
This command is deprecated. Do not use it in new code as we may remove it in the future!

Retrieve status information from LEGIC prime SM 05 chip as well as information from the currently selected MIM.


Parameters (request frame)


Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
RFU Raw data (length 3 Bytes) -
SWV Integer (8 bits) Firmware-Version of SM 05
SmStat Integer (8 bits) Firmware status code (Baltech internal use only).
HfPow Integer (8 bits) HF Transmission power (0: off).
MIMStat Bit mask (8 bits) Information about currently selected MIM.
RFU Integer (bit mask area 0xE0) Zero padding
NoMIM Boolean (bit 0x10) If this flag is set, there is no valid MIM in the field of the antenna.
RFU Integer (bit mask area 0x0C) Zero padding
MIMVersion Enumeration (bit mask area 0x03) Size of detected MIM.
  • MIM022 (0x00)
    22 Bytes.
  • MIM256 (0x02)
    256 Bytes.
  • MIM1024 (0x03)
    1024 Bytes.