
This command encrypts an 8-Byte data block given in the Block parameter using the SkipJack algorithm. If KeyIndex is set to 0x00, KeyValue will be used as encryption key. Otherwise, KeyIndex is interpreted as the index of the corresponding entry in the internal key list. KeyIndex = 0x01 denotes configuration value 0x81, KeyIndex = 0x02 denotes configuration value 0x82, etc.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
KeyIndex Integer (8 bits) Index of key to use to encrypt data. KeyIndex must be set to 0x00 if a user-defined key, specified in the KeyValue parameter, should be used for encryption.
Optional field, condition: KeyIndex == 0
KeyValue Raw data (length 10 Bytes) If KeyIndex is set to 0x00, this value specifies a user-defined encryption key.
Block Raw data (length 8 Bytes) Data block to encrypt.

Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
EncryptedBlock Raw data (length 8 Bytes) Encrypted data block.