
This command checks if the result of the last action-sub-command (i.e. sub-command that did not start with "Check...") matches a template. Depending on the result it sets (or clears, if Invert is true ) a condition bit.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
CondBitNdx Integer (8 bits) Has to be a value between 0 and 15, that identifies the condition bit that shall be updated.
Length of Template Integer (8 bits) Length of Template in bytes
Template Raw data This is a Byte sequence that has to match the response of the last action command.
Length of FieldBitLens Integer (8 bits) Number of elements in the FieldBitLens array
FieldBitLens Array

Every even entry specifies an amount of bits, that are relevant and have to match to Template. Every odd entry specifies an amount of bits that may be ignored. For instance, 8, 16, 8, 16 means that out of a 6 Byte response, only Bytes 0 and 3 are relevant and have to match Template.

If the amount of entries is even, the rest has to match exactly to the rest of the template. If the amount of entries is odd, the rest is irrelevant. The bits within a single Byte are interpreted MSB (i.e. bit 0 of 0x80 is 1, bits 1-7 of 0x80 are 0).

FieldLen Integer (8 bits) -
Invert Boolean (8 bits) if true, the result is inverted.

Returned values (response frame)
