
Open a BRP over TCP connection to the configured host.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
ConnectionReason Enumeration (16 bits) Connection reason bit mask that is sent to the host as soon as a connection is established.
  • Powerup (0x0001)
    This is the first connection after powerup.
  • LinkChange (0x0002)
    There has been a Link Change event.
  • SessionkeyTimeout (0x0004)
    The current PKI session is timing/has timed out. Restart PKI authentication.
  • Message (0x0008)
    Autoread has detected a new card. The card number can be retrieved with AR.GetMessage.
  • UdpIntrospection (0x0010)
    This is a UDP introspection induced connection trial. Open a PKI session, configure the device with the connection parameters of the host and restart the device afterwards.
  • Reset (0x0020)
    There has been a software reset.
  • FailedConnectionTrials (0x8000)
    There have been one or more connection trial failures before.

Returned values (response frame)
