Template / Align Protocol Frame

This command aligns the last generated bytes of destination data. Depending on the required destination length, data is clipped or extended.

If a marker is set, the marker position will be used as the start position for the data to be aligned. Otherwise, all available data will be aligned.
Template: 0x12 0x34 Align 0x00 5 Right
Destination data: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x12 0x34



Name Type/Size Description
FillByte Integer (8 bits) If the actual data block is shorter than DestLen , it will be filled up with FillByte. If Alignment is Right, it will be filled up on the left; otherwise on the right.
DestLen Integer (8 bits) The destination length of the block after alignment.
Alignment Enumeration (8 bits) This is the desired data alignment.
  • Right (0x01)
    Align to the right. Example: 00001234
  • Left (0x00)
    Align to the left. Example: 12340000