
This command retrieves a bit mask of the licenses that are activated on the reader.


Parameters (request frame)


Returned values (response frame)

Name Type/Size Description
LicenseBitMask Bit mask (32 bits) License bit mask
RFU Integer (bit mask area 0xFFFFFFF0) Zero padding
Ble Boolean (bit 0x00000008) BLE license

Reader is licensed to operate with Bluetooth.

This license is only applicable to readers supporting Bluetooth.
BleLicRequired Boolean (bit 0x00000004) BLE license required

Reader requires a valid BLE license to operate with Bluetooth. If not set, Bluetooth can be used without a BLE license, provided that the reader hardware supports Bluetooth.

HidOnlyForSE Boolean (bit 0x00000002) SE Prox license:

Reader is licensed to read HID Prox, Indala, and Keri project cards if an HID SE processor is inserted
(also known as "iClass SAM").

This license is only applicable to 125 kHz readers.
Hid Boolean (bit 0x00000001) Standard Prox license:

Reader is licensed to read HID Prox, Indala, and Keri project cards.

This license is only applicable to 125 kHz readers.