
This command is deprecated. Do not use it in new code as we may remove it in the future!

This command selects a particular tag population.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
- Bit mask (8 bits) -
RFU Integer (bit 0x80) Zero padding
Truncate Integer (bit 0x40) Specifies if the tag answer in a subsequent BeginRound command starts after Mask bits or from begin of memory.
Target Integer (bit mask area 0x38) Specifies flag which should be modified.
Action Integer (bit mask area 0x07) Specifies action to a flag select by the Target bit value.
MemBank Enumeration (8 bits) Specifies memory bank.
  • EPC (1)
  • TID (2)
  • User (3)
MaskPointerLength Integer (8 bits) Specifies length of pointer (8, 16, 24, 32).
Length of MaskPointer Integer (8 bits) Length of MaskPointer in bytes
MaskPointer Raw data Memory bit address.
MaskLength Integer (8 bits) Bit length of SelectionMask parameter.
SelectionMask Raw data (until end of frame) -

Returned values (response frame)
