Autoread / Rule / PrioritizationMode Value

This value allows enabling a prioritization scheme which is applied when multiple cards are presented to the reader simultaneously. The prioritization guarantees that the reader always returns the prioritized card families first/only.

If prioritization is enabled the card families which shall pe prioritized are defined in Card Families. By default the prioritization is applied to any detected card. The configuration value PrioritizationTriggeringCardFamilies allows restricting the prioritization to certain card families in order to optimize the processing speed.



Name Type/Size Description
PrioMode Enumeration (8 bits) Values:
  • NoPrio (0x00)
    No prioritization is applied (default).
  • PrioReturnInOrder (0x01)
    Return prioritized card first and then the others.
  • PrioSuppressOthers (0x02)
    Return prioritized card and suppress all others.