Lg command group

This command group provides access to the LEGIC Prime card system.

This command group is only available for readers equipped with the LEGIC prime reader module SM05!

WARNING: This command set is not available in all Baltech reader firmware variants.

Status codes

BRP status BRP Library Error Code Mnemonic Description
0x01 0x1101 (4353) Lg.ErrNomim No LEGIC Prime card detected.
0x02 0x1102 (4354) Lg.ErrInvalidCmd

Either the desired command is impossible to execute because no card is currently selected, or the specified parameters are invalid (e.g. wrong address, to many Bytes specified for reading/writing, ...). This status code may also come up when the Lg.Select command is executed when less than 5 Bytes to read are specified and access has been denied.

A card that was already selected before execution of the command triggering this status code will stay selected.

0x03 0x1103 (4355) Lg.ErrAccessDenied

Read/write not allowed due to the access conditions flags of the selected card/segment.

A card that was already selected before execution of the command triggering this status code will stay selected.

0x04 0x1104 (4356) Lg.ErrHf

Error occurred while transferring data via the HF field.

An occurrence of this error makes it necessary to reselect the card with the Lg.Select command for further communication.

0x05 0x1105 (4357) Lg.ErrDataCorrupt

Data has been corrupted during transmission between the reader and the card.

In case this error is generated by the Lg.WriteMIM command or by the Lg.WriteMIMCRC command, corrupted data may have been written to the card. Please make sure to rewrite the data correctly to ensure consistency.

An occurrence of this error makes it necessary to reselect the card with the Lg.Select command for further communication.

0x06 0x1106 (4358) Lg.ErrCrc

CRC checksum invalid.

A card that was already selected before execution of the command triggering this status code will stay selected.

0x07 0x1107 (4359) Lg.ErrCommunication

Checksum error most likely occurred in internal communication. It is recommended to repeat the command.

A card that was already selected before execution of the command triggering this status code will stay selected.

0x08 0x1108 (4360) Lg.ErrMimCorrupt Card is corrupted and may not longer be used.
0x09 0x1109 (4361) Lg.ErrBusy The SM05 is busy and cannot process the command. Please wait until communication with the SM05 is finished.
0x0A 0x110A (4362) Lg.NotInitialized The SC-2560 is still powering up and is not available yet.