Hitag command group
This are Hitag 125 kHz card commands.
WARNING: This command set is not available in all Baltech reader firmware variants.
Status codes
BRP status | BRP Library Error Code | Mnemonic | Description |
0x01 | 0x3001 (12289) | Hitag.ErrHtgNoTag | No tag error. |
0x02 | 0x3002 (12290) | Hitag.ErrHtgCollision | Collision occurred. |
0x03 | 0x3003 (12291) | Hitag.ErrHtgRxdata | Wrong length or wrong data. |
0x04 | 0x3004 (12292) | Hitag.HtgChecksum | Receive checksum error. |
0x07 | 0x3007 (12295) | Hitag.HtgWrongParam | Wrong command parameter. |
0x09 | 0x3009 (12297) | Hitag.ErrHtgAuth | Authentication error. |
0x08 | 0x3008 (12296) | Hitag.ErrHtgOvTo | ISR buffer overflow during send/receive, TO during send. |
0x0A | 0x300A (12298) | Hitag.ErrHtgHw | Reader chip HW error. |
0x0B | 0x300B (12299) | Hitag.ErrHtgCr | Crypt processor HW error. |
0x0C | 0x300C (12300) | Hitag.ErrHtgCfg | Update of configuration not successful. |
0x0D | 0x300D (12301) | Hitag.ErrHtgHfreqctrl | Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control. |
0x0F | 0x300F (12303) | Hitag.ErrHtgHwNotSupported | Hardware not supported. |