VhlCfg / File / DesfireAid Value

Desfire Application Identifier: only one Desfire Application can be processed per VHL file.

VHLReadWrite(): this is the AID of the Desfire Application that shall be processed.

VHLFormat(): Desfire application will be created if not existent. Depending on the master key settings, key authentication may be required - therefore the value VhlCfg/File/DesfirePiccMasterKeys may be defined.

This value has to be specified in MSB first order (as all Baltech configuration values). Care has to be taken if the AID is retrieved directly from a Desfire internal representation, which uses LSB first order (In this case the AID has to be rotated).
ConfigValue: 0x00 0x12 0x34 0x56
AID: 0x123456
Desfire internal representation: 0x56 0x34 0x12



Name Type/Size Description
- Integer (32 bits) -