
This command is deprecated. Do not use it in new code as we may remove it in the future!

This commands prepares the reader to access LEGIC cards with the given settings. It can be called before using VHL.Read and VHL.Write with LEGIC cards without configuring the reader with a VHL-file, i.e. when the ID parameter of VHL.Read or VHL.Write is set to 0xFF.

A distinct segment of the LEGIC card to access may be specified, either according to its fixed segment ID (through the SegmentID parameter) or according to its stamp (through the Stamp parameter).

This command works with a fixed address mapping for the application data: VHL address 0 corresponds to Protocol Header address 25, the first data byte after the longest possible LEGIC Prime stamp. If this assumption is too simplistic for your application, please use VHL.Setup or a normal VHL-file to set up the reader.

After calling VHL.Select, VHL.Read or VHL.Write with an ID parameter other than 0xFF, or after a reboot, the settings made by this command are lost. For new applications, the command VHL.Setup should be used instead.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
StampLen Integer (8 bits) Length of the Stamp parameter used to access the card, varying from 1 to 7. If this parameter is set to 0, the card will be accessed according to a fixed segment ID specified in the SegmentID parameter.
Optional field, condition: StampLen == 0
SegmentID Integer (8 bits) -
Optional field, condition: StampLen > 0
Stamp Raw data (until end of frame) -

Returned values (response frame)
