Baltech API


#define BRP_AR_ErrNoMessage   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0500, 0x01)
 No valid card has been presented to the reader so far. More...
#define BRP_AR_ErrScriptRuntime   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0500, 0x02)
 A runtime error occurred when executing the script. More...
#define BRP_AR_ErrScriptSyntax   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0500, 0x03)
 There's a syntax error in the script code. More...
#define BRP_AR_ErrScriptNotImplemented   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0500, 0x04)
 The script ran the command DefaultAction. More...
#define BRP_AR_ErrArDisabled   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0500, 0x10)
 Autoread is disabled. More...
#define BRP_ASK_ErrAskNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3600, 0x01)
 No Tag. More...
#define BRP_ASK_ErrAskRxdata   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3600, 0x03)
 Wrong length or wrong data. More...
#define BRP_ASK_ErrAskParity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3600, 0x05)
 Parity error. More...
#define BRP_ASK_ErrAskParam   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3600, 0x07)
 Wrong command param (on HF). More...
#define BRP_ASK_ErrAskHfreqctrl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3600, 0x08)
 Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control. More...
#define BRP_ASK_ErrAskHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3600, 0x09)
 Missing Platform ID or Readerchip error. More...
#define BRP_ASK_ErrAskHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3600, 0x0B)
 Hardware not supported. More...
#define BRP_Bat_ErrSkipped   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4600, 0x90)
 This command was skipped, since condition bits did not match. More...
#define BRP_BlePeriph_ErrNotInactive   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4B00, 0x01)
 Must not call BlePeriph.DefineService after calling brp_BlePeriph_Enable() More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x01)
 No tag error. More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrCollision   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x02)
 Collision occurred (status value will be stored with bit position of collision in high nibble). More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x04)
 General HF error. More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrFrame   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x07)
 Bit error, parity error or frame error (start /stop bit). More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x08)
 CRC checksum error. More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x10)
 Communication error uC - reader chip. More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrBuflen   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x11)
 Remaining data in FIFO / FIFO overflow. More...
#define BRP_CardEmu_CardemuErrTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4700, 0x3F)
 Timeout occurred while waiting for card / APDU command. More...
#define BRP_Crypto_CrptErrInvalidBlock   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0200, 0x01)
 Encrypted block format is invalid. More...
#define BRP_Crypto_CrptErrAuth   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0200, 0x02)
 Internal key cannot be accessed for the specified action due to the access condition flags settings. More...
#define BRP_Crypto_CrptErrKeyNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0200, 0x03)
 Specified key not available in the internal key list. More...
#define BRP_Crypto_CrptErrWriteConfigkey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0200, 0x04)
 Configuration key cannot be stored in the reader's configuration. More...
#define BRP_Crypto_CrptErrInvalidKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0200, 0x05)
 No valid configuration card key. More...
#define BRP_Dbg_DbgErrBusy   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF300, 0x01)
 Still processing last command. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIso14NoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x01)
 There's no card in the HF field, or the card doesn't respond. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrBreak   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x03)
 The command has been aborted because the HF interface has been requested by another task or command. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIso14Hf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x04)
 The response frame received from the PICC is invalid, e.g. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIso14CardInvalid   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x05)
 The card behaves in an unspecified way or is corrupted. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrReaderChipCommunication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x06)
 Communication with the reader's HF interface has failed. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIso14ApduCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x07)
 ISO 14443-4 error: The command or parameters are invalid. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIso14InvalidResponse   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x08)
 ISO 14443-4 error: The card returned an invalid response, e.g. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrPcdAuthentication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x09)
 Authentication with the PICC has failed, e.g. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIntegrity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x0A)
 Secure messaging error: The CRC or MAC checksum doesn't match the transmitted data. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrPcdKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x0B)
 The key in the SAM/crypto memory is invalid or missing. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrNoChanges   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x0C)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: No changes done to backup files, CommitTransaction / AbortTransaction not necessary. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrPcdParam   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x0D)
 The BRP command contains an invalid parameter. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_VcsAndProxCheckError   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x0F)
 The proximity check has timed out. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrFirmwareNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x10)
 This command or parameter isn't supported by the reader firmware. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrSamCommunication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x11)
 Communication with the SAM has failed. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrSamUnlock   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x12)
 Unlocking/authenticating with the SAM has failed. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrHardwareNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x13)
 This command isn't supported by the reader hardware. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIllegalCmdLegacy   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x1C)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Command code not supported by card. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrLength   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x20)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Length of command string invalid. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrPermissionDenied   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x21)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Current configuration/state does not allow the requested command. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrParameter   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x22)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Value of the parameter invalid. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrAppNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x23)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Requested AID not present on PICC. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrAppIntegrity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x24)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Unrecoverable error in application. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrAuthentication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x25)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Current authentication status does not allow execution of requested command. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrBoundary   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x27)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Attempted to read/write beyond the limits of the file. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrPiccIntegrity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x28)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Unrecoverable error within PICC, PICC will be disabled. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrCommandAborted   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x29)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Previous command was not fully completed. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrPiccDisabled   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x2A)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: PICC was disabled by an unrecoverable error. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrCount   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x2B)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Number of applications limited to 28, no additional CreateApplication possible. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrDuplicate   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x2C)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Creation of file/application failed because file/application with same number already exists. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrEeprom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x2D)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Could not complete NV-write operation due to loss of power, internal backup/rollback mechanism activated. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrFileNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x2E)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Specified file number does not exist. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrFileIntegrity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x2F)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Unrecoverable error within file, file will be disabled. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrNoSuchKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x30)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Invalid key number specified. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrOutOfMemory   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x32)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Insufficient NV-Memory to complete command . More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrIllegalCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x33)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Command code not supported by card. More...
#define BRP_Desfire_ErrCmdOverflow   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1B00, 0x34)
 Card error as per DESFire specification: Too many commands in the session or transaction. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrUnknownPort   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x01)
 This port is not available on this hardware platform. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrMarshall   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x02)
 The structure of a StartupRun-block is wrong or the command brp_DHWCtrl_GetStartupRun() has not properly been called. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNoStartupRun   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x03)
 There was no StartupRun-block, or the brp_DHWCtrl_GetStartupRun() command was not executed. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNoPowermgr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x04)
 The Power Manager was unable to take the module into suspend mode. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNoProdloader   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x05)
 No production loader is present in the reader's flash memory. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrPfid2NotAvailable   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x06)
 No PlatformID2 available. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrEepIndex   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x11)
 Specified EEPROM address and amount of Bytes to write are not compatible. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrEepVerify   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x12)
 Data written to EEPROM could not be verified. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrEepTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x13)
 Data could not be written within timeout. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflash   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x20)
 Dataflash could not be found. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x21)
 Timeout occurred. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashVerify   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x22)
 Verification failed after writing data. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashParam   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x23)
 Parameter(s)/address(es) are not valid. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashSpi   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x24)
 Communication via SPI interface failed. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrDataflashFlash   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x25)
 Flash device behaves in an unspecified manner. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrAvrProgSpi   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x30)
 SPI programming instruction couldn't be executed successfully. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrAvrProgPdi   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x31)
 PDI operation couldn't be executed successfully. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNicNoData   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x50)
 No data was received by NIC. More...
#define BRP_DHWCtrl_ErrNicBufferFlow   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xE000, 0x51)
 Received data was to big for buffer. More...
#define BRP_Disp_DispPageNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4100, 0x01)
 Page was neither found in configuration nor in flash. More...
#define BRP_Disp_DispUnexpectedEop   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4100, 0x02)
 Unexpected end of page. More...
#define BRP_Disp_DispOutOfMem   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4100, 0x03)
 Too much defines, too much frames or too much strings used by this page. More...
#define BRP_Disp_DispFrameNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4100, 0x04)
 The specified frame is not defined. More...
#define BRP_Disp_DispUnknownCommand   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4100, 0x05)
 The render command is not known. More...
#define BRP_Disp_DispStringTooLong   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4100, 0x06)
 String is too long. More...
#define BRP_Disp_DispInvalidFont   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4100, 0x07)
 invalid font More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x01)
 No tag error. More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmRxdata   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x03)
 Wrong length or wrong data. More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmChecksum   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x04)
 Receive checksum error. More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmParity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x05)
 Receive parity error. More...
#define BRP_EM_EmCmdError   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x06)
 Error detected during command execution. More...
#define BRP_EM_EmTagtypeNotDetected   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x07)
 Unknown tag type or modulation not detected. More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmOvTo   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x08)
 ISR buffer overflow during send/receive, TO during send. More...
#define BRP_EM_EmParamError   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x09)
 Host command parameter error. More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmHfreqctrl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x0A)
 Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control. More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x0B)
 Missing Platform ID or Readerchip error. More...
#define BRP_EM_ErrEmHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3100, 0x0D)
 Hardware not supported. More...
#define BRP_EpcUid_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2200, 0x01)
 No label in field of antenna. More...
#define BRP_EpcUid_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2200, 0x04)
 General HF error. More...
#define BRP_EpcUid_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2200, 0x10)
 Error in communication to reader chip. More...
#define BRP_EpcUid_ErrCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2200, 0x20)
 Command and/or parameters invalid. More...
#define BRP_Eth_ErrNoResultYet   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4500, 0x01)
 No result yet. More...
#define BRP_Eth_ErrNotConnected   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4500, 0x02)
 Port is not connected. More...
#define BRP_Eth_ErrDisabled   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4500, 0x03)
 Detection is disabled. More...
#define BRP_Felica_ErrFelicaNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1C00, 0x01)
 No PICC in HF field. More...
#define BRP_Felica_ErrFelicaHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1C00, 0x04)
 PICC-reader communication error. More...
#define BRP_Felica_ErrFelicaFrame   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1C00, 0x07)
 Bit error, parity error or frame error. More...
#define BRP_Felica_ErrFelicaCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1C00, 0x10)
 Communication error uC - reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Felica_ErrFelicaCardNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1C00, 0x22)
 Reader chip does not support cardtype-selected baud rate. More...
#define BRP_Felica_ErrFelicaHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1C00, 0x23)
 Command not supported by hardware. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrFsCorrupt   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x01)
 The file system is corrupt: Format required. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrRecordCorrupt   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x02)
 The current record is corrupt. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrFlashAccess   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x03)
 Dataflash cannot be accessed: Hardware error. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrDirectoryFull   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x04)
 The File cannot be created, since there are no more free entries. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrFileNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x05)
 The file is not created yet. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrEndOfFile   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x06)
 The end of the file is reached: no more records available. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrFull   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x07)
 There is no more space on the Dataflash. More...
#define BRP_FlashFS_ErrFileExist   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4900, 0x08)
 The file cannot be created, since it already exists. More...
#define BRP_Ftob_ErrInvalidFilename   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0300, 0x01)
 The specified file name is not supported by the reader. More...
#define BRP_Ftob_ErrFileAccessDenied   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0300, 0x02)
 Permission missing to read/write file. More...
#define BRP_Ftob_ErrWriteBlock   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0300, 0x03)
 Cannot write data. More...
#define BRP_Ftob_ErrReadBlock   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0300, 0x04)
 Cannot read data. More...
#define BRP_Ftob_ErrNoFileActive   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0300, 0x05)
 Cannot transfer data without opening a file. More...
#define BRP_Ftob_ErrOutOfMemory   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0300, 0x06)
 Filesystem ran out of memory. More...
#define BRP_Ftob_ErrBroken   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0300, 0x07)
 Transfer was broken prematurely with FinishTransfer. More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrHidNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x01)
 No tag error. More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrHidRxdata   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x03)
 Wrong length or wrong data. More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrHidParity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x05)
 Parity error. More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrHidParam   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x07)
 Wrong command param (on HF). More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrHidHfreqctrl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x08)
 Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control. More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrHidHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x09)
 Reader chip hardware error. More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrHidHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x0B)
 Hardware not supported. More...
#define BRP_HID_ErrLicense   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3300, 0x0C)
 You use an HID Prox/Indala/Keri card, but the reader doesn't have the required Prox license. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x01)
 No tag error. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgCollision   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x02)
 Collision occurred. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgRxdata   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x03)
 Wrong length or wrong data. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_HtgChecksum   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x04)
 Receive checksum error. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_HtgWrongParam   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x07)
 Wrong command parameter. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgAuth   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x09)
 Authentication error. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgOvTo   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x08)
 ISR buffer overflow during send/receive, TO during send. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x0A)
 Reader chip HW error. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgCr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x0B)
 Crypt processor HW error. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgCfg   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x0C)
 Update of configuration not successful. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgHfreqctrl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x0D)
 Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control. More...
#define BRP_Hitag_ErrHtgHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3000, 0x0F)
 Hardware not supported. More...
#define BRP_I2c_ErrI2CRead   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0800, 0x01)
 Error reading from I2C interface. More...
#define BRP_I2c_ErrI2CWrite   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0800, 0x02)
 Error writing to I2C interface. More...
#define BRP_I4CE_ErrIso144State   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4800, 0x01)
 Emulated PICC currently not in the proper state to exchange ISO14443-4 APDUs (PCD didn't activate the protocol or PICC has been deselected). More...
#define BRP_I4CE_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4800, 0x02)
 Communication problem between microcontroller and reader chip. More...
#define BRP_I4CE_ErrTransmission   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4800, 0x03)
 HF transmission error (e.g. More...
#define BRP_I4CE_ErrTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4800, 0x04)
 Timeout: no APDU was received from the PCD within the specified time. More...
#define BRP_I4CE_ErrOverflow   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4800, 0x05)
 Buffer overflow: the PCD sent more data than the receive buffer of the emulated PICC can handle. More...
#define BRP_I4CE_ErrInternal   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4800, 0x06)
 Internal error - should never occur. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x01)
 No card in field of antenna or card in field of antenna does not match the given VHL-file. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrCollision   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x02)
 More than one PICC answered in the same time slot and none of them could therefore be requested correctly. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x04)
 General HF error. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x06)
 Key error (Only triggered by Mifare authentication). More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrFrame   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x07)
 Bit error, Parity error or Frame error (start/stop bit). More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x08)
 CRC checksum error. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x10)
 Error in communication with reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrEeprom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x21)
 Error accessing EEPROM of the reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrCardNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x22)
 Reader chip does not support card type. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_ErrHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x23)
 Command not supported by hardware. More...
#define BRP_Iso14a_BreakErr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1300, 0x30)
 Command has been interrupted. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x01)
 No card in field of antenna or card in field of antenna does not match given VHL-file. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrCollision   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x02)
 More than one PICC answered in the same time slot and none of them could therefore be requested correctly. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrAuth   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x03)
 Authentication error. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x04)
 General HF error. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrFrame   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x07)
 Bit error, parity error or frame error (start/stop bit). More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x08)
 CRC checksum error. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x10)
 Error in communication with reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrEeprom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x21)
 Error accessing EEPROM of the reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrCardNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x22)
 Reader chip does not support card type. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrMem   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x23)
 Either internal list of labels or response buffer full. More...
#define BRP_Iso14b_ErrHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1400, 0x24)
 Command not supported by hardware. More...
#define BRP_Iso14CE_ErrIso144State   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4A00, 0x01)
 Emulated PICC currently not in the proper state to exchange ISO14443-4 APDUs (PCD didn't activate the protocol) More...
#define BRP_Iso14CE_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4A00, 0x02)
 Communication problem between microcontroller and reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Iso14CE_ErrTransmission   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4A00, 0x03)
 HF transmission error (e.g. More...
#define BRP_Iso14CE_ErrTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4A00, 0x04)
 Timeout: no APDU was received from the PCD within the specified time. More...
#define BRP_Iso14CE_ErrOverflow   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4A00, 0x05)
 Buffer overflow: the PCD sent more data than the receive buffer of the emulated PICC can handle. More...
#define BRP_Iso14CE_ErrInternal   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4A00, 0x06)
 Internal error - should never occur. More...
#define BRP_Iso14CE_ErrDeselect   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4A00, 0x07)
 PICC has been deselected. More...
#define BRP_Iso14L4_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1600, 0x01)
 No card in field of antenna or card in field of antenna does not match given VHL-file. More...
#define BRP_Iso14L4_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1600, 0x04)
 General HF error. More...
#define BRP_Iso14L4_ErrCard   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1600, 0x05)
 PICC corrupt or behaves unspecified. More...
#define BRP_Iso14L4_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1600, 0x10)
 Error in communication to reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Iso14L4_ErrCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1600, 0x23)
 Command and/or parameters invalid. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x01)
 No label in field of antenna. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrCollision   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x02)
 This status code is triggered by two events: More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x04)
 General HF Error. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrLabel   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x05)
 Label status error. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x10)
 Error in communication to reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x20)
 Command and/or parameters invalid. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrParamNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x23)
 Reader chip does not support label type parameters. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrMem   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x24)
 Either internal list of labels or response buffer full. More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrLabelBlocksize   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x25)
 The blocks requested are not equal in size (Read multiple blocks). More...
#define BRP_Iso15_ErrHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2100, 0x26)
 Command not supported by hardware. More...
#define BRP_Iso78_ErrInvalidSlot   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4000, 0x02)
 The specified slot index is not supported. More...
#define BRP_Iso78_ErrAbort   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4000, 0x10)
 SAM aborted command execution by sending an abort command. More...
#define BRP_Iso78_ErrProtNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4000, 0x20)
 The specified protocol is not supported. More...
#define BRP_Iso78_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4000, 0x21)
 Communication error. More...
#define BRP_Iso78_ErrHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4000, 0x22)
 Hardware error. More...
#define BRP_Iso78_ErrInvalid7816Cmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4000, 0x31)
 The command/parameter(s) is/are not supported by the SAM. More...
#define BRP_Legic_ErrCommunication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1E00, 0x01)
 Communication error. More...
#define BRP_Legic_ErrNotInitialized   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1E00, 0x02)
 LEGIC support is not initialized yet. More...
#define BRP_Legic_ErrNotAssembled   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1E00, 0x03)
 No appropriate LEGIC reader chip is assembled on this hardware. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrNomim   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x01)
 No LEGIC Prime card detected. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrInvalidCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x02)
 Either the desired command is impossible to execute because no card is currently selected, or the specified parameters are invalid (e.g. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrAccessDenied   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x03)
 Read/write not allowed due to the access conditions flags of the selected card/segment. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x04)
 Error occurred while transferring data via the HF field. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrDataCorrupt   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x05)
 Data has been corrupted during transmission between the reader and the card. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x06)
 CRC checksum invalid. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrCommunication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x07)
 Checksum error most likely occurred in internal communication. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrMimCorrupt   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x08)
 Card is corrupted and may not longer be used. More...
#define BRP_Lg_ErrBusy   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x09)
 The SM05 is busy and cannot process the command. More...
#define BRP_Lg_NotInitialized   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1100, 0x0A)
 The SC-2560 is still powering up and is not available yet. More...
#define BRP_Lga_ErrNotag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1200, 0x01)
 No LEGIC Advant/Prime card found in the reader's HF field or communication with card lost. More...
#define BRP_Lga_ErrLegic   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1200, 0x02)
 The LEGIC reader chip returned an error code. More...
#define BRP_Lga_ErrCommunication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1200, 0x03)
 Communication error. More...
#define BRP_Lga_ErrNotInitialized   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1200, 0x04)
 LEGIC support is not initialized yet. More...
#define BRP_Lga_ErrNotAssembled   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1200, 0x05)
 No LEGIC reader chip is assembled on this hardware. More...
#define BRP_Lic_ErrNoLicCard   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0B00, 0x01)
 No valid LicenseCard detected. More...
#define BRP_Lic_ErrAccess   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0B00, 0x02)
 Card cannot be accessed (e.g. More...
#define BRP_Lic_ErrNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0B00, 0x03)
 The license type of the presented LicenseCard isn't supported by the reader hardware or firmware. More...
#define BRP_Lic_ErrAlreadyActive   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0B00, 0x04)
 A license of this type is already activated on the reader. More...
#define BRP_Lic_ErrNoFreeLicense   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0B00, 0x05)
 The LicenseCard contains no free license. More...
#define BRP_Lic_ErrActivation   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0B00, 0x06)
 The license couldn't be activated on the reader. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x01)
 No tag present in the reader's RFID field. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x02)
 CRC checksum error. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtParity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x05)
 Parity error. More...
#define BRP_LT_LtNackReceived   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x06)
 NACK received, command not accepted. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x07)
 General HF error. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtSnr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x08)
 Collision occurred. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtBitcount   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x0B)
 Wrong number of bits received from the transponder. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtFileov   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x0C)
 To many blocks written to file. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x0D)
 Communication error uC - reader chip. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x13)
 Command syntax error. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtEepRead   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x15)
 Error reading EEPROM of the reader. More...
#define BRP_LT_ErrLtEepWrite   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA000, 0x16)
 Error writing EEPROM of the reader. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrOutdatedFirmware   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x01)
 Is returned by isFirmwareUpToDate() if the following piece of firmware is not up to date. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrUnknownVersion   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x02)
 Is returned by isFirmwareUpToDate() if it's unknown whether the following piece of firmware is outdated or not. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrInvalidState   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x10)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadStart if an upload process is already running or by Bf3UploadContinue if an upload process is currently not active. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrReadFile   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x11)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if BF3/BEC2 file data couldn't be retrieved from the host. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrInvalidFormat   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x12)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the BF3/BEC2 file has an invalid format. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrInvalidCustomerKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x13)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the customer key of the BEC2 file doesn't match the customer key stored in the reader. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrInvalidConfigSecurityCode   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x14)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the Config Security Code of the BEC2 file doesn't match the Config Security Code stored in the reader. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrInvalidConfigVersion   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x15)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the configuration version of the BEC2 file is older than the configuration version stored in the reader. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrInvalidCmac   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x16)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the Message Authentication Code (CMAC) of the BF3/BEC2 file is incorrect. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrUpload   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x17)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if a component of the current BF3/BEC2 file couldn't be written to the reader memory. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrUnsupportedFirmware   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x18)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the BF3/BEC2 file contains a firmware which is not supported by the reader hardware. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrAlreadyUpToDate   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x19)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if all relevant components of the current BF3/BEC2 file are already up to date. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrMissingConfigSecurityCode   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x1A)
 Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the reader was not able to decode the current BEC2 file, because there is no Config Security Code stored in the reader yet. More...
#define BRP_Main_ErrInvalidEccKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xF000, 0x1B)
 The elliptic curve key that is used to encrypt the configuration is wrong. More...
#define BRP_Mce_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4D00, 0x01)
 No valid MCE device is currently presented to the reader. More...
#define BRP_Mce_ErrDisabled   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4D00, 0x03)
 MCE functionality is currently disabled. More...
#define BRP_Mce_ErrLicense   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4D00, 0x04)
 A valid BLE license is required, but not available. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x01)
 There's no card in the HF field, or the card doesn't respond. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x02)
 The response frame is invalid, e.g. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrAuth   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x04)
 Card authentication has failed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrParity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x05)
 Legacy error code: The parity bits don't match the transmitted data. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrCode   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x06)
 The card behaves in an unspecified way. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrSnr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x08)
 Legacy error code: The serial number is wrong. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x09)
 The key in the SAM/crypto memory is invalid or missing. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrNotauth   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x0A)
 Card authentication has failed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrBitcount   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x0B)
 Legacy error code: HF data transition error. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrBytecount   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x0C)
 Legacy error code: HF data transition error. More...
#define BRP_Mif_VcsAndProxCheckError   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x0E)
 The proximity check has timed out. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrWrite   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x0F)
 Writing to the card has failed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrInc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x10)
 Legacy error code: Increment couldn't be performed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrDecr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x11)
 Legacy error code: Decrement couldn't be performed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrRead   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x12)
 Reading data from the card has failed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrOvfl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x13)
 Legacy error code: An overflow occurred during decrement or increment. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrFraming   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x15)
 The response frame is invalid, e.g. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrBreak   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x16)
 The command has been aborted because the HF interface has been requested by another task or command. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x17)
 The specified command or parameters are unknown. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrColl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x18)
 An error occurred in the anti-collision sequence. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrReaderChipCommunication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x1A)
 Communication with the reader's HF interface has failed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrFirmwareNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x1D)
 This command isn't supported by the reader firmware. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrVal   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x1E)
 A value operation, e.g. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrIntegrity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x1F)
 Secure messaging error: The CRC or MAC checksum doesn't match the transmitted data. More...
#define BRP_Mif_CondNotvalid   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x20)
 Card error as per MIFARE specification: Condition of use not satisfied. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x21)
 This command isn't supported by the reader hardware, i.e. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrSamUnlock   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x22)
 Unlocking/authenticating with the SAM has failed. More...
#define BRP_Mif_ErrSamCommunication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1000, 0x23)
 Communication with the SAM has failed. More...
#define BRP_MobileId_ErrNoCredential   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4C00, 0x01)
 No valid credential has been presented to the reader so far. More...
#define BRP_MobileId_ErrProtocol   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4C00, 0x02)
 The credential is trying to perform an action that doesn't comply with the BALTECH Mobile ID protocol. More...
#define BRP_MobileId_ErrAuthentication   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4C00, 0x03)
 An authentication error occured, e.g. More...
#define BRP_MobileId_ErrCredentialVersion   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4C00, 0x04)
 The version of the presented credential is not compatible with the current reader firmware. More...
#define BRP_MobileId_ErrCredentialCmac   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4C00, 0x05)
 The presented credential is rejected due to an invalid CMAC. More...
#define BRP_MobileId_ErrDisabled   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4C00, 0x10)
 Mobile ID functionality is currently disabled. More...
#define BRP_MsgQueue_ErrMsgqRecvTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA600, 0x01)
 Timeout: no message received within the specified time interval. More...
#define BRP_MsgQueue_ErrMsgqNotackedTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA600, 0x02)
 Timeout: the message was not picked up within the specified time interval. More...
#define BRP_MsgQueue_ErrMsgqCollision   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA600, 0x03)
 Collision: there is already a message in the queue - pick up this data first. More...
#define BRP_MsgQueue_ErrMsgqBufoverflow   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA600, 0x04)
 Buffer Overflow: the message is too large and can not be processed. More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x01)
 No PICC. More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrCollision   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x02)
 Collision occurred (value will be ordered with bit position of collision in high nibble!) More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x04)
 General HF error. More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrFrame   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x07)
 Bit error, parity error or frame error (start/stop-bit) More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x08)
 CRC checksum error. More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x10)
 Communication error UC - reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrCardNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x22)
 Reader chip does not support card type. More...
#define BRP_Pico_ErrHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x1A00, 0x23)
 Command not supported by hardware. More...
#define BRP_Pki_ErrCrypto   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0900, 0x01)
 Invalid Key used for encryption/MACing or MAC is invalid. More...
#define BRP_Pki_ErrTunnel   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0900, 0x02)
 It is not possible to tunnel this command. More...
#define BRP_Pki_ErrCert   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0900, 0x03)
 The certificate (or key) has invalid format or signature. More...
#define BRP_Pki_ErrSeqctr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0900, 0x04)
 The sequence counter was too low. More...
#define BRP_Pki_ErrSeclevelUnsupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0900, 0x05)
 This security level has no key for authentication. More...
#define BRP_Pki_ErrSessionTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0900, 0x06)
 The security session timed out. More...
#define BRP_QKey_ErrQkeyNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3500, 0x01)
 No tag error. More...
#define BRP_QKey_ErrQkeyRxdata   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3500, 0x03)
 Wrong length or wrong data. More...
#define BRP_QKey_ErrQkeyParity   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3500, 0x05)
 Parity error. More...
#define BRP_QKey_ErrQkeyParam   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3500, 0x07)
 Wrong command param (on HF). More...
#define BRP_QKey_ErrQkeyHfreqctrl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3500, 0x08)
 Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control. More...
#define BRP_QKey_ErrQkeyHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3500, 0x09)
 Missing Platform ID or Readerchip error. More...
#define BRP_QKey_ErrQkeyHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3500, 0x0B)
 Hardware not supported. More...
#define BRP_Rtc_ErrHardware   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0400, 0x01)
 The RTC hardware is defect. More...
#define BRP_Rtc_ErrVoltageLow   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0400, 0x02)
 The battery of the RTC is low. More...
#define BRP_Sec_ErrCrypto   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0700, 0x01)
 Invalid key used for encryption/MACing, MAC address invalid, or decrypted data invalid. More...
#define BRP_Sec_ErrTunnel   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0700, 0x02)
 It is not possible to tunnel this command. More...
#define BRP_Srix_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2400, 0x01)
 No Tag. More...
#define BRP_Srix_ErrFrame   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2400, 0x03)
 Frame Error (CRC, parity...) More...
#define BRP_Srix_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2400, 0x04)
 General hf error. More...
#define BRP_Srix_ErrCom   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2400, 0x05)
 Hardware error. More...
#define BRP_Srix_ErrSrixCardtypeNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2400, 0x06)
 Chip type not supported by reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Srix_ErrHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2400, 0x07)
 Hardware does not support reader chip. More...
#define BRP_Srix_ErrCmdBreak   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2400, 0x08)
 Command has been interrupted. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgFull   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x01)
 There's not enough space to store the reader's configuration values. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgAccess   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x02)
 Reading/writing to the internal memory failed. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgNotFound   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x03)
 The meaning of this status code varies depending on the access mode: More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidCfgBlock   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x04)
 The format of the configuration file (BEC file) is invalid. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgAccessDenied   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x05)
 Memory access denied. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrRegAccess   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x06)
 Register cannot be modified or doesn't exist. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidProtocol   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x07)
 The selected protocol isn't supported by the current firmware. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrNotSupportedByHardware   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x08)
 This feature isn't supported by the reader hardware. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrFactsetRestore   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x09)
 Restoring the reader's factory settings failed. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgConfigSecurityCode   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0A)
 brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock() was run with an invalid Config Security Code, i.e. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgVersion   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0B)
 brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock() was run with a configuration version that is older than the one currently deployed (learn more). More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrCfgLoadWrongState   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x0C)
 The command can't be run in the current (CfgLoadBlock) state, i.e. More...
#define BRP_Sys_ErrInvalidFwCrc   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0000, 0x7F)
 The CRC of the firmware is invalid. More...
#define BRP_TTF_ErrTtfNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3400, 0x01)
 No tag error. More...
#define BRP_TTF_ErrTtfRxdata   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3400, 0x03)
 Wrong length or wrong data. More...
#define BRP_TTF_ErrTtfParam   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3400, 0x07)
 Wrong cmd param. More...
#define BRP_TTF_ErrTtfOvTo   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3400, 0x08)
 ISR buffer overflow during receive. More...
#define BRP_TTF_ErrTtfHfreqctrl   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3400, 0x09)
 Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control. More...
#define BRP_TTF_ErrTtfHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3400, 0x0A)
 Platform ID missing or hardware error. More...
#define BRP_TTF_ErrTtfHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x3400, 0x0C)
 Hardware not supported. More...
#define BRP_UI_ErrInvalidPort   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0A00, 0x01)
 The specified port isn't available or it doesn't support the desired operation. More...
#define BRP_UlRdr_ErrResponse   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA500, 0x01)
 Response received from reader is unexpected. More...
#define BRP_UlRdr_ErrSequence   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA500, 0x02)
 Command sequence was not kept. More...
#define BRP_UlRdr_ErrSignature   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0xA500, 0x03)
 Signature of SEND_ENCRYPTED is invalid. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x01)
 There's no card in the HF field, or the card doesn't respond. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrAuth   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x02)
 Authentication with the card has failed. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x03)
 The response frame is invalid, e.g. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrKey   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x04)
 The encryption key is undefined or inaccessible. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrNack   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x05)
 The card didn't accept the command. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrInterface   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x18)
 Communication with the reader chip has failed. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrCmd   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x19)
 The specified command or parameters are unknown. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrHwNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x20)
 This command isn't supported by the reader hardware. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_ErrFirmwareNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x21)
 This command isn't supported by the reader firmware. More...
#define BRP_Ultralight_BreakErr   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x2500, 0x28)
 The command has been aborted because the HF interface has been requested by another task or command. More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrNotconnected   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x01)
 No device connected. More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrTimeout   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x02)
 Device did not respond within Timeout. More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrNack   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x03)
 Device responded only with NACK within Timeout. More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrStall   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x04)
 Device responded with STALL. More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrTransfer   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x05)
 Error on transferring data (CRC, Invalid PID, ...). More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrUnexpectedPkt   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x06)
 Device sent unexpected data. More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrBufferoverflow   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x07)
 Received too much data. More...
#define BRP_UsbHost_UsbhstErrSetupPipes   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x4400, 0x20)
 Failure on setting up pipes. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrNoTag   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x01)
 This status code occurs in the following cases: More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrCardNotSelected   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x02)
 The command can't be run because no card is selected. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrHf   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x03)
 Communication problems with the card occurred. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrConfig   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x04)
 The VHL file structure in the reader configuration is invalid or the specified VHL file isn't available. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrAuth   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x05)
 An authentication error occurred. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrRead   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x06)
 The communication sequence was OK, but reading failed. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrWrite   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x07)
 The communication sequence was OK, but writing failed. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ConfcardRead   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x08)
 A BALTECH ConfigCard has been detected successfully and will be read after this command. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrInvalidCardType   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x09)
 The desired card type doesn't match the card family of the currently selected card. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrNotSupported   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x0A)
 The command is currently not supported. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrFormat   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x0B)
 The communication sequence was OK, but formatting failed. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrHw   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x0C)
 An error occurred while communicating with the reader chip/SAM. More...
#define BRP_VHL_ErrApdu   BRP_ERR_STATUS(0x0100, 0x0D)
 Card communication error: The command has been aborted, or the response hasn't been read completely. More...


brp_errcode brp_AR_SetMode (brp_protocol protocol, brp_AutoReadMode Mode)
 This command controls Autoread mode at runtime. More...
brp_errcode brp_AR_GetMessage (brp_protocol protocol, brp_MessageType *MsgType, brp_buf *MsgData, size_t *MsgData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command checks if a card has been presented to the reader since the last AR.GetMessage execution. More...
brp_errcode brp_AR_RunScript (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Script, size_t Script_len)
 This command runs a BaltechScript. More...
brp_errcode brp_ASK_SecuraKeyRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of SecuraKey tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_ASK_GproxRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of G-Prox tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_ASK_CotagRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of Cotag tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_Bat_Run (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Bat_Run_SubCmds_Entry *SubCmds, size_t SubCmds_len, brp_Bat_Run_Rsps_Entry **Rsps, size_t *Rsps_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Run a batch of BRP commands Via condition bits, it is possible to run sub- commands selectively. More...
brp_errcode brp_Bat_CheckStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CondBitNdx, unsigned *StatusCodes, size_t StatusCodes_len, bool Invert)
 This command checks the status of the last action-sub-command (i.e. More...
brp_errcode brp_Bat_CheckAny (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CondBitNdx, unsigned CondBits, bool Invert)
 This command checks if one or more of a list of condition bits is set. More...
brp_errcode brp_Bat_CheckTemplate (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CondBitNdx, brp_buf Template, size_t Template_len, unsigned *FieldBitLens, size_t FieldBitLens_len, bool Invert)
 This command checks if the result of the last action-sub-command (i.e. More...
brp_errcode brp_Bat_Delay (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned DelayTime)
 Delays execution for a specified amount of ms. More...
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_DefineService (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf ServiceUUID, size_t ServiceUUID_len, brp_BlePeriph_DefineService_Characteristics_Entry *Characteristics, size_t Characteristics_len)
 This command registers a new BLE service. More...
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_Enable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Activate)
 This command starts/stops the advertisement of the reader as a BLE Peripheral, so you can react to connect and all other kinds of requests. More...
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_SetDeviceName (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf DeviceName, size_t DeviceName_len)
 This command sets the device name which should be advertized by the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_SetCharacteristic (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CharacteristicNdx, brp_buf NewValue, size_t NewValue_len)
 This command changes the value of a characteristic. More...
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_GetCharacteristic (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CharacteristicNdx, brp_buf *CurrentValue, size_t *CurrentValue_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the current value of a characteristic. More...
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents (brp_protocol protocol, brp_BlePeriph_GetEvents_Events_Entry **Events, size_t *Events_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns all events that have occurred since the last call of BlePeriph.GetEvents. More...
brp_errcode brp_BlePeriph_GetRSSI (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *AbsRSSI)
 This command returns the RSSI value of the connected BLE Central. More...
brp_errcode brp_CardEmu_GetMaxFrameSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *MaxFrameSize)
 This command returns the maximum size of a single ISO14443-3 frame that may be sent/received via brp_CardEmu_StartEmu() or brp_CardEmu_TransparentCmd(). More...
brp_errcode brp_CardEmu_StartEmu (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr, unsigned ATQA, unsigned SAK, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *FirstCmd, size_t *FirstCmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Switch to Passive mode and wait for a ISO1443-3a Request/Anticoll/Select sequence and receive the first frame. More...
brp_errcode brp_CardEmu_TransparentCmd (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Rsp, size_t Rsp_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Cmd, size_t *Cmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Sends a response to the command returned by brp_CardEmu_StartEmu() or to the command returned by the last brp_CardEmu_TransparentCmd(). More...
brp_errcode brp_CardEmu_GetExternalHfStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ExtFieldStat)
 Returns true if an external HF field is detected. More...
brp_errcode brp_CardEmu_StartNfc (brp_protocol protocol, bool NfcAPassiv, brp_buf Snr, unsigned ATQA, unsigned SAK, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *FirstCmd, size_t *FirstCmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Switch to Passive mode and wait for an NFC powerup sequence. More...
brp_errcode brp_Crypto_EncryptBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyIndex, brp_buf KeyValue, brp_buf Block, brp_buf *EncryptedBlock, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command encrypts an 8-Byte data block given in the Block parameter using the SkipJack algorithm. More...
brp_errcode brp_Crypto_DecryptBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyIndex, brp_buf KeyValue, brp_buf Block, brp_buf *UnencryptedBlock, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command decrypts an 8-Byte data block given in the Block parameter using the SkipJack algorithm. More...
brp_errcode brp_Crypto_EncryptBuffer (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyIndex, brp_buf KeyValue, brp_buf InitialVector, brp_buf Buffer, size_t Buffer_len, brp_buf *NextInitialVector, brp_buf *EncryptedBuffer, size_t *EncryptedBuffer_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command encrypts a variable length buffer given in the Buffer parameter using the SkipJack algorithm. More...
brp_errcode brp_Crypto_DecryptBuffer (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyIndex, brp_buf KeyValue, brp_buf InitialVector, brp_buf Buffer, size_t Buffer_len, brp_buf *NextInitialVector, brp_buf *UnencryptedBuffer, size_t *UnencryptedBuffer_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command decrypts a variable length buffer given in the Buffer parameter using the SkipJack algorithm. More...
brp_errcode brp_Crypto_BalKeyEncryptBuffer (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyVersion, unsigned EmbeddedKeyIndex, unsigned EmbeddedKeyPos, brp_buf Buffer, size_t Buffer_len, brp_buf InitialVector, size_t InitialVector_len, brp_buf *EncryptedBuffer, size_t *EncryptedBuffer_len, brp_buf *NextInitialVector, size_t *NextInitialVector_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command is a special version of the brp_Crypto_EncryptBuffer() command which always uses a customer key to encrypt a buffer of data and inserts a Crypto-Key at a desired position before encryption. More...
brp_errcode brp_Crypto_GetKeySig (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyIndex, brp_buf KeyValue, unsigned *KeySignature)
 Returns a signature of the ConfigurationKey to identify the MasterCard needed for this reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Crypto_CopyConfigKey (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyIndex, bool ForceDefaultKey)
 Copies the configuration card key 0x0202/0x85 (Device/Run/ConfigCardEncryptKey) to the Custom/Crypto/Key[x] area of the Baltech reader's configuration, where x is the index of the target key, specified in the KeyIndex parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Dbg_ReadLogs (brp_protocol protocol, char **LogData, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Get next available block of debug data. More...
brp_errcode brp_Dbg_RunCmd (brp_protocol protocol, char *Cmd)
 Run a command by emulating the corresponding keypress in DebugCommandInterface. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_ExecCommand (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Cmd, brp_buf Header, size_t Header_len, brp_buf Param, size_t Param_len, brp_Desfire_ExecCommand_CryptoMode CryptoMode, unsigned ResponseLen, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Generic command to communicate to a DESFire card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_Authenticate (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Desfire_Authenticate_SecureMessaging SecureMessaging, unsigned DesKeynr, unsigned KeyId, bool KeyHasDivData, brp_Desfire_Authenticate_KeyDivMode KeyDivMode, bool KeyHasExtIdx, brp_buf KeyDivData, size_t KeyDivData_len, unsigned KeyExtIdx)
 This command authenticates a card with the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_SecureMessaging SecureMessaging, unsigned DesKeyNr, brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey_CryptoMode CryptoMode, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len)
 This command authenticates a card with the reader, similarly to the brp_Desfire_Authenticate() command, but uses an external authentication key provided as a parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_SelectApplication (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AppId)
 Selects an application of the DESFire card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_ReadData (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, brp_Desfire_ReadData_Mode Mode, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads data from a Standard or Backup data file. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_WriteData (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len, brp_Desfire_WriteData_Mode Mode)
 Writes data to a Standard or a Backup data file. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_ChangeExtKey (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Desfire_ChangeExtKey_MasterKeyType MasterKeyType, bool IsKeySet, bool IsAesKey, bool IsVersion, bool IsChangeKey, unsigned KeyNo, unsigned KeyVersion, brp_buf NewKey, size_t NewKey_len, brp_buf OldKey, size_t OldKey_len, unsigned KeySet)
 This command allows to change any key stored on the card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_ChangeKey (brp_protocol protocol, bool IsKeySet, bool IsMasterKey, bool IsChangeKey, unsigned KeyNr, brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_NewKeyDivMode NewKeyDivMode, bool NewKeyHasDivData, bool NewKeyHasExtIdx, unsigned NewKeyIdx, brp_Desfire_ChangeKey_CurKeyDivMode CurKeyDivMode, bool CurKeyHasDivData, bool CurKeyHasExtIdx, unsigned CurKeyIdx, brp_buf NewKeyDivData, size_t NewKeyDivData_len, brp_buf CurKeyDivData, size_t CurKeyDivData_len, unsigned NewKeyExtIdx, unsigned CurKeyExtIdx, unsigned KeySet)
 Modifies a DESFire card key defined in the SAM or crypto memory. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_SetFraming (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Desfire_SetFraming_CommMode CommMode)
 This command switches the DESFire communication protocol mode to use (std, iso_wrapping). More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_ResetAuthentication (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command resets the reader's authentication state until the next call of the brp_Desfire_Authenticate() or brp_Desfire_AuthExtKey() commands. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_CreateDam (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AppId, brp_buf AppParams, size_t AppParams_len, brp_buf EncryptedDefaultDamKey, size_t EncryptedDefaultDamKey_len, brp_buf DamMacKey, size_t DamMacKey_len)
 This command creates a delegated application. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_GetOriginalitySignature (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Signature, size_t *Signature_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the NXP originality signature of a desfire card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_VirtualCardSelect (brp_protocol protocol, bool ForceVcsAuthentication, bool UseExtVcSelectKeys, unsigned DiversifyMacKey, bool DiversifyEncKey, bool UseVcSelectKeys, brp_buf IID, size_t IID_len, unsigned EncKeyIdx, unsigned MacKeyIdx, brp_buf DivData, size_t DivData_len, brp_buf EncKey, size_t EncKey_len, brp_buf MacKey, size_t MacKey_len, unsigned *FciType, brp_buf *Fci, size_t *Fci_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command selects a virtual card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_ProxCheck (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned M, bool UseExtProxKey, bool DiversifyProxKey, bool UseProxKey, unsigned ProxKeyIdx, brp_buf DivData, size_t DivData_len, brp_buf ProxKey, size_t ProxKey_len)
 This command executes a proximity check of the card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Desfire_GetDfNames (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Desfire_GetDfNames_AppNr_Entry **AppNr, size_t *AppNr_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the application identifiers together with file IDs and (optionally) DF names of all applications with ISO7816-4 support. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortConfig (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, unsigned Mode)
 Configures a port. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortGet (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, bool *Level)
 Reads the current input of a port. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortSet (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, bool Level)
 Sets the state of a port. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PortWait (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, bool Level, unsigned Timeout, unsigned *ReactionTime)
 Waits until a port has reached the specified level, or until timeout. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetResetCause (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ResetCause)
 Returns the cause of the microcontroller's last reset. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_APortMeasure (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, unsigned Count, unsigned **Voltages, size_t *Voltages_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 The selected ADC Clock is MCU Clock / 128 (i.e. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SRAMTest (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SramSize, bool *Success)
 Tests the external SRAM. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SetBaudrate (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Baudrate NewBaudrate)
 Changes the baudrate. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_MirrorData (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len, brp_buf *MirroredData, size_t *MirroredData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Sends the exact same data back. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispEnable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
 Enables the Display. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispBacklight (brp_protocol protocol, bool Backlight)
 Enables the Baltech reader display's backlight. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispColor (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Color)
 Set the drawing color. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispContrast (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Contrast)
 Changes the display contrast. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DispBox (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned X, unsigned Y, unsigned Width, unsigned Height)
 Draws a filled box. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Ser2Ctrl (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned InterfaceID, bool Enable, brp_Baudrate NewBaudrate, brp_Parity NewParity, unsigned Stopbits)
 Enable/Disable and setup the reader's 2nd RS-232/UART interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Ser2WriteRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned MaxReadCount, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf WriteData, size_t WriteData_len, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Write/Read data to/from the reader's 2nd RS-232/UART interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Ser2Flush (brp_protocol protocol)
 Wait until output to 2nd RS-232/UART interface is sent out. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Delay1ms (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Delay)
 Sleeps for some milliseconds. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Delay10us (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Delay)
 Sleeps for some microseconds. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PowermgrSuspend (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Delay, bool KeyboardWakeup)
 Takes the board into suspend mode, i.e. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ScanMatrix (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Bitmask)
 Writes a bitmask to the 573, which is used for keyboard scanning. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType (brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_GetReaderChipType_ChipType *ChipType)
 Returns the RC reader chip type. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SelectAntenna (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Ant)
 Switch external antenna. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType (brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_GetSamType_ChipType *ChipType)
 Returns the RC reader chip type. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire (brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_HfAcquire_ModuleId ModuleId)
 Acquire specific HF Subsystem. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_EepromWrite (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 Writes data to an arbitrary address in the EEPROM. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashGetSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned *PageCount, unsigned *PageSize)
 Retrieves the flash size. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashErasePages (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned StartPage, unsigned Len)
 Erase a group of pages. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned Page, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read data within a certain page. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_DataflashWrite (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Device, unsigned Mode, unsigned Page, unsigned StartAdr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 Write data to a certain page. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_EepromRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads data from the EEPROM. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_SecurityAndConfigReset (brp_protocol protocol)
 Reset configuration incl. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PulseGenerate (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, unsigned Frequency)
 Generates a pulse of specified frequency on a certain pin. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitSer2 (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the serial2 module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitRtc (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the rtc module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitLcdDrv (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the display module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitRc (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the rc module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitMf (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the Mifare module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitIso14A (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the ISO14443A module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitIso14B (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the ISO14443B module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitIso15 (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the ISO15693 module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitLg (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the Legic module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitLga (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the Legic Advant module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitDf (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the dataflash module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitRc125 (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the RC125 module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitCc (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the TDA8007 or CCUART module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitUsbHost (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the USB-Host module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitNic (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the Network Interface (NIC) module. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_BohEnable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable, bool Bug6WorkaroundEnabled)
 Enables the BRP over HID interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicEnable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
 Enables the Network Interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicGetChipType (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *ChipType, size_t *ChipType_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns the chip type of the Network Interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicGetLinkStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *LinkStatus)
 Retrieve the Link status of the Network Interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicSend (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len)
 Sends a frame via the Network Interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicReceive (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Receives a frame from the Network Interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_NicSetMAC (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf MAC)
 Set the MAC address of the Network Interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiSetSpeed (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Speed)
 Set the speed of SPI programming mode. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiEnable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
 Enables/disables the SPI programming mode of a connected slave AVR. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiSingleSend (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, unsigned Address, unsigned CmdData, unsigned Delay)
 Send a single SPI programming instruction. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiSingleRecv (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, unsigned Address, unsigned *CmdData)
 Send a single SPI programming instruction and receive one data byte. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiAlternateSend (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCodeA, unsigned CmdCodeB, unsigned Address, brp_buf CmdData, size_t CmdData_len, unsigned Delay)
 Send alternately SPI programming instructions. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_ApspiAlternateRecv (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCodeA, unsigned CmdCodeB, unsigned Address, unsigned CmdDataLen, brp_buf *CmdData, size_t *CmdData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Send alternately SPI programming instructions and receive data bytes. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiEnable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
 Enables/disables the PDI programming mode of a connected target AVR. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiEraseDevice (brp_protocol protocol)
 Erases the target chip device. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiReadFlash (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read flash memory from target device. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiEraseFlashPage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr)
 Erase flash page. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiWriteFlashPage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf WriteData, size_t WriteData_len)
 Write to internal flash page buffer. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiProgramFlashPage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr)
 Program flash page. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiReadEeprom (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read eeprom memory from target device. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiProgramEepromPage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf WriteData, size_t WriteData_len)
 Write an eeprom page to target device. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiReadFuses (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read fuse memory from target device. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_PdiWriteFuse (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Fuse)
 Write a fuse byte to target device. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashGetPageSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *PageSize)
 Retrieves the page size of the program flash. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashErasePage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len)
 Erases one or several consecutive program flash pages. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read data from program flash. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashWritePage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 Write to a temporary page buffer. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_FlashProgramPage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr)
 Program a page to program flash. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_RegisterRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned RegAdr, unsigned *RegValue)
 Read processor register. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_RegisterWrite (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned RegAdr, unsigned RegValue)
 Write processor register. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey (brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_AesWrapKey_WrappedKeyNr WrappedKeyNr, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len, brp_buf *WrappedKey, size_t *WrappedKey_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Wraps an AES key for secure storage. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt (brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_AesEncrypt_WrappedKeyNr WrappedKeyNr, brp_buf Block, size_t Block_len, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len, brp_buf *EncBlock, size_t *EncBlock_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Encrypts a block. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt (brp_protocol protocol, brp_DHWCtrl_AesDecrypt_WrappedKeyNr WrappedKeyNr, brp_buf EncBlock, size_t EncBlock_len, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len, brp_buf *Block, size_t *Block_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Decrypts a block. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetPlatformId2 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned **HWCIdLst, size_t *HWCIdLst_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the PlatformId2. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetProdLoader (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *LoaderBaudrate)
 Returns the baudrate Byte of the production-loader. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_StartProdLoader (brp_protocol protocol)
 Starts the production-loader. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Run (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf CommandList, size_t CommandList_len, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Response, size_t *Response_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Executes a list of commands. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_GetStartupRun (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Response, size_t *Response_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns the result of the execution of DHWCtrl-commands at the startup. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_InitBgm (brp_protocol protocol)
 Initializes the Bluetooth BGM12X chip. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_BgmExec (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Cmd, size_t Cmd_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Rsp, size_t *Rsp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Execute a Bgm12X API command. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00BootloaderStart (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *BootloaderString, size_t *BootloaderString_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Start SM4x00 Bootloader. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00EraseFlash (brp_protocol protocol)
 Erase SM4x00 Flash. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00WaitForFlashErase (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *EraseResponse, size_t *EraseResponse_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Check if flash erasing has been finished. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_Sm4x00ProgramBlock (brp_protocol protocol, bool IsLast, brp_buf FwBlock, size_t FwBlock_len, brp_buf *ProgramResponse, size_t *ProgramResponse_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Program one 128 byte block of SM4x00 firmware. More...
brp_errcode brp_DHWCtrl_BgmRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Rsp, size_t *Rsp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read from Bgm12X. More...
brp_errcode brp_Disp_Enable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
 Enable/Disable Display. More...
brp_errcode brp_Disp_SetContrast (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Contrast)
 Set contrast of display. More...
brp_errcode brp_Disp_EnableBacklight (brp_protocol protocol, bool EnableLight)
 Enable/Disable display backlight. More...
brp_errcode brp_Disp_Clear (brp_protocol protocol, bool DelPermanentDefines)
 Clear Page description. More...
brp_errcode brp_Disp_Load (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf PageDesc, size_t PageDesc_len)
 Load page description. More...
brp_errcode brp_Disp_Extend (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf PageDesc, size_t PageDesc_len)
 Extend page description. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_DecodeCfg (brp_protocol protocol, brp_EM_DecodeCfg_RxMod RxMod, unsigned RxBaud)
 Configures Mod and Baudtype of receiver. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Read4100 (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads the UID from EM4100/4102 labels. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Read4205 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, unsigned *Page)
 Reads a page from EM4205/4305 labels. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Write4205 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, unsigned Page)
 Writes a page to EM4205/4305 labels. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Halt4205 (brp_protocol protocol)
 Disables a 4205 tag until next power on. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Login4205 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Password)
 Login to a 4205 tag with data has to match block 1. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Protect4205 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ProtectMask)
 Protects data from being modified. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Read4469 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, unsigned *Page)
 Reads a page from EM4469/4569 labels. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Write4469 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, unsigned Page)
 Writes a page to EM4469/4569 labels. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Halt4469 (brp_protocol protocol)
 Disables a EM4469/4569 tag until next power on. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Login4469 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Password)
 Login to a EM4469/4569 tag with data has to match block 1. More...
brp_errcode brp_EM_Read4450 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StartAdr, unsigned EndAdr, unsigned **PageNr, size_t *PageNr_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads pages from a EM4450 tag (start to end address). More...
brp_errcode brp_EpcUid_UidReplyRound (brp_protocol protocol, bool EPC, bool FixSlot, unsigned SlotCoding, unsigned MaskLength, brp_buf SelectionMask, size_t SelectionMask_len, unsigned HashValue, unsigned *MemStatusFlag, unsigned *LabelNr, unsigned *LabelLength, brp_buf *LabelData, size_t *LabelData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command scans for labels in the field using time slots. More...
brp_errcode brp_EpcUid_UidWrite (brp_protocol protocol, bool EPC, unsigned BlockAdr, brp_buf BlockData, size_t BlockData_len)
 This command writes data Bytes to a label. More...
brp_errcode brp_EpcUid_UidDestroy (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf EpcUidData, size_t EpcUidData_len, brp_buf DestroyCode, size_t DestroyCode_len)
 This command will render the label permanently unable to give any replies. More...
brp_errcode brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned DR848, brp_EpcUid_EpcSetMode_Coding Coding)
 This command specifies HF coding. More...
brp_errcode brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Truncate, unsigned Target, unsigned Action, brp_EpcUid_EpcSelect_MemBank MemBank, unsigned MaskPointerLength, brp_buf MaskPointer, size_t MaskPointer_len, unsigned MaskLength, brp_buf SelectionMask, size_t SelectionMask_len)
 This command selects a particular tag population. More...
brp_errcode brp_EpcUid_EpcInventory (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Sel, unsigned Session, unsigned SlotCoding, unsigned *MemStatusFlag, unsigned *LabelNr, brp_buf *LabelData, size_t *LabelData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command executes an inventory command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_GetMacAdr (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *MAC, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieve the MAC address of the device. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_GetConnDevIP (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *IP, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieve the IP address of the directly connected network device. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_CreateRecoveryPoint (brp_protocol protocol)
 Create a Recovery Point , backing up all relevant Ethernet- and TCP/IP- settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_DelRecoveryPoint (brp_protocol protocol)
 Remove a Recovery Point which was created via the brp_Eth_CreateRecoveryPoint() command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_GetNetworkStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *PortStatus, brp_buf *StaticIPAdr, brp_buf *StaticIPNetmask, brp_buf *StaticIPGateway, brp_buf *DHCPAdr, brp_buf *DHCPNetmask, brp_buf *DHCPGateway, brp_buf *LinkLocalAdr, brp_buf *LinkLocalNetmask, brp_buf *LinkLocalGateway, brp_buf *DNSAdr, brp_buf *HostAdr, unsigned *HostPort, unsigned *AutocloseTimeout, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieve current network status. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_GetMIBCounters (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Port, unsigned **MIBCounterList, size_t *MIBCounterList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieve current MIB counters. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_GetTcpConnectionStatus (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Eth_GetTcpConnectionStatus_Status *Status)
 Retrieve the BRP over TCP connection status. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Eth_OpenTcpConnection_ConnectionReason ConnectionReason)
 Open a BRP over TCP connection to the configured host. More...
brp_errcode brp_Eth_CloseTcpConnection (brp_protocol protocol)
 Close the BRP over TCP connection. More...
brp_errcode brp_Felica_GenericCmd (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Felica_GenericCmd_FastBaud FastBaud, unsigned Cmd, brp_buf Param, size_t Param_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Generic command for FeliCa. More...
brp_errcode brp_Felica_SetUID2 (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf UID2)
 Sets UID2 used by generic command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Felica_Request (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Felica_Request_FastBaud FastBaud, unsigned SystemCode, unsigned RequestCode, unsigned *ColFlag, brp_Felica_Request_Labels_Entry **Labels, size_t *Labels_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Polls for tags with number of time slots, returns NFCID2 list of detected tags (maximum 16 / length 8). More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_GetMemoryInfo (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *TotalMem, unsigned *FreeMem)
 This command checks the consistency of the file system and retrieves information about the available dataflash memory space. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_Format (brp_protocol protocol, bool QuickFormat)
 This command resets the complete file system. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_CreateFile (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned RecordSize)
 This command creates a new empty file, if the file doesn't exist yet. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_DeleteFile (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId)
 This command deletes a file and all its contained records. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_RenameFile (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned NewFileId)
 This command changes the File ID of a file from FileId to NewFileId , provided the file with ID FileId exists and a file with ID NewFileId doesn't exist yet. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_GetRecordSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned *RecordSize)
 This command retrieves the size of a single record of a certain file. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_GetFileSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned *FileSize)
 This command retrieves the number of records a certain file contains. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_ReadRecords (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned StartRecord, unsigned RecordCount, brp_FlashFS_ReadRecords_RecordList_Entry **RecordList, size_t *RecordList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command reads one or more records from a file. More...
brp_errcode brp_FlashFS_WriteRecords (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileId, unsigned StartRecord, brp_FlashFS_WriteRecords_RecordList_Entry *RecordList, size_t RecordList_len)
 This command writes one or more records to a file. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ftob_OpenReadFile (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Filename, size_t Filename_len)
 This commands starts reading a file from the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ftob_OpenWriteFile (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Filename, size_t Filename_len, unsigned *MaxBlockLen)
 This commands starts writing a file to the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ftob_ReadFileBlock (brp_protocol protocol, bool ToggleBit, unsigned MaxBlockLength, brp_buf *BlockData, size_t *BlockData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Use this command to receive a file block by block. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ftob_WriteFileBlock (brp_protocol protocol, bool ToggleBit, brp_buf BlockData, size_t BlockData_len)
 This command writes a file block by block. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ftob_CloseFile (brp_protocol protocol, bool Success)
 This commands quits transferring a file. More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_IndalaRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of Indala tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_ProxRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns raw data of HID prox tag (read only tag / 44 bit). More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_AwidRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns number of a AWID tag (read only tag / 44 bit). More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_IoProxRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns number of a IoProx tag (read only tag / 64 bit). More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_Prox32Read (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns raw data of HID prox 32 (orange) tag (read only tag / 32bit). More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_PyramidRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns number of Farpointe Pyramid cards (variable bitlength). More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_IndalaSecureRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of indala tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_HID_IdteckRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of idteck tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_Hitag_Request (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Hitag_Request_TagType TagType, brp_Hitag_Request_Mode Mode, unsigned *Snr)
 Request and AC / according to Mode byte you can request Hitag-1 and Hitag-S tags. More...
brp_errcode brp_Hitag_Select (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Hitag_Select_SelMode SelMode, unsigned Pwd, unsigned *Page1)
 Selects a Hitag-1 or Hitag-S tag and returns page 1. More...
brp_errcode brp_Hitag_Halt (brp_protocol protocol)
 Sets a Hitag1/S label in halt mode. More...
brp_errcode brp_Hitag_Read (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, bool InvRead, bool KeyB, bool Encrypt, bool BlockRead, unsigned **PageNr, size_t *PageNr_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads a Hitag1/S label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Hitag_Write (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, bool KeyB, bool Encrypt, bool BlockWrite, unsigned *PageNr, size_t PageNr_len)
 Writes data to a Hitag1/S label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Hitag_PersonaliseHtg (brp_protocol protocol, bool Reset, bool HtgS, unsigned *Len, size_t Len_len)
 Writes personalization data for Hitag1/2 to coprocessor. More...
brp_errcode brp_I2c_SetSpeed (brp_protocol protocol, bool FastMode)
 Set speed of I2C interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_I2c_Read (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read data from I2C interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_I2c_Write (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, brp_buf WriteData, size_t WriteData_len)
 Write data to I2C interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_I2c_TxRx (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address, brp_buf CmdData, size_t CmdData_len, unsigned ReadLen, brp_buf *ReadData, size_t *ReadData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Write data and directly after that read from I2C interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_I4CE_StartEmu (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr, unsigned FWT, unsigned TimeoutPCD, unsigned TimeoutAPDU, brp_buf ATS, size_t ATS_len, unsigned AutoWTX, brp_buf *FirstCmd, size_t *FirstCmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 **This command is marked as deprecated as it is not supported by Baltech's SDK. More...
brp_errcode brp_I4CE_ExchangeInverseAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Rsp, size_t Rsp_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Cmd, size_t *Cmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 **This command is marked as deprecated as it is not supported by Baltech's SDK. More...
brp_errcode brp_I4CE_ExtendWaitingTime (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned WaitingTimeout, unsigned WTXM, unsigned RefreshTimeRatio)
 This command enables to extend the waiting time for the response from the PCD. More...
brp_errcode brp_I4CE_GetExternalHfStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ExtFieldStat)
 Polls for an external HF field and returns the status in the ExtFieldStat variable. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, bool ReqAll, brp_Iso14a_RequestLegacy_UIDSize *UIDSize, unsigned *Coll, unsigned *ProprietaryCoding)
 This commands scans for ISO 14443-3 (Type A) compliant PICCs in the field of the antenna. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_Select (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CascLev, unsigned BitCount, brp_buf PreSelSer, size_t PreSelSer_len, unsigned *SAK, brp_buf *Serial, size_t *Serial_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command Performs the anti-collision and selection sequence of a PICC in the field of the antenna. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_Halt (brp_protocol protocol)
 Switch PICC to halt state. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_RequestATS (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Iso14a_RequestATS_FSDI FSDI, unsigned CID, brp_buf *ATS, size_t *ATS_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command requests the Answer to Select (ATS) of the PICC according to the ISO 14443-3 (Type A) standard. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_PerformPPS (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CID, brp_DivisorInteger DSI, brp_DivisorInteger DRI)
 This command sets up the communication parameters for ISO 14443-4 commands. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_Request (brp_protocol protocol, bool ReqAll, brp_buf *ATQA, bool *Collision, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This commands scans for ISO 14443-3 (Type A) compliant PICCs in the field of the antenna. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_Anticoll (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BitCount, brp_buf PreSelectedSnr, brp_buf *SelectedSnr, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command performs an anti-collision sequence. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_SelectOnly (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr, unsigned *SAK)
 This command selects a PICC with a 4 Byte serial number. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_TransparentCmd (brp_protocol protocol, bool EnMifBwProt, bool EnBitmode, bool EnCRCRX, bool EnCRCTX, bool ParityMode, bool EnParity, unsigned SendDataLen, unsigned Timeout, brp_DivisorInteger DSI, brp_DivisorInteger DRI, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, brp_buf *RcvData, size_t *RcvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sends a data stream to a card and returns the communication status and the received card data stream to the host. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14a_TransparentCmdBitlen (brp_protocol protocol, bool EnHighBaudOld, bool EnParTx, unsigned SendDataLen, unsigned Timeout, brp_DivisorInteger DSI, brp_DivisorInteger DRI, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, unsigned *RecvDataLen, unsigned *CollisionPosition, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command is similar to Iso14a.TransparentCmd. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14b_Request (brp_protocol protocol, bool ReqAll, brp_Iso14b_Request_TimeSlots TimeSlots, unsigned AFI, brp_Iso14b_Request_ValueList_Entry **ValueList, size_t *ValueList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Scan for ISO 14443 (Type B) compliant PICCs in the field of the antenna. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14b_Attrib (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf PUPI, brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR0 TR0, brp_Iso14b_Attrib_TR1 TR1, brp_Iso14b_Attrib_EOF_ EOF_, brp_Iso14b_Attrib_SOF SOF, brp_DivisorInteger DSI, brp_DivisorInteger DRI, brp_Iso14b_Attrib_FSDI FSDI, unsigned CID, bool EnHLR, bool EnMBLI, bool EnCID, unsigned *AssignedCID, unsigned *MBLI, brp_buf *HLR, size_t *HLR_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Select the PICC with given PUPI serial number for further communication. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14b_Halt (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf PUPI)
 Switch the PICC with the given PUPI serial number into halt state, so that it will not answer to further brp_Iso14b_Request() commands, except when the ReqAll flag parameter of the brp_Iso14b_Request() command is set. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14b_SetTransparentSettings (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Iso14b_SetTransparentSettings_Tags_Entry *Tags, size_t Tags_len)
 **This command is obsolete and included here only for compatibility reasons. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14b_GetTransparentSettings (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Iso14b_GetTransparentSettings_Tags_Entry **Tags, size_t *Tags_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 **This command is obsolete and included here only for compatibility reasons. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14b_TransparentCmd (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned EnCRCRX, unsigned EnCRCTX, unsigned SendDataLen, unsigned Timeout, brp_DivisorInteger DSI, brp_DivisorInteger DRI, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sends a data stream to a card and returns the communication status and the received card data stream to the host. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14CE_ActivateCardAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, bool SpecifyTimeoutApdu, bool AutoWTX, unsigned ATQA, brp_buf Snr, bool DSEqualToDR, bool DS8, bool DS4, bool DS2, bool DR8, bool DR4, bool DR2, unsigned FWT, unsigned TimeoutPCD, unsigned TimeoutApdu, brp_buf ATS, size_t ATS_len, brp_buf *FirstCmd, size_t *FirstCmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command starts the reader's passive mode, emulating an ISO14443-4 compatible card, and returns the first APDU request received. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14CE_ExchangeCardAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Rsp, size_t Rsp_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *Cmd, size_t *Cmd_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Send an APDU response to the APDU request received during the last call of Iso14CE.ExchangeInverseAPDU or brp_Iso14CE_ActivateCardAPDU(), and receive the next PCD APDU request. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14CE_ExtendWaitingTime (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned WaitingTimeout, unsigned WTXM, unsigned RefreshTimeRatio)
 This command enables to extend the waiting time for the response from the PCD. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14CE_GetExternalHfStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ExtFieldStat)
 Polls for an external HF field and returns the status in the ExtFieldStat variable. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, bool EnDefault, unsigned ToggleAB, bool EnNAD, bool EnCID, unsigned CID, unsigned NAD, brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FSCI FSCI, brp_Iso14L4_SetupAPDU_FWI FWI, brp_DivisorInteger DSI, brp_DivisorInteger DRI)
 Setup communication parameters and select a certain PICC for APDU exchange. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14L4_ExchangeAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command allows to transmit/receive Application Protocol Data Units (APDUs) according to the ISO 14443-4 standard. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso14L4_Deselect (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command switches one or multiple PICC(s) to halt state. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_SetParam (brp_protocol protocol, bool ModulationIndex, bool TXMode, bool HighDataRate, bool DualSubcarrier)
 This command configures the reader chip. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_GetParam (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ModulationIndex, unsigned *TXMode, unsigned *HighDataRate, unsigned *DualSubcarrier)
 This command reads the configuration of the reader chip. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_GetUIDList (brp_protocol protocol, bool EnAFI, bool NextBlock, bool AutoQuiet, bool EnDSFID, bool En16Slots, unsigned AFI, unsigned *More, brp_Iso15_GetUIDList_Labels_Entry **Labels, size_t *Labels_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command scans for ISO 15693 labels which are in the field of the readers antenna and which are not in quiet-state. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_SetMode (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode, brp_buf UID)
 This command configures the mode to address a label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_StayQuiet (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command puts a label into the quiet-state. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_ReadBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, unsigned BlockNum, bool EnBlockSec, unsigned *LabelStat, unsigned *BlockLen, brp_Iso15_ReadBlock_Data_Entry **Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 **For new applications please use brp_Iso15_ReadMultipleBlocks() as this command is deprecated and may be removed in future. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_WriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, unsigned BlockNum, unsigned BlockLen, bool OptionFlag, brp_buf *Data, size_t Data_len, unsigned *LabelStat)
 **For new applications please use brp_Iso15_WriteMultipleBlocks() as this command is deprecated and may be removed in future. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_LockBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, bool OptionFlag, unsigned *LabelStat)
 This command permanently locks the block with ID BlockID. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_ResetToReady (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *LabelStat)
 This command puts a label into ready-state , according to the VICC state transition diagram from the ISO 15693-3 specification. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_WriteAFI (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AFI, bool OptionFlag, unsigned *LabelStat)
 This commands writes the AFI value into the label's memory. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_LockAFI (brp_protocol protocol, bool OptionFlag, unsigned *LabelStat)
 This command locks the AFI value permanently into the reader's memory. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_WriteDSFID (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned DSFID, bool OptionFlag, unsigned *LabelStat)
 This commands writes the DSFID value into the label's memory. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_LockDSFID (brp_protocol protocol, bool OptionFlag, unsigned *LabelStat)
 This command locks the DSFID value permanently into the reader's memory. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_GetSystemInformation (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *LabelStat, bool *EnICRef, bool *EnMemSize, bool *EnAFI, bool *EnDSFID, brp_buf *SNR, unsigned *DSFID, unsigned *AFI, unsigned *BlockNum, unsigned *BlockSize, unsigned *ICRef, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command gets the system information of a VICC. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_GetSecurityStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, unsigned BlockNum, unsigned *LabelStat, unsigned **BlockStat, size_t *BlockStat_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the block security status of a label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_CustomCommand (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Cmd, unsigned Opt, unsigned MFC, unsigned TO, brp_buf RequestData, size_t RequestData_len, unsigned *LabelStat, brp_buf *ResponseData, size_t *ResponseData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command executes any ISO 15693 manufacturer proprietary commands, so- called custom-commands. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_ReadSingleBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, bool EnBlockSec, unsigned *LabelStat, brp_buf *Payload, size_t *Payload_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command reads a single block from a label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_WriteSingleBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockID, unsigned BlockLen, bool OptionFlag, brp_buf SingleBlockData, size_t SingleBlockData_len, unsigned *LabelStat)
 This command writes a single block to a label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_TransparentCmdLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, bool EnRxWait, bool EnCRCRX, bool EnCRCTX, unsigned Len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf Data, unsigned RxWait, brp_buf *LabelData, size_t *LabelData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 **For new applications please use brp_Iso15_TransparentCmd() as this command is deprecated and may be removed in future. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_WriteMultipleBlocks (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FirstBlockId, brp_Iso15_WriteMultipleBlocks_WriteBlocks_Entry *WriteBlocks, size_t WriteBlocks_len, bool OptionFlag, unsigned *LabelStat)
 Sends the "WriteMultipleBlocks" to the card to store the data passed in WriteBlocks to the data blocks of the presented card starting at block with id Blockid. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_ReadMultipleBlocks (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FirstBlockId, unsigned BlockCount, bool EnBlockSec, unsigned *LabelStat, brp_Iso15_ReadMultipleBlocks_RecvBlocks_Entry **RecvBlocks, size_t *RecvBlocks_len, unsigned **BlocksSecData, size_t *BlocksSecData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command reads one or multiple blocks from a label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso15_TransparentCmd (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, unsigned Timeout, bool EnCrcRx, bool EnCrcTx, unsigned RxWait, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sends a data stream to a label and returns the communication status and the received label data stream to the host. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso78_SelectSlot (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SlotIndex)
 This command can be used for readers with more than one SAM slot to switch between the slots. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso78_OpenSamLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *ATR, size_t *ATR_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sets up a communication channel to the SAM in the currently selected slot. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso78_CloseSamLegacy (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command closes a communication channel previously opened via the brp_Iso78_OpenSam() command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso78_ExchangeApduLegacy (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sends an APDU command on the currently selected and opened SAM. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso78_OpenSam (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Iso78_OpenSam_LID LID, unsigned *SamHandle, brp_buf *ATR, size_t *ATR_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sets up a communication channel to a Secure Access Module (SAM) inserted into the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso78_CloseSam (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SamHandle)
 This command closes a communication channel previously opened via the brp_Iso78_OpenSam() command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Iso78_ExchangeApdu (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SamHandle, brp_buf SendData, size_t SendData_len, brp_buf *RecvData, size_t *RecvData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sends an APDU command on the currently selected and opened SAM module using a logical ID. More...
brp_errcode brp_Keyboard_Exist (brp_protocol protocol, bool *KeyboardConnected)
 Checks if a keyboard is connected. More...
brp_errcode brp_Keyboard_CurrentKey (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *Key)
 Returns the keycode of the currently pressed key. More...
brp_errcode brp_Keyboard_EnableWakeup (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
 Enables the keyboard wake-up feature. More...
brp_errcode brp_Keyboard_WaitForKey (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, unsigned *Key)
 Waits until a key press is detected. More...
brp_errcode brp_Legic_TransparentCommand4000 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, brp_buf CmdParams, size_t CmdParams_len, unsigned Timeout, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Transparent command to directly access the LEGIC reader chip modules from the 4000 series, e.g. More...
brp_errcode brp_Legic_TransparentCommand6000 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, brp_buf CmdParams, size_t CmdParams_len, unsigned Timeout, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Transparent command to directly access the LEGIC reader chip modules from the 6000 series, e.g. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_Select (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned TO, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned PollTime, unsigned CRCAdr, unsigned SafeDat, unsigned ChgSeg, unsigned ProtHead, unsigned CRCCalc, unsigned CRCChk, unsigned SegID, brp_buf Stamp, size_t Stamp_len, brp_Lg_Select_MediaType *MediaType, unsigned *FuncLevel, unsigned *OrgLevel, brp_Lg_Select_EvStat *EvStat, unsigned *ActSegID, unsigned *ActAdr, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command selects a specific segment of a LEGIC Prime card and reads some data from it. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_Idle (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Lg_Idle_PowOff PowOff)
 Switch power supply of HF field to the level specified in the PowOff parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_GenSetRead (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned DesiredGenSetNum, unsigned *GenSetNum, brp_buf *Stamp, unsigned *StampLen, unsigned *WriteExLen, bool *WriteExShad, brp_Lg_GenSetRead_WriteExMode *WriteExMode, unsigned *WriteExStart, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read stamp data with ID specified in the GenSetNum parameter from the reader's EEPROM. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_GenSetDelete (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned GenSetNum, unsigned *DeletedGenSetNum)
 Delete stamp data with ID specified in the GenSetNum parameter from the reader's EEPROM. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_ReadMIM (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned *DataAdr, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Read Len Bytes from the currently selected card/segment, starting at address Adr. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_ReadMIMCRC (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned CRCAdr, unsigned *DataAdr, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command is similar to the brp_Lg_ReadMIM() command, except that a CRC checksum is calculated over the read Bytes and compared to the CRC checksum given in the CRCAdr parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_WriteMIM (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 Write data to selected card/segment. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_WriteMIMCRC (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned DataLen, unsigned CRCAdr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 This command is similar to the brp_Lg_WriteMIM() command, except that a CRC checksum is calculated over the data to write and compared to the CRC checksum given in the CRCAdr parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_MakeMIMCRC (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, unsigned CRCAdr)
 Create CRC checksum at CRCAdr for a data block of length Len present at address Adr. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *RFU, unsigned *SWV, unsigned *SmStat, unsigned *HfPow, bool *NoMIM, brp_Lg_ReadSMStatus_MIMVersion *MIMVersion, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieve status information from LEGIC prime SM 05 chip as well as information from the currently selected MIM. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_SetPassword (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Password, brp_Lg_SetPassword_PwdStat *PwdStat)
 Activates password protection for the SC-2560. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_Lock (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Lg_Lock_PwdStat *PwdStat)
 Locks the SC-2560. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lg_Unlock (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Password, brp_Lg_Unlock_PwdStat *PwdStat)
 Unlocks the SC-2560 with a password. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lga_TransparentCommand (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned CmdCode, brp_buf CmdParams, size_t CmdParams_len, unsigned Timeout, unsigned *Status, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Transparent command to directly access the Legic reader chip module. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lic_GetLicenses (brp_protocol protocol, brp_LicenseBitMask *LicenseBitMask)
 This command retrieves a bit mask of the licenses that are activated on the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Lic_ReadLicCard (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command reads and evaluates a LicenseCard. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_Request (brp_protocol protocol, bool ReqAll, brp_buf *ATQA, brp_mempool *mempool)
 According to the ReqAll flag, either only PICCs in idle state or also PICCs in halt state will be switched to ready state. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_Anticoll (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BitCount, brp_buf PreSelectedSnr, brp_buf *SelectedSnr, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command performs an anticollision sequence. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_Select (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr)
 This command selects a PICC with 4-Byte serial number. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_Halt (brp_protocol protocol)
 Switch PICC to halt state. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_ReadBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf *Data, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads a block (32 Byte) from the transponder. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_ReadMultipleBlocks (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads several blocks (32 Byte) from the transponder. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_WriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data)
 Writes a block (32 Byte) to the transponder. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_ReadWord (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdr, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned *DataLo, unsigned *DataHi)
 Reads a word (2 Byte) from the transponder. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_WriteWord (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdr, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
 Writes a word to the transponder. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_WriteFile (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FileNr, unsigned Mode, unsigned BlockAdr, brp_buf Data)
 Writes a test file to the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_Test (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode, unsigned *Teststatus, brp_buf *Snr, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Writes a test file to the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_FastWriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data)
 Writes a block (32 Byte) to the transponder, write time is reduced (LT5). More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_FastWriteWord (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdr, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
 Writes a word to the transponder, write time is reduced (LT5). More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_HighSpeedWriteBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data)
 Writes a block (32 Byte) to the transponder, write time is reduced (LT5), block 1 has to be unprotected. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_GetBootStatus (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode, unsigned *BootStatusLo, unsigned *BootStatusHi)
 Retrieves the boot status of the reader, which describes the state of the readers hardware. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_ContinousReadBlocks (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads several blocks (32 Byte) from the transponder. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_SetReturnLink (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode)
 Sets the transponder baud rate after selection. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_HFReset (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned OffDurationLo, unsigned OffDurationHi)
 This command controls the antenna of the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_Reset (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Quit)
 This command reboots the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_GetInfo (brp_protocol protocol, char **Info, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieves the firmware string, which provides information regarding the firmware release of the reader and the reader's serial number. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_TransparentCmd (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned EnBitMode, unsigned EnCRCRX, unsigned EnCRCTX, unsigned ParityMode, unsigned EnParity, unsigned LenLo, unsigned LenHi, unsigned TimeoutLo, unsigned TimeoutHi, unsigned DSI, unsigned DRI, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len, unsigned *ReturnLenLo, unsigned *ReturnLenHi, unsigned *ColPos, brp_buf *ReturnData, size_t *ReturnData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
brp_errcode brp_LT_ReadBlockExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, brp_buf *Data, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads a block (32 Byte) from the transponder using a 16-bit block address. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_WriteBlockExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, brp_buf Data)
 Writes a block (32 Byte) to the transponder using a 16-bit block address. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_ReadWordExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned *DataLo, unsigned *DataHi)
 Reads a word (2 Byte) from the transponder using a 16-bit address. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_WriteWordExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdrLo, unsigned BlockAdrHi, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
 Writes a word to the transponder using a 16-bit block address. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_ReadMultipleBlocksExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads several blocks (32 Byte) from the transponder. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_FastWriteWordExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BlockAdrLo, unsigned BlockAdrHi, unsigned WordAdr, unsigned DataLo, unsigned DataHi)
 Writes a word to the transponder using a 16-bit block address + fast mode. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_ContinousReadBlocksExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, unsigned NumBlocks, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads several blocks (32 Byte) from the transponder using fast mode. More...
brp_errcode brp_LT_HighSpeedWriteBlockExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AdrLo, unsigned AdrHi, brp_buf Data)
 Writes a block (32 Byte) to the transponder using a 16-bit address, write time is reduced (LT6). More...
brp_errcode brp_Main_Bf2Upload (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *Lines, size_t Lines_len, brp_Main_Bf2Upload_ResultCode *ResultCode, unsigned *InvertedResultCode)
 This command transfers a single line of a BF2 file to the reader (needed for firmware upload). More...
brp_errcode brp_Main_SwitchFW (brp_protocol protocol)
 After uploading the complete firmware with brp_Main_Bf2Upload(), this command is needed to activate the new firmware and reboot the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Main_MatchPlatformId2 (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Filter, size_t Filter_len, bool *Matches)
 This command checks if the PlatformID2 of the reader matches the PlatformID2 provided in the Filter parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Main_IsFirmwareUpToDate (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf VersionDesc, size_t VersionDesc_len)
 This command checks if the following part of the firmware is already up to date. More...
brp_errcode brp_Main_Bf3UploadStart (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *ReqDataAdr, unsigned *ReqDataLen)
 This command starts the upload of a BEC2/BF3 file to update the reader's configuration and/or firmware. More...
brp_errcode brp_Main_Bf3UploadContinue (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned DataAdr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len, bool *Reconnect, bool *Continue, unsigned *ReqDataAdr, unsigned *ReqDataLen, bool *ContainsEstimation, bool *ContainsReconnectRetryTimeout, unsigned *ReconnectRetryTimeout, unsigned *EstimatedNumberOfBytes, unsigned *EstimatedTimeOverhead)
 This command is used to transfer the data of a BEC2/BF3 file block by block to the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mce_Enable (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Mce_Enable_Mode Mode)
 This command enables/disables Mobile Card Emulation (MCE). More...
brp_errcode brp_Mce_Request (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Snr, size_t *Snr_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command is used to check if a Mobile Card Emulation (MCE) device (usually a smartphone running a particular app) is currently presented to the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_LoadKey (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned KeyIdx, brp_buf Key)
 This command writes a MIFARE Classic key to the reader's secure key memory. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_Request (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ReqAll, unsigned *ATQA)
 Request labels in the field of the antenna. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_Anticoll (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned BitCount, brp_buf PreSelSer, brp_buf *Snr, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command performs an anti-collision sequence. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_Select (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Snr, unsigned *SAK)
 This command selects a card with a 4 Byte serial number specified in the Snr parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_AuthE2 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AuthMode, unsigned Block, unsigned KeyIdx)
 This command authenticates a certain sector of a card using a key from the secure EEPROM of the Baltech reader chip. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_AuthUser (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AuthMode, unsigned Block, brp_buf Key)
 This command authenticates a certain sector of a card using the key specified in the Key variable. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_Read (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Block, brp_buf *BlockData, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command reads data from a specified block of the currently selected card, providing authentication has been performed beforehand. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_Write (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Block, brp_buf BlockData)
 This command write data to a specified block of the currently selected card, providing authentication has been performed beforehand. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ChangeValue (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode, unsigned Block, unsigned Value)
 This command uses the value block specified by the Block parameter and performs an operation given by the Mode parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ChangeValueBackup (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Mode, unsigned Block, unsigned Value)
 This command is identical to brp_Mif_ChangeValue(), but can only be used for MIFARE cards which support automatic transfer, such as Pro or Light MIFARE variants. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_TransferBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Block)
 This command transfers data from the card's internal Transfer Buffer to a specified block. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_Halt (brp_protocol protocol)
 Switch card to halt state. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_AuthE2Extended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AuthLevel, bool KeyHasExtIdx, unsigned EV1Mode, bool IsKeyB, unsigned Block, unsigned KeyIdx, unsigned KeyExtIdx, brp_buf DivData, size_t DivData_len)
 This command is identical to the brp_Mif_AuthE2() command with the exception that it supports stronger authentication methods (MIFARE and AES), supported by MIFARE Pro cards. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_AuthUserExtended (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned AuthLevel, unsigned EV1Mode, unsigned KeyB, unsigned Block, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len)
 This command is identical to the brp_Mif_AuthUser() command with the exception that it supports stronger authentication methods (MIFARE and AES), supported by MIFARE Pro cards. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ResetAuth (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command resets the reader's authentication state (used for MIFARE Pro specific Read/Write counters. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ReadSL3 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned NoMacOnCmd, unsigned PlainData, unsigned NoMacOnResp, unsigned Block, unsigned BlockNr, brp_buf *BlockData, size_t *BlockData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command reads blocks from an SL3-authenticated MIFARE Pro card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_WriteSL3 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned PlainData, unsigned NoMacOnResp, unsigned Block, brp_buf BlockData, size_t BlockData_len)
 This command writes blocks to an SL3-authenticated MIFARE Pro card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ChangeAESKey (brp_protocol protocol, bool KeyHasExtIdx, unsigned NoMacOnResp, unsigned Block, unsigned KeyIdx, unsigned KeyExtIdx, brp_buf DivData, size_t DivData_len)
 This command changes an AES key on a MIFARE Plus card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ValueSL3 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned NoMacOnResp, unsigned Cmd, unsigned Block, unsigned DestBlock, unsigned Value, brp_buf *TMCounterTMValue, size_t *TMCounterTMValue_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command performs an operation on a value block. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ProxCheck (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned M, unsigned DisableIsoWrapping, bool UseExtProxKey, bool DiversifyProxKey, bool UseProxKey, unsigned ProxKeyIdx, brp_buf DivData, size_t DivData_len, brp_buf ProxKey, size_t ProxKey_len)
 This command performs a proximity check. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_GetCardVersion (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *CardVersion, size_t *CardVersion_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns HW- / SW- / Production-Information. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_ReadSig (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *NxpSignature, size_t *NxpSignature_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
brp_errcode brp_Mif_VirtualCardSelect (brp_protocol protocol, bool ForceVcsAuthentication, bool UseExtVcSelectKeys, unsigned DiversifyMacKey, bool DiversifyEncKey, bool UseVcSelectKeys, brp_buf IID, size_t IID_len, unsigned EncKeyIdx, unsigned MacKeyIdx, brp_buf DivData, size_t DivData_len, brp_buf EncKey, size_t EncKey_len, brp_buf MacKey, size_t MacKey_len, unsigned *FciType, brp_buf *Fci, size_t *Fci_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Command is only supported by MIFARE Plus EV1 cards. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_SectorSwitch (brp_protocol protocol, bool L3SectorSwitch, unsigned SectorSwitchKeyIdx, brp_buf SectorSwitchKeyDivData, size_t SectorSwitchKeyDivData_len, brp_Mif_SectorSwitch_SectorSpec_Entry *SectorSpec, size_t SectorSpec_len, brp_buf SectorKeysDivData, size_t SectorKeysDivData_len)
 This command performs a sector switch command (only for EV1 cards). More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_CommitReaderID (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Block, brp_buf *EncTRI, size_t *EncTRI_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This commands commits a reader ID from a card and returns the encrypted TMRI to the host. More...
brp_errcode brp_Mif_SetFraming (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Mif_SetFraming_CommMode CommMode)
 This command switches the communication protocol mode for MIFARE Plus EV1 cards. More...
brp_errcode brp_MobileId_Enable (brp_protocol protocol, brp_MobileId_Enable_Mode Mode)
 This command enables/disables Mobile ID. More...
brp_errcode brp_MobileId_Setup (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len)
 This command is used to set up Mobile ID parameters. More...
brp_errcode brp_MobileId_GetVirtualCredentialId (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *CredentialId, size_t *CredentialId_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command checks if a Mobile ID credential has been presented to the reader since the last MobileId.GetVirtualCredentialId execution. More...
brp_errcode brp_MsgQueue_GetMsgSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *BufferSize)
 Retrieve the maximum message size the reader supports. More...
brp_errcode brp_MsgQueue_Receive (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *RecvMsg, size_t *RecvMsg_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Wait for a message and return its content. More...
brp_errcode brp_MsgQueue_Send (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendMsg, size_t SendMsg_len, unsigned Timeout)
 Put a message into the Message Queue and wait a maximum time of Timeout ms until the message has been picked up. More...
brp_errcode brp_MsgQueue_SendReceive (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SendMsg, size_t SendMsg_len, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *RecvMsg, size_t *RecvMsg_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command combines Send and Receive to a single command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_SetHfMode (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned HfMode)
 Specify HF communication mode that should be used by the commands in this command-set. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_RequestAnticoll (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *ASNB, size_t *ASNB_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Request PICCs and perform anticollision. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_Select (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf ASNB, size_t ASNB_len, brp_buf *Serial, size_t *Serial_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Select PICC. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_Halt (brp_protocol protocol)
 Set PICC to halt mode. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_SelectBookPage (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Book, unsigned Page, brp_buf *Page1, size_t *Page1_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Selects book and page of a selected picopass label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_Authenticate (brp_protocol protocol, bool IsDebitKey, unsigned KeyIdx)
 Authenticates a previously selected picopass label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_Read (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned PageAdr, unsigned PageNr, brp_buf *PageData, size_t *PageData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Reads a picopass label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pico_Write (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned PageAdr, brp_buf PageData, size_t PageData_len)
 Writes to picopass label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pki_PfsGenKey (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf TmpHostPubKey, size_t TmpHostPubKey_len, brp_buf *TmpRdrPubKey, size_t *TmpRdrPubKey_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command prepares a perfect forward secrecy (PFS) session by exchanging the public part of temporary elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) keys generated by host and reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pki_PfsAuthHostCert (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf EncryptedPayload, size_t EncryptedPayload_len)
 This command authenticates the host's certificate chain to the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pki_PfsAuthRdrCert (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *EncryptedResponse, size_t *EncryptedResponse_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 After successfully authenticating the host against the reader using the brp_Pki_PfsAuthHostCert() command, the reader must return its own certificate to the host in order the host to verify it. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pki_Tunnel2 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SequenceCounter, brp_buf CmdHMAC, brp_buf EncryptedCmd, size_t EncryptedCmd_len, brp_buf *RspHMAC, brp_buf *EncryptedRsp, size_t *EncryptedRsp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Runs a command in the Security Level authenticated by the brp_Pki_PfsGenKey(), brp_Pki_PfsAuthHostCert(), brp_Pki_PfsAuthRdrCert() commands sequence. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pki_GetX509Csr (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Csr, size_t *Csr_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Every reader is shipped with a unique ECC P-256 key, generated at the time of manufacturing. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pki_StoreX509Cert (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SecLevel, brp_buf Cert, size_t Cert_len)
 After signing a CSR using the brp_Pki_GetX509Csr() command, run this command to store the resulting in the reader's certificate store. More...
brp_errcode brp_Pki_StoreX509RootCert (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SecLevel, brp_buf Cert, size_t Cert_len)
 Every security level that should be usable with the PKI must be provided with a root certificate. More...
brp_errcode brp_QKey_Read (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of quadrakey tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_Rtc_GetTime (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ClockId, unsigned *Now)
 Retrieve current time of on-board RTC. More...
brp_errcode brp_Rtc_SetTime (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ClockId, unsigned Now)
 Set the time of the on-board RTC. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_GetAcMask (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SecLevel, brp_HostSecurityAccessConditionBits *AcMask)
 This command retrieves the Access Condition Mask of a specified security level. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_SetAcMask (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SecLevel, brp_HostSecurityAccessConditionBits AcMask)
 This command sets the Access Condition Mask of the security level specified in the SecurityLevel parameter to the AcMask value. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_SetKey (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ContinuousIV, unsigned Encrypted, unsigned MACed, unsigned SessionKey, unsigned DeriveKey, unsigned SecLevel, brp_buf Key)
 Sets a key and the appropriate Authorization Mode bits for a specified Security Level. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_AuthPhase1 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SecLevel, brp_buf RndA, brp_buf *EncRndA, brp_buf *RndB, bool *ContinuousIV, bool *Encrypted, bool *MACed, bool *SessionKey, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command initiates a 2-phase authentication. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_AuthPhase2 (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf EncRndB)
 This command finishes the 2-phase authentication procedure started by the brp_Sec_AuthPhase1() command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_Tunnel (brp_protocol protocol, bool ContinuousIV, bool Encrypted, bool MACed, bool SessionKey, unsigned SecLevel, brp_buf TunnelledCmd, size_t TunnelledCmd_len, brp_buf *TunnelledResp, size_t *TunnelledResp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command enables to send a specific command, called the tunnelled command, to the reader (and to receive its response) in an encrypted and/or MACed fashion. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_Reset (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command resets the Baltech ID engine's security system. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_LockReset (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned SecLevel)
 This command prevents, that a brp_Sys_FactoryReset() is run for the Security Level specified in the SecLevel command. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sec_GetCurAcMask (brp_protocol protocol, brp_HostSecurityAccessConditionBits *AcMask)
 This command retrieves the Access Condition Mask, which is applied by the reader in the current context (i.e. More...
brp_errcode brp_Srix_Select (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Snr, size_t *Snr_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command selects a label including anticollision. More...
brp_errcode brp_Srix_Read (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command reads a secure data page. More...
brp_errcode brp_Srix_Write (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 This command writes data to a page address of a label. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetBufferSize (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *MaxSendSize, unsigned *MaxRecvSize, unsigned *TotalSize)
 This command returns the maximum sizes of command and response frames that the reader can send and receive. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_HFReset (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned OffDuration)
 This command turns the HF antenna off or on. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_Reset (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command reboots the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetInfo (brp_protocol protocol, char **Info, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the firmware string of the reader, which holds information about the reader firmware and serial number. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetBootStatus (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Sys_GetBootStatus_BootStatus *BootStatus)
 This command retrieves the boot status of the reader, i.e. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPort (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask *PortMask)
 This command retrieves the voltage for the custom I/O ports of the module. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetPort (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask PortMask)
 **Please use brp_UI_Enable() and brp_UI_Disable() instead of this command for new applications. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetValue (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value, brp_buf *Content, size_t *Content_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves a desired value of the reader's configuration, specified by the Key and Value parameters. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgSetValue (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value, brp_buf Content, size_t Content_len)
 This command stores a value in the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgDelValues (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned Value)
 This command deletes a key or a value from the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetKeyList (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned **KeyList, size_t *KeyList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieves a list of all keys stored in the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetValueList (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Key, unsigned **ValueList, size_t *ValueList_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns a list of all configuration values within a specified Key. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgWriteTlvSector (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf TlvBlock, size_t TlvBlock_len)
 **Please use brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock() instead of this command for new applications. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgCheck (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *TotalSize, unsigned *FreeSize)
 This command checks the consistency of the reader's internal configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_ConfigPort (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPortBitmask InpOutp, brp_IoPortBitmask DefaultState)
 Configures generic I/O ports for input/output. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetRegister (brp_protocol protocol, bool ResetRegister, brp_Sys_SetRegister_RegisterAssignments_Entry *RegisterAssignments, size_t RegisterAssignments_len)
 Sets one or multiple of the reader's internal registers. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetRegister (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned ID, unsigned *Value)
 Retrieves one of the reader's internal registers. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_PowerDown (brp_protocol protocol)
 Powers off the device. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SelectProtocol (brp_protocol protocol, brp_ProtocolID Protocol)
 This command starts a host protocol. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_SetCommParam (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Baudrate NewBaudrate, brp_Parity NewParity, unsigned CWT)
 This command is only required when the serial host-to-reader interface is in use. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Version, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 This command transfers the configuration from a BEC file into the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPlatformId (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *PlatformId, unsigned *BootloaderId, unsigned *BootloaderMajor, unsigned *BootloaderMinor, unsigned *BootloaderBuild, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Maintenance command only needed for Baltech internal use to get detailed information about the actually used hardware. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgReset (brp_protocol protocol)
 Deletes the complete configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_StopProtocol (brp_protocol protocol, brp_ProtocolID Protocol)
 This command stops a host protocol. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetId (brp_protocol protocol, char **ConfigId, char **ConfigName, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the identifier of the reader configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgGetDeviceSettingsId (brp_protocol protocol, char **ConfigId, char **ConfigName, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the ID of the reader configuration containing the device settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_FactoryResetLegacy (brp_protocol protocol)
 **This is a legacy command! For new developments please use brp_Sys_FactoryReset() . More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetStatistics (brp_protocol protocol, bool DeleteCounters, brp_Sys_GetStatistics_CounterTuple_Entry **CounterTuple, size_t *CounterTuple_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves all available statistics counters from the reader's configuration. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetFeatures (brp_protocol protocol, brp_FeatureID **FeatureList, size_t *FeatureList_len, brp_FeatureID *MaxFeatureID, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command retrieves the list of features supported by the reader, so you can find out if the reader meets your requirements. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetPartNumber (brp_protocol protocol, char **PartNo, char **HwRevNo, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the part number and the hardware revision number of the device. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadPrepare (brp_protocol protocol, brp_AuthReqUpload AuthReq)
 This command initiates the transfer of a BEC file via brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock(). More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Sys_CfgLoadFinish_FinalizeAction FinalizeAction)
 This command has to be called after transferring a BEC file with brp_Sys_CfgLoadBlock(). More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_FactoryReset (brp_protocol protocol, bool PerformReboot)
 This command restores the reader's factory settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetLicenses (brp_protocol protocol, brp_LicenseBitMask *LicenseBitMask)
 This command retrieves a bit mask of the licenses that are activated in the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_Sys_GetFwCrc (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *CRC)
 Maintenance command only needed for Baltech internal use to get the CRC of the firmware. More...
brp_errcode brp_TTF_ReadByteStream (brp_protocol protocol, bool ResetDataPtr, unsigned SamplingTime, unsigned Rxlen, brp_TTF_ReadByteStream_RxMod RxMod, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns raw data of the 125 kHz HF interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_TTF_IdteckRead (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Returns data of idteck tags (read only tag). More...
brp_errcode brp_UI_Enable (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPort Port)
 This command enables a specific port of the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_UI_Disable (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPort Port)
 This command disables a specific port of the reader. More...
brp_errcode brp_UI_Toggle (brp_protocol protocol, brp_IoPort Port, unsigned ToggleCount, unsigned Timespan1, unsigned Timespan2, brp_UI_Toggle_Polarity Polarity)
 This command toggles the output state of a specific port. More...
brp_errcode brp_UI_SetRgbLed (brp_protocol protocol, brp_LedBitMask LedState, unsigned RgbColor, unsigned TransitionTime)
 This command changes the RGB color of a single LED or a group of LEDs. More...
brp_errcode brp_UI_PulseRgbLed (brp_protocol protocol, brp_LedBitMask LedState, unsigned RgbColor1, unsigned RgbColor2, unsigned TransitionTime, unsigned Period)
 This command starts to pulse a single LED or a group of multiple LEDs continuously by performing smooth sine-wave approximated transitions between 2 RGB colors. More...
brp_errcode brp_UlRdr_SendAuth1 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *SendDevCode, unsigned *SendCmdCode, brp_buf *SendParams, size_t *SendParams_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieves the command that has to be sent to the reader to unlock, to initiate authentication. More...
brp_errcode brp_UlRdr_RecvAuth1 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned RecvStatus, brp_buf RecvResult, size_t RecvResult_len)
 Passes the response of the reader to unlock. More...
brp_errcode brp_UlRdr_SendAuth2 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned *SendDevCode, unsigned *SendCmdCode, brp_buf *SendParams, size_t *SendParams_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Retrieves the command that has to be send to the reader to unlock, to continue authentication. More...
brp_errcode brp_UlRdr_RecvAuth2 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned RecvStatus, brp_buf RecvResult, size_t RecvResult_len)
 Passes the response of the reader to unlock. More...
brp_errcode brp_UlRdr_SendEncryptedCmd (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf Signature, unsigned DevCode, unsigned CmdCode, brp_buf Params, size_t Params_len, unsigned *SendDevCode, unsigned *SendCmdCode, brp_buf *SendParams, size_t *SendParams_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Encrypts the given command with the session key generated in the previous 3-pass-authentication. More...
brp_errcode brp_UlRdr_RecvEncryptedCmd (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned RecvStatus, brp_buf RecvResult, size_t RecvResult_len, unsigned *Status)
 Check the response received by the command brp_UlRdr_SendEncryptedCmd(). More...
brp_errcode brp_Ultralight_ExecCmd (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Cmd, brp_buf Param, size_t Param_len, brp_buf *Response, size_t *Response_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Generic command to communicate to a Mifare Ultralight card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ultralight_Read (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned PageAdr, brp_buf *PageData, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Standard read command for Ultralight cards. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ultralight_Write (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned PageAdr, brp_buf PageData)
 Standard write command for Ultralight cards. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ultralight_AuthE2 (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Ultralight_AuthE2_DivMode DivMode, bool HasExtIdx, unsigned KeyIdx, brp_buf DivData, size_t DivData_len, unsigned KeyExtIdx)
 Authenticates to a Ultralight-c card. More...
brp_errcode brp_Ultralight_AuthUser (brp_protocol protocol, brp_Ultralight_AuthUser_CryptoMode CryptoMode, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len)
 Authenticates to an Ultralight-C/EV1 card. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_Enable (brp_protocol protocol, bool Enable)
 Enable/Disable the USB-Host-Interface of the uC. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_IsConnected (brp_protocol protocol, bool *Connected)
 Check if a device is connected. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes (brp_protocol protocol, brp_UsbHost_SetupPipes_Pipes_Entry *Pipes, size_t Pipes_len)
 Setup all Pipes Definitions (uC's internal configuration). More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_SetAddr (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Address)
 Set Address of device. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_Reset (brp_protocol protocol)
 Send a Reset via USB interface, Remove all Pipes Definitions and reset address of device to 0. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_TransRawSetup (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SetupData, unsigned PipeNo, unsigned Timeout)
 Transfers a raw SETUP packet. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_TransSetupIn (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SetupData, unsigned PipeNo, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *InData, size_t *InData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Transfers a SETUP transaction with a IN DATA stage. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_TransSetupOut (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf SetupData, brp_buf OutData, size_t OutData_len, unsigned PipeNo, unsigned Timeout)
 Transfers a SETUP transaction with a OUT DATA stage. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_TransIn (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned PipeNo, unsigned Timeout, brp_buf *InData, size_t *InData_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 Transfers an IN transaction. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_TransOut (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf OutData, size_t OutData_len, unsigned PipeNo, bool Continue, unsigned Timeout)
 Transfers an OUT transaction. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_Suspend (brp_protocol protocol)
 Send a Suspend via USB interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_UsbHost_Resume (brp_protocol protocol)
 Send a Resume via USB interface. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_Select (brp_protocol protocol, brp_CardFamilies CardFamiliesFilter, bool Reselect, bool AcceptConfCard, brp_CardType *SelectedCardType)
 This command selects a card or tag in the antenna field for further operations. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_GetSnr (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *Snr, size_t *Snr_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the serial number (UID) of the currently selected card. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_Read (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Id, unsigned Adr, unsigned Len, brp_buf *Data, size_t *Data_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command reads data from a card based on a VHL file. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_Write (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Id, unsigned Adr, brp_buf Data, size_t Data_len)
 This command writes data to a card based on a VHL file. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_IsSelected (brp_protocol protocol)
 This command checks if the card/label selected by the last execution of the brp_VHL_Select() command is still in the HF field of the antenna. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_GetLegacyATR (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *ATR, size_t *ATR_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command is deprecated and should only be used for compatibility purposes with older firmware version. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_ExchangeAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, brp_CardType AssumedCardType, brp_buf Cmd, size_t Cmd_len, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sends APDUs to the currently selected card. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_Setup (brp_protocol protocol, brp_CardType ConsideredCardType, brp_buf MifareKey, bool AsKeyA, unsigned MadId, unsigned AppId, brp_DesfireFileDescription DesfireFileDesc, brp_buf Key, size_t Key_len, brp_buf SegmentInfo, size_t SegmentInfo_len, bool EnStamp, brp_VHL_Setup_AdrMode AdrMode, unsigned FirstBlock, unsigned BlockCount, brp_VHL_Setup_OptionFlag OptionFlag, unsigned BlockSize, unsigned SelectFileCmdListLen, brp_VHL_Setup_SelectFileCmdList_Entry *SelectFileCmdList, size_t SelectFileCmdList_len, unsigned FileLen, unsigned ApduTimeout)
 This command creates a VHL file dynamically and transfers it to the reader's RAM. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_SetupMifare (brp_protocol protocol, bool CustomKey, bool KeyA, brp_buf Key)
 This commands prepares the reader to access Mifare cards with the given Mifare key settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_SetupLegic (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned StampLen, unsigned SegmentID, brp_buf Stamp, size_t Stamp_len)
 This commands prepares the reader to access LEGIC cards with the given settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_SetupISO15 (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned FirstBlock, unsigned BlockCount, bool OptionFlag)
 This commands prepares the reader to access ISO15693 cards with the given settings. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_CheckReconfigErr (brp_protocol protocol, bool *Failed)
 This command returns the status of the last reconfiguration with a ConfigCard using the brp_VHL_Select() command. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_ExchangeLongAPDU (brp_protocol protocol, brp_CardType AssumedCardType, bool Reset, bool ContinueCmd, brp_buf Cmd, size_t Cmd_len, bool *ContinueResp, brp_buf *Resp, size_t *Resp_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command sends basic Inter-Industry commands to the currently selected card in accordance with the ISO/IEC 7816-4 standard. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_GetFileInfo (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Id, unsigned *Len, unsigned *BlockSize)
 This command returns the available size of the VHL-file whose ID is specified by the ID parameter. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_GetATR (brp_protocol protocol, brp_buf *ATR, size_t *ATR_len, brp_mempool *mempool)
 This command returns the Answer to Reset (ATR) of the currently selected card as defined in the PC/SC specification, version 2. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_Format (brp_protocol protocol, unsigned Id)
 This command formats a blank card based on a VHL file. More...
brp_errcode brp_VHL_ResolveFilename (brp_protocol protocol, char *FileName, unsigned *Id)
 This command returns the ID of a VHL file based on its filename. More...

Detailed Description