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Create your own PKI

To replace the BALTECH default certificates with your own, unique ones, you need to create your own PKI. There are 2 approaches:

BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager

With our software tool BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager, you don't need any special knowledge to create your own, simple PKI. We recommend this approach if you don't have any specific requirements of how your PKI is structured.

Create PKI project

A project includes the certificates and keys needed by the host to get a defined set of permissions when connecting to the readers.

You can create up to 3 projects for the same readers. However, this is only needed if you have multiple applications accessing the readers and want to assign different permissions to each application. In all other cases, 1 project is enough

To create a PKI project:

  1. Open BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager.
    If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it here.

  2. Click Create New Project and enter a Name.

  3. Enter a Security Level.
    This can be 1, 2, or 3. We recommend you keep the value 1. If you create different projects for different applications, assign each of them a different value.

    The number specified here must match the security level specified in the host application.

  4. In the Access Conditions field, the permissions are specified as a bitmask. The default value FFFFFF means that the host will have full permissions when establishing an authenticated and encrypted connection to the reader.

    If you want to restrict permissions, please get in touch for assistance, or refer to this bitmask description. (A more convenient representation of access conditions is planned for a future release.)

  5. Click OK.

    Screenshot: Create a new project in BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager

  6. Enter a folder name. We recommend you use the same name as for the project.

  7. Save.

PKI Certificate Manager will then create the new folder with the following content:

  • ZIP file
    The ZIP file, also referred to as PKI package, includes all certificates and keys for reader-host connection. You'll need it later to set up the host. When connecting to a reader from a BALTECH tool, you'll need to load the ZIP into the tool.

    What's included exactly?

    Just in case you're interested, this is included:

    • Host key pair
    • Host certificate chain including end entity certificate
    • Reader certificate chain without end entity certificate

    The reader already holds its own keypair and will receive a signed end entity certificate in the next step.

    Screenshot: Example PKI package created by BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager

  • KEY file
    This is the key for your PKI certificate authority (CA). It's only needed by BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager to set up readers in the next step.
    Screenshot: CA key for an example PKI created by BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager

Both files contain sensitive keys!

  • Keep them in a safe place and don't share them via insecure channels, e.g. unencrypted e-mail.
  • The KEY file is not needed for daily operation. Do not store it in the host.

Set up readers

Now that you've created your PKI, you need to equip the readers with the required certificates. This ensures they later accept authenticated and encrypted connections from your host only.

What's happening exactly?

Just in case you're interested:

  • The host's root certificate is stored on the reader.
  • The reader's end entity certificate is signed with the CA key and stored back to the reader.

Note: Due to storage limitations, the reader cannot hold its entire certificate chain. Instead, you need to store it on the host.

Make sure you set up the readers before you deploy the Ethernet host interface component as part of the reader configuration. Otherwise, access to the readers may be blocked.

To add readers to the PKI:

  1. In BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager, click Load Existing Project and select the project folder you've created.

    Screenshot: Load an existing project in BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager

  2. Specify the readers you want to add to the PKI. To do so, you have 2 options:

    • To search for readers in the network, click Search and select the relevant readers.
      This only works within the same subnet and requires SLP to be enabled on the readers.
    • Enter the readers' IP addresses manually as a comma-separated list.

    Screenshot: Search for Ethernet readers in your network in BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager   Screenshot: Enter IP addresses of Ethernet readers manually in BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager

  3. Load the PKI package for the PKI that the reader currently belongs to.
    For out-of-the-box readers, this is the ZIP file , available on our website. If the reader has already been added to a custom PKI before, load the respective PKI package (learn more about PKI packages).

  4. Click Update All Specified Readers.

    Screenshot: Load the existing PKI certificate in BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager

PKI Certificate Manager now connects to each reader in the list and store the required certificates on them. Depending on the number of readers, this may take some time.

Set up host

In the host, store the entire content of the ZIP file, also referred to as PKI package, that was generated by BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager when you created the PKI. This will allow the host to establish a PKI-authenticated and encrypted connection to the readers.

What's included exactly?

Just in case you're interested, this is included:

  • Host key pair
  • Host certificate chain including end entity certificate
  • Reader certificate chain without end entity certificate

The reader already holds its own keypair and end entity certificate. However, due to storage limitations, it cannot hold its entire certificate chain. That's why the host needs to hold not only its own certificate chain, but also the reader's. The host then passes both certificate chains when it establishes a connection.


This method requires in-depth PKI knowledge. We recommend it if you already have a PKI or need full control over its structure, e.g. to integrate it in a larger workflow. For this how-to, we assume you are familiar with openSSL. If you need an intro to the topic, please refer e.g. to these tutorials.

Readers can be integrated in up to 3 PKIs. This is needed if you have multiple applications accessing the readers and want to assign different permissions to each application. Then you create individual sets of certificates and keys with the respective permissions for each application.

Create Certificates

Create the following keys and certificates for host and readers.

The signing key must use the elliptic curve NIST p-256 ( learn more).

For the host:

  • Root certificate
  • Complete certificate chain including key pair and signed end entity certificate

    You can use any number of intermediate certificates

    Readers accept host certificate chains with any number of intermediate certificates. This may be useful if you use the readers within a larger workflow. Otherwise, we recommend you keep it simple: Create only the root and end entity certificates. This is our approach for the BALTECH default certificates and PKIs created with BALTECH PKI Certificate Manager.

For the readers:

  • Root certificate
  • Certificate chain except end entity certificate

The readers are already equipped with individual key pairs; their end entity certificates will be signed in the next step.

Store certificates on the reader

Make sure you set up the readers before you deploy the Ethernet host interface component as part of the reader configuration. Otherwise, access to the readers may be blocked.

To equip the readers with the required certificates, connect to each reader and run the following commands:

  • Run Pki.GetX509Csr to receive a certificate signing request (CSR) from the reader, so you can sign the reader's end entity certificate with your CA.
  • Run StoreX509Cert to write the signed end entity certificate back into the reader. Due to storage limitations, the reader cannot hold its entire certificate chain. Instead, you need to later store it on the host.

    Security level
    You need to specify a security level here. This can be 1, 2, or 3. If you create only one PKI for your network, we recommend you use the value 1. If you create different PKIs for different applications, use a different value for each of them. The number specified here must match the security level specified in the host application.

  • Run StoreX509RootCert to store the host's root certificate on the reader.

Store key and certificates on the host

In the host, store the host key pair, the host certificate chain, and the reader certificate chain. The host then passes both certificate chains when establishing a connection.

To connect from a BALTECH tool, you need to create a PKI package that you can load into the tool.
