This command has been deprecated. Do not use it in new code as we may remove it in the future.
Switch to Passive mode and wait for a ISO1443-3a
Request/Anticoll/Select sequence and receive the first frame.
- Command code: 0x4701
- Command timeout: 1000 ms
- Possible status codes: General status codes, CardEmu.CardemuErrNoTag, CardEmu.CardemuErrCollision, CardEmu.CardemuErrHf, CardEmu.CardemuErrFrame, CardEmu.CardemuErrCrc, CardEmu.CardemuErrCom, CardEmu.CardemuErrBuflen, CardEmu.CardemuErrTimeout
Parameters (request frame)
Name | Type/Size | Description |
Padding | Raw data (length 1 Byte) |
Fixed value 0x00 |
Snr | Raw data (length 4 Bytes) | Serial number of card to emulate (first Byte has to be 0x08). |
ATQA | Integer (16 bits) | Attention: When transferred via HF, the ATQA is sent LSB (instead of the MSB order used here). |
SAK | Integer (8 bits) | Select Acknowledge (SAK), according to the ISO 14443-3 (Type A) standard. |
Timeout | Integer (16 bits) | Maximum time to wait for a Request. |
Returned values (response frame)
Name | Type/Size | Description |
Length of FirstCmd | Integer (16 bits) |
Length of FirstCmd in bytes |
FirstCmd | Raw data | First ISO14443-3 command sent from the remote reader. |