Ftob command group

Ftob card commands
WARNING: This command set is not available in all Baltech reader firmware variants.

Status codes

BRP status BRP Library Error Code Mnemonic Description
0x01 0x0301 (769) Ftob.ErrInvalidFilename The specified file name is not supported by the reader.
0x02 0x0302 (770) Ftob.ErrFileAccessDenied Permission missing to read/write file.
0x03 0x0303 (771) Ftob.ErrWriteBlock Cannot write data.
0x04 0x0304 (772) Ftob.ErrReadBlock Cannot read data.
0x05 0x0305 (773) Ftob.ErrNoFileActive Cannot transfer data without opening a file.
0x06 0x0306 (774) Ftob.ErrOutOfMemory Filesystem ran out of memory.
0x07 0x0307 (775) Ftob.ErrBroken Transfer was broken prematurely with FinishTransfer.