
This command sends a data stream to a card and returns the communication status and the received card data stream to the host.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
- Bit mask (8 bits) -
EnMifBwProt Boolean (bit 0x80)

Enables Mifare backwards compatibility protocol:

  • Data bytes sent to the card are counted in Bytes, and bits 0..3 of Mode bit mask are taken into account.
  • Data bytes received from the card are counted in Bytes, 4 bit error codes (Mifare, Mifare+) are counted as one byte.
  • First data byte in answer (byte 2) specifies data type: 0x00 for normal data, 0x01 for 4 bit error codes.
RFU Integer (bit mask area 0x60) Zero padding
EnBitmode Boolean (bit 0x10) Enable bit mode used for anti-collision sequence (send single bits instead of whole bytes). When this flag is set, the EnParity, ParityMode, EnCRCTX, and EnCRCRX flags will be automatically disabled by the reader and therefore will have no effect. SendDataLen and RcvDataLen are interpreted in bits instead of bytes.
EnCRCRX Boolean (bit 0x08) Enable CRC check over received data.
EnCRCTX Boolean (bit 0x04) Enable CRC check over transmitted data.
ParityMode Boolean (bit 0x02) Toggle even/odd parity mode. ISO 14443 (Type A) uses odd parity. Possible values are 0 (even parity) and 1 (odd parity).
EnParity Boolean (bit 0x01) Parity generation is enabled when this flag is set.
SendDataLen Integer (16 bits) Number of bytes to send.
Timeout Integer (16 bits) Timeout in ms between sending the last bit to the card and receiving the first bit from the card.
- Bit mask (8 bits) -
RFU Integer (bit mask area 0xF0) Zero padding
DSI Enumeration (bit mask area 0x0C)

Divisor Send/Receive Integer (DSI/DRI)

This parameter is mapped to the Divisor Send/Receive (DS/DI) value, which determines bit rate for sending data from PICC to PCD. The possible DS/DR values (mapped to the DSI/DRI index) are listed below.

  • Kbps106 (0)
  • Kbps212 (1)
  • Kbps424 (2)
  • Kbps848 (3)
DRI Enumeration (bit mask area 0x03)

Divisor Send/Receive Integer (DSI/DRI)

This parameter is mapped to the Divisor Send/Receive (DS/DI) value, which determines bit rate for sending data from PICC to PCD. The possible DS/DR values (mapped to the DSI/DRI index) are listed below.

  • Kbps106 (0)
  • Kbps212 (1)
  • Kbps424 (2)
  • Kbps848 (3)
SendData Raw data (until end of frame)

Data to send

Bits will always be transferred LSB first.

Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
Length of RcvData Integer (16 bits) Length of RcvData in bytes
RcvData Raw data Returned data