Disp command group

These are the Display Control commands.
WARNING: This command set is not available in all Baltech reader firmware variants.

Status codes

BRP status BRP Library Error Code Mnemonic Description
0x01 0x4101 (16641) Disp.DispPageNotFound Page was neither found in configuration nor in flash
0x02 0x4102 (16642) Disp.DispUnexpectedEop Unexpected end of page
0x03 0x4103 (16643) Disp.DispOutOfMem Too much defines, too much frames or too much strings used by this page
0x04 0x4104 (16644) Disp.DispFrameNotFound The specified frame is not defined
0x05 0x4105 (16645) Disp.DispUnknownCommand The render command is not known
0x06 0x4106 (16646) Disp.DispStringTooLong String is too long
0x07 0x4107 (16647) Disp.DispInvalidFont invalid font