invalid value. More...
 The heap has not enough memory to allocate a buffer that is required for the wanted operation. More...
 The requested feature is not implemented yet. More...
 The Library is not ready to send/receive data. More...
 The protocol/device is not opened. More...
 A Command's response is bigger than the buffer provided for the response. More...
#define BRP_ERR_OPEN_IO   (0x000Au | BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_OS)
 Failed to open the I/O connection. More...
#define BRP_ERR_WRITE_IO   (0x000Bu | BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_OS)
 Failed to send data via IO connection. More...
#define BRP_ERR_WAIT_IO   (0x000Cu | BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_OS)
 Failed to wait for data via IO connection. More...
#define BRP_ERR_READ_IO   (0x000Du | BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_OS)
 Failed to wait for data via IO connection. More...
#define BRP_ERR_CLOSE_IO   (0x000Eu | BRP_ERRGRP_LIB_OS)
 Failed to open the I/O connection. More...
 The payload of a frame has invalid format. More...
 The payload of a encrypted/PKI command or a PKI certificate had invalid format/response. More...
 The devices PKI end-Certificate had invalid format. More...
 The hosts PKI Certificate or the devices CA certificates (which are stored on the host!) had invalid format. More...
 A PKI operation cannot be executed. More...
 The ECC certificate of the device is invalid. More...
 The ECC certificate of the host is invalid or the devices CA certificates (which are stored on the host!) have invalid signature. More...
 The given securitylevel is not supported. More...
 The sequence counter is not in sync any more. More...
 The HMAC is invalid. More...
 device failed to decrypt PKI command successfully More...
 The specified BRP command is not supported by the connected device. More...
 The BRP command is not allowed to be executed from the current security level. More...
 The received frame is a valid BRP frame but not expected in this protocol state. More...
 The response to a brp_recv_frame() / brp_recv_any_frame() is not returned within the specified timeout. More...
 Returned if the a frame passed to a function to be transferred to the device has invalid format. More...
 The layer is tried to be added to a composite protocol (see brp_add_layer() / brp_set_layer()) although already added earliert. More...
 The OS failed to generate a random number. More...
 The readers KEY does not match the key of the host. More...
#define BRP_ERR_STATUS(cmd_code, statuscode)
 Error codes that happen on the reader side are encoded by this macro. More...

BRP_SECMODE_ Security Modes

BRP_SECMODE_* specifies the level of security that shall be applied when establishing a secure channel.

Internally this bitmask is translated to the authmode bitmask.

Security Modes

#define BRP_SECMODE_STD   0
 This is the recommended setting as it provides ideal security. More...
 Same as BRP_SECMODE_STD, except that encryption is disabled. More...
 Allows secured communication without session handling. More...

Detailed Description