
This command authenticates the host's certificate chain to the reader. If the certificate chain is longer than one certificate, this command has to be called multiple times with the IsEndCert flag of the EncryptedPayload parameter set to 0, until the last certificate has been reached in which case it must be set to 1.

The certificates must comply with the following limitations:

If this command is called multiple times (since the certificate chain contains multiple entries), it is required that the SecLevel and SessionTimeout field always have the same value.

If the format of HostCert is invalid or if the signature verification fails, the ERR_CERT status code is returned.

This command needs a long timeout, since the ECC operations may take up to 15 seconds.


Parameters (request frame)

Name Type/Size Description
Length of EncryptedPayload Integer (16 bits) Length of EncryptedPayload in bytes
EncryptedPayload Raw data

This parameter specifies the host certificate. The data is encrypted via AES-128 with Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) using the key and initial vector (IV) generated by the Pki.PfsGenKey command.

The certificate is accompanied by some additional data fields. Before encryption, this parameter is split up into the following fields:

  • SecLevel (1 Byte): The Security Level (1-3) which has to be authenticated.
  • SessionTimeout (4 Bytes): Specifies how long the generated session key shall be valid after running this command. If this value is between 1 and 0xffff159f (higher values must not be used!) it specifies the validity time in milliseconds. Internally the reader will add one additional minute, to ensure that the host has enough time to setup a new session. If this value is set to 0, no timeout will be set and the session key will be valid until the reader is restarted or until the Pki.PfsGenKey command is called again.
  • IsEndCert (1 Byte): Has to be set to 1 if the current certificate is the last certificate in the host's certificate chain. Has to be set to 0 if more certificates are following (i.e. if Pki.PfsAuthHostCert must be called again for another certificate).
  • HostCertLen (2 Bytes): Length of the host certificate in Bytes.
  • HostCert (n Bytes): An X.509 host certificate encoded in ASN.1 DER format.
  • Several Bytes of padding zeros to ensure that the total length of EncryptedPayload is a multiple of 16.

Returned values (response frame)
