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When to update the reader firmware

While it's usually not required to update the firmware of readers in the field, it does make sense if you want to use a new reader feature, or the new version fixes a bug. Below, you'll learn how to check which version your readers currently have and if an update makes sense for you.

If you have a project for which only a specific firmware version is approved, please check back with us before updating the readers.

Find out current version

First, please check your reader's current firmware version with BALTECH ID-engine Explorer:

  1. Connect the reader to your computer.

    I have an Ethernet reader.

    To work with BALTECH tools, an Ethernet reader must be unconfigured, or required permissions must be granted in PKI Authentication and Encryption settings.

  2. Open BALTECH ID-engine Explorer.
    If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it here as part of BALTECH ToolSuite.

  3. In the Basics section, you can see the reader's firmware version.

    Screenshot: Find out reader firmware version in BALTECH ID-engine Explorer

Check for new versions

Once you know your current version, please check our firmware changelog for newer versions and see if they include the feature or bugfix you need:

You can download the current stable versions, each in the latest bugfix version, as well as selected legacy versions. Other versions are available on request.

Deploy update

Deployment options depend on the current firmware version of your readers. Please see our workflow overview for details.
