
Scan for ISO 14443 (Type B) compliant PICCs in the field of the antenna.

If a collision occurred in at least one time slot (signaled by status code ISO14B_COLLISION_ERR), this command needs to be called again with an increased number of time slots so that more PICCs can be detected.

The ISO14B_MEM_ERR status code signals that more PICCs are available than can be handled with the buffer provided by the reader for BRP communication. The Iso14b.Halt command can be used to disable undesired PICCs before calling the Iso14b.Request command again.

PICCs that have been returned by this command may subsequently be switched to the active state via the Iso14b.Attrib command.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
Mode Bit mask (8 bits) -
RFU Integer (bit mask area 0xF0) Zero padding
ReqAll Boolean (bit 0x08) If set, all PICCs (even those in halt state) will be requested.
TimeSlots Enumeration (bit mask area 0x07) Number of time slots which should be used for requesting PICCs. The more PICCs are expected, the higher this value should be. In one time slot, at most one PICC may answer.
  • TimeSlots1 (0x0)
  • TimeSlots2 (0x1)
  • TimeSlots4 (0x2)
  • TimeSlots8 (0x3)
  • TimeSlots16 (0x4)
AFI Integer (8 bits)

Application Family Id (AFI)

Possible values: 0x00 .. 0x8F

The high nibble specifies the application family, the low nibble the sub-family . Use 0x00 when scanning operations should detect all PICCs regardless of their AFI.

Possible values for the application family:

  • 0x0: all
  • 0x1: transport
  • 0x2: financial
  • 0x3: identification
  • 0x4: telecommunication
  • 0x5: medical
  • 0x6: multimedia
  • 0x7: gaming
  • 0x8: data storage
  • 0x9-0xF: rfu

Possible values for sub-family:

  • 0x0: all sub-families
  • 0x1 .. 0xF: specified sub-family

Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
Length of ValueList Integer (8 bits) Number of elements in the ValueList array
ValueList Array -
PUPI Raw data (length 4 Bytes) Pseudo-Unique PICC Identifier (PUPI). With this identifier, each PICC can be distinguished from all others in the HF antenna field.
AppData Raw data (length 4 Bytes)

Application data field. Contains information about the applications available on this PICC.

According to the ADC value of the ProtInfo bit mask, either a proprietary coding or CRC_B compression coding is used.

- Bit mask (8 bits) -
Synced Integer (bit 0x80) If this flag is set, data must be sent and received at equal bit rates.
Send848 Integer (bit 0x40) When this flag is set, the PICC can send data with a bit rate of up to 848 kbit/s.
Send424 Integer (bit 0x20) When this flag is set, the PICC can send data with a bit rate of up to 424 kbit/s.
Send212 Integer (bit 0x10) When this flag is set, the PICC can send data with a bit rate of up to 212 kbit/s.
RFU Integer (bit 0x08) Zero padding
Recv848 Integer (bit 0x04) When this flag is set, the PICC can receive data with a bit rate of up to 848 kbit/s.
Recv424 Integer (bit 0x02) When this flag is set, the PICC can receive data with a bit rate of up to 424 kbit/s.
Recv212 Integer (bit 0x01) When this flag is set, the PICC can receive data with a bit rate of up to 212 kbit/s.
- Bit mask (16 bits) -
FSCI Enumeration (bit mask area 0xF000) Frame Size proximity Card Integer (FSCI). This value is mapped to the Frame Size proximity Card (FSC) value, which indicates the maximum frame size accepted by the PICC. The possible FSC values (mapped to the FSCI index) are listed below.
  • Bytes16 (0x0)
  • Bytes24 (0x1)
  • Bytes32 (0x2)
  • Bytes40 (0x3)
  • Bytes48 (0x4)
  • Bytes64 (0x5)
  • Bytes96 (0x6)
  • Bytes128 (0x7)
  • Bytes256 (0x8)
ProtType Enumeration (bit mask area 0x0F00) Protocol type.
  • NoISO14443L4Support (0x0)
  • ISO14443L4Support (0x1)
FWI Enumeration (bit mask area 0x00F0)

Frame Waiting time Integer (FWI). This value is necessary for calculation of the Frame Waiting Time (FWT) value, representing the maximum time needed by the PICC between receiving a frame and sending the corresponding answer. FWT is calculated by:

FWT = (256 * 16 / 13,56 MHz) * 2 ^ FWI

The FWT values given here (mapped to the FWI index) are approximate.

  • Us302 (0x0)
  • Us604 (0x1)
  • Us1208 (0x2)
  • Us2416 (0x3)
  • Us4832 (0x4)
  • Us9664 (0x5)
  • Ms19 (0x6)
  • Ms39 (0x7)
  • Ms77 (0x8)
  • Ms155 (0x9)
  • Ms309 (0xA)
  • Ms618 (0xB)
  • Ms1237 (0xC)
  • Ms2474 (0xD)
  • Ms4948 (0xE)
ADC Integer (bit mask area 0x000C)

Application Data Coding supported by the PICC. Possible values are:

  • 0x00: Application Data is coded using a proprietary mechanism
  • 0x01: Application Data is coded using CRC_B
CID Integer (bit 0x0002) If this flag is set, the PPIC supports CID.
NAD Integer (bit 0x0001) If this flag is set, the PPIC supports NAD.