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Technical data ID-engine ZM Module/ZB Brick


ID-engine ZM Module

Drawing of ID-engine ZM with dimensions

Dimensions 57 (48) x 35 x 9 mm
Weight 11 g
Housing material Makrolon translucent

Download 3D files (STP format) with 1 and 2 connector break-outs

ID-engine ZB Brick

Drawing ID-engine ZB with dimensions

Dimensions in mm. Tolerance +/- 1 mm. Drawing not to scale. Mounting holes centered, distance 64x34 mm, 4 mm diameter

Dimensions 84 x 48 x 17 mm
fixed cable 1.8 m
Weight 100 g net (150 g incl. packaging)
Housing material ABS/PC

Power supply

When the reader switches on its antenna field, a steep rise of supply current occurs. If power supply or wiring gauge/length is inadequate, this rise may cause short voltage drops that may result in a power-on reset of the reader. To avoid this, please check the wiring gauge and characteristics of the power supply used.

The critical voltage drop is below 4.6 VDC.

Power supply
Supply VDD, VBUS @ module 4.6...5.5 VDC ripple 50 mV max.
Supply VDD, VBUS @ USB or RS-232/UART cable end (Brick) 4.75...5.5 VDC ripple 50 mV max.
I max. supply current 300 mA max
I typ. supply current - firmware 1100 v2.10 and above 120...140 mA typ1
I typ. supply current - firmware 1100 below v2.10 150...200 mA typ
I with HF ON only 210 mA typ
I with LF ON only 100 mA typ
+I @Bluetooth RX/TX active 3/10 mA typ
+I @Beeper 4kHz ON 25 mA typ
+ I @ per LED-color ON 15 mA typ
I RFID OFF, LED & Beeper OFF, idle 40 mA typ
I sleep modes on request

Average power consumption

The following table lists the average power consumption1 of common reader models.

Reader model Autoread all UIDS (factory settings) Autoread MIFARE DESFire UID
firmware 1100 v2.10 and above 78.5 mA 38.5 mA
firmware 1100 below v2.10 83.7 mA 140.6 mA
firmware 1100 v2.10 and above 67.6 mA 34.9 mA
firmware 1100 below v2.10 78.1 mA 118.2 mA
firmware 1100 v2.10 and above 84.6 mA 41.2 mA
firmware 1100 below v2.10 95.3 mA 169.9 mA
firmware 1100 v2.10 and above 77.2 mA 37.8 mA
firmware 1100 below v2.10 90.8 mA 159.6 mA

User interface

User interface
LED RGB LED Red/Green/Blue/+Mix; configurable color and intensity
Beeper 4000 +/- 300 Hz


Operating temperature -40...+60°C
(-25...+60°C for 10117 product line)
Wider temperature range on request
Storage temperature boxed -40...+70 °C
Operating humidity (relative) 5...90% Non-condensing
Storage humidity (relative) 5...90% Non-condensing
MTBF 200,000 h

RFID interface

RFID interface
13.56 MHz ISO 14443 A, B 106...848 kbit/s
ISO 15693 26 kbit/s
125 kHz ASK, FSK, PSK Modulation types
Mobile ID/Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 Read range 0.2...15 m, adjustable; BALTECH protocol based on Bluetooth Low Energy for BALTECH Mobile ID; low-level access for the development of custom applications on request
RFID scan duration Seq. processing HF = 100 ms
LF = 350 ms
Multifreq. = 450 ms

RFID read range

RFID read range
13.56 MHz 20...80 mm typ.
NFC optimized for key fob compatibility and metal mounting insensitivity
125 kHz 20...80 mm typ.
Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2 0.2...15 m, adjustable

RFID field strength

RFID field strength
13.56 MHz ISO 14443, NFC Hmin = 1.5 A/m 20 mm typ.
ISO 15693, NFC Hmin = 0.15 A/m 80 mm typ.
125 kHz No standard available

Reading distance for common card types

Reading distance
10115-xxx-yy 10117-xxx-yy
MIFARE Classic 4k 32 byte read/write 45 mm 45 mm
MIFARE DESFire EV1 key-fob 150 byte read/write AES 20 mm 20 mm
DESFire EV2 card 150 byte read/write AES 46 mm 45 mm

Connector and pins (ZM Module only)

Drawing of BALTECH ID-engine ZM Module connector and pins

J4 - USB, Molex PicoBlade 53261-0471

Pin # Signal/funct. Functional description Signal spec. ID-engine module circuitry
J4-1 +VUSB (red) Power supply USB 4.6...5.5 VDC Z-Diode 5.6V low power
J4-2 D- (white) USB Data - 0...3.3 V Suppressor diode 4V
J4-3 D+ (green) USB Data + 0...3.3 V Suppressor diode 4V
J4-4 GND Power supply -/Power&Data GND 0 V

J102 (optional) - UART, Molex PicoBlade 53261-0571

Pin # Signal/funct. Functional description Signal spec. ID-engine module circuitry
J102-1 +5V Power supply + 4.6...5.5 VDC Suppressor diode 5.6 V
J102-2 0 V / GND Power supply -/Power&Data GND 0 V 0V
J102-3 RX1 ID-engine data receive +/- 12 V RS232 transceiver IC (RX)
J102-4 TX1 ID-engine data send +/- 12 V 330R series-R, RS232 IC (TX)
J102-5 Do not connect Suppressor diode 5 V
J102-1 +5V Power supply + 4.6...5.5 VDC Suppressor diode 5,6 V
J102-2 0 V / GND Power supply -/Power&Data GND 0 V 0 V
J102-3 RX1
UART data receive
Wiegand Data OUT
Magstripe Data
0...5 V 330R ser., 5 V Z-D, 47k to +5 V
J102-4 TX1
UART data send
Wiegand Data OUT
Magstripe Clock
0...5 V 330R ser., 5 V Z-D, 47k to +5 V
J102-5 GPIO Depends on configuration 0....5 V CMOS Suppressor diode 5 V, 470R to +5 V

Special custom interface on request, flat ribbon pigtail cable located between J4 and J102

Pin # Signal/funct. Functional description Signal spec. ID-engine module circuitry
J3-1 TX2 ID-engine data send 0...5 V 470R pullup to +5 V
J3-2 RX2 ID-engine data receive 0...5 V 47k pullup to +5 V
J3-3 SCL IIC interface, direct uC 3.3 V 10 mA max Suppressor diode 5.6 V; no resistor
J3-4 SDA IIC interface, direct uC 3.3 V 10 mA max Suppressor diode 5.6 V; no resistor
J3-5 +3V3 3.3 V output 20 mA max no protection
J3-6 0 V/GND Power supply -/Power&Data GND 0 V

ID0 slot SAM connector ISO7816

Signal/funct. Functional description Signal spec.
VDD Power supply 3.3 V
Ivdd Max. current continuous 50 mA
Max. current peak (10ms) 100 mA

Qualified for NXP MIFARE SAM-AV2, -AV3 and HID iCLASS SE Processor. Please contact us for support of further SAMs.

Additional information on connectors: Molex PicoBlade 53261 mates with Molex 51021 housing plus contacts:

  • #50079 for wires AWG26-28
  • #50058 for wires AWG28-32

Host interfaces

Here's an overview of the host interfaces supported by ID-engine Z. If you develop your own application, please also see the overview of host protocols available per interface.

Connector #
(ZM Module only)
Physical interface Details
J4 USB 2.0 full speed
J102 (optional) UART

2 standard hardware variants available:

  • RS-232 (up to 115200 baud, +/-12 V)
  • CMOS (0/5 V)

On request:

  • CMOS 3.3 V
  • Wiegand
  • Magstripe emulation (only available for hardware variant with CMOS (0/5 V))
  I2C (on request)  

  1. Red LED on, no card presented 
