VhlCfg / File / MifarePlusFormatLevelSwitchKeyIdx Value

This value is used by Mifare plus firmware only. It is used by VHL-Format() and switches to the respective security level.



Name Type/Size Description
NewSecurityLevel Integer (8 bits) 0..3: enter / stay in security level 0..3 If this value is defined VHL format returns VHL_CONFIG_ERR, if the security level of a presented card is greater than the security level defined by this value.
LevelSwitchKeyMemoryType Enumeration (8 bits) This value references a key memory type within the reader. VHL detects the security level (SL0..3) of a Mifare classic/plus card automatically and according to the security level the adequate key memories (AES and/or Mifare keys) are chosen. For some key memory types a card in Mifare plus security level 2 (SL2) needs both keys (AES and Mifare): then the configuration value MifarePlusKeyIdxOffset describes an offset of Mifare keys to AES keys (! signed value).
  • CryptoKey (0x00)
    References keys within the CryptoKey memory.
    Key offset needed: refer to MifarePlusKeyIdxOffset
  • SamKey (0x01)
    References keys within a SAM, only available on SAM based readers: key index from 0x00 to 0x7F, a SAM key contains up to 3 AES keys with different versions or 3 Mifare key pairs (A and B). VHL uses always the first SAM key.
    Key offset needed: see MifarePlusKeyIdxOffset
  • ReaderChipKey (0x02)
    References keys which are stored in reader chip memory: 32 keys (index 0..31) are available. This memory contains only keys for Mifare classic cards (SL1).
  • VhlKey (0x03)
    References keys which are defined in respective VHL files:
    AES keys in MifarePlusAesKeyList
    Mifare keys in MifareKeyList
LevelSwitchKeyIdx Integer (8 bits) Index to key: first key in list will be accessed with value 0, second with 1...