HID command group

This are HID 125kHz card commands.
WARNING: This command set is not available in all Baltech reader firmware variants.

Status codes

BRP status BRP Library Error Code Mnemonic Description
0x01 0x3301 (13057) HID.ErrHidNoTag No tag error.
0x03 0x3303 (13059) HID.ErrHidRxdata Wrong length or wrong data.
0x05 0x3305 (13061) HID.ErrHidParity Parity error.
0x07 0x3307 (13063) HID.ErrHidParam Wrong command param (on HF).
0x08 0x3308 (13064) HID.ErrHidHfreqctrl Another task requested control over HF via hf_request_control.
0x09 0x3309 (13065) HID.ErrHidHw Reader chip hardware error.
0x0B 0x330B (13067) HID.ErrHidHwNotSupported Hardware not supported.
0x0C 0x330C (13068) HID.ErrLicense You use an HID Prox/Indala/Keri card, but the reader doesn't have the required Prox license.