VHL command group

VHL stands for Very High Level card access. With this command group, you can handle nearly all aspects of the card technology used in your project while avoiding complex low-level command sequences.

You cannot mix VHL and low-level commands.

For more details on how to implement VHL, please see our VHL workflow overview.

Status codes

BRP status BRP Library Error Code Mnemonic Description
0x01 0x0101 (257) VHL.ErrNoTag

This status code occurs in the following cases:

  • There's no card in the antenna field.
  • The card doesn't respond, i.e. it doesn't match the given VHL file.
  • You use an HID Prox/Indala/Keri card, but the reader doesn't have the required Prox license.

This status code is the only one that requires a reselection of the card with VHL.Select.

0x02 0x0102 (258) VHL.ErrCardNotSelected The command can't be run because no card is selected.
0x03 0x0103 (259) VHL.ErrHf Communication problems with the card occurred. Data may have been corrupted.
0x04 0x0104 (260) VHL.ErrConfig The VHL file structure in the reader configuration is invalid or the specified VHL file isn't available.
0x05 0x0105 (261) VHL.ErrAuth An authentication error occurred. Data may have been written partially. This may occur if the specified VHL file uses invalid keys (MIFARE) or the specified stamp is not in the reader's EEPROM (LEGIC).
0x06 0x0106 (262) VHL.ErrRead The communication sequence was OK, but reading failed. The card remains selected. This may occur if the specified VHL file is too long for the physical card storage.
0x07 0x0107 (263) VHL.ErrWrite The communication sequence was OK, but writing failed. Data may have been written partially. The card remains selected. This may occur if the specified VHL file is too long for the physical card storage.
0x08 0x0108 (264) VHL.ConfcardRead A BALTECH ConfigCard has been detected successfully and will be read after this command.
0x09 0x0109 (265) VHL.ErrInvalidCardType The desired card type doesn't match the card family of the currently selected card.
0x0A 0x010A (266) VHL.ErrNotSupported The command is currently not supported. Future releases may support the command.
0x0B 0x010B (267) VHL.ErrFormat

The communication sequence was OK, but formatting failed. Data may have been written partially. The card remains selected.

0x0C 0x010C (268) VHL.ErrHw An error occurred while communicating with the reader chip/SAM.
0x0D 0x010D (269) VHL.ErrApdu Card communication error: The command has been aborted, or the response hasn't been read completely.