Main command group

This command group contains commands needed to update the firmware of the reader.

Status codes

BRP status BRP Library Error Code Mnemonic Description
0x01 0xF001 (61441) Main.ErrOutdatedFirmware Is returned by isFirmwareUpToDate() if the following piece of firmware is not up to date.
0x02 0xF002 (61442) Main.ErrUnknownVersion Is returned by isFirmwareUpToDate() if it's unknown whether the following piece of firmware is outdated or not.
0x10 0xF010 (61456) Main.ErrInvalidState Is returned by Bf3UploadStart if an upload process is already running or by Bf3UploadContinue if an upload process is currently not active.
0x11 0xF011 (61457) Main.ErrReadFile Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if BF3/BEC2 file data couldn't be retrieved from the host.
0x12 0xF012 (61458) Main.ErrInvalidFormat Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the BF3/BEC2 file has an invalid format.
0x13 0xF013 (61459) Main.ErrInvalidCustomerKey Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the customer key of the BEC2 file doesn't match the customer key stored in the reader.
0x14 0xF014 (61460) Main.ErrInvalidConfigSecurityCode Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the Config Security Code of the BEC2 file doesn't match the Config Security Code stored in the reader.
0x15 0xF015 (61461) Main.ErrInvalidConfigVersion Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the configuration version of the BEC2 file is older than the configuration version stored in the reader.
0x16 0xF016 (61462) Main.ErrInvalidCmac Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the Message Authentication Code (CMAC) of the BF3/BEC2 file is incorrect.
0x17 0xF017 (61463) Main.ErrUpload Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if a component of the current BF3/BEC2 file couldn't be written to the reader memory.
0x18 0xF018 (61464) Main.ErrUnsupportedFirmware Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the BF3/BEC2 file contains a firmware which is not supported by the reader hardware.
0x19 0xF019 (61465) Main.ErrAlreadyUpToDate Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if all relevant components of the current BF3/BEC2 file are already up to date.
0x1A 0xF01A (61466) Main.ErrMissingConfigSecurityCode Is returned by Bf3UploadContinue if the reader was not able to decode the current BEC2 file, because there is no Config Security Code stored in the reader yet.
0x1B 0xF01B (61467) Main.ErrInvalidEccKey The elliptic curve key that is used to encrypt the configuration is wrong.