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Configure test reader for test with host system

To configure a test reader for tests with your host system or with BALTECH ID-engine Explorer, you have several options.

Transfer to a connected reader

This is the recommended approach if the test reader can be connected to your computer.

To transfer the configuration:

  1. Open BALTECH ConfigEditor.
    If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it here as part of BALTECH ToolSuite.

  2. Open the BALCFG file of the configuration.

  3. Connect the test reader to your computer.

    I have an Ethernet reader.

    To work with BALTECH tools, an Ethernet reader must be unconfigured, or required permissions must be granted in PKI Authentication and Encryption settings.

  4. For draft configurations, click Test Full Configuration with Host System > Transfer Config to Reader.
    For released configurations, click Transfer Config to Reader.

    Screenshot: Button to transfer of draft configuration from BALTECH ConfigEditor to an RFID reader for a test with the host system

Once transfer is completed, you can disconnect the reader and use it for testing.

Don't use this configuration productively

As long as your configuration is still in draft mode, only transfer it for test purposes. To deploy it productively, always release and export the configuration first.

Alternatives if the reader can't be connected

If the test reader cannot be connected to your computer, you have 2 alternative options to transfer the test configuration wirelessly. These are typically used for productive deployment, but can also be used for transferring draft configurations for testing.

Screenshot: Options "Export Deployable File" and "Create ConfigCard" in BALTECH ConfigEditor to transfer a configuration to an RFID reader for a test with the host system

Export deployable file

Export a BEC2 file that you can deploy via Wireless Upload in BALTECH Uploader.

Equipment & requirements

Perform the export

  1. Connect the reader for encrypting the exported file to your computer.

  2. Click Test Full Configuration with Host System > Export Deployable File.

    I don't see this option.

    If you have Support Legacy Firmaware Versions enabled, this option is not available.

  3. If you've packaged the configuration with a firmware, the following dialog will be shown. Leave the checkbox unchecked, and click Export.

    Export a configuration packaged with a firmware without the firmware for ConfigCard creation in BALTECH Uploader

  4. Save.

A BEC2 file will be exported. This is the file that you can deploy via Wireless Upload in BALTECH Uploader.

Don't use this BEC2 file productively

As long as your configuration is still in draft mode, only use it for test purposes. To deploy the configuration productively, always release and export the configuration.

Create ConfigCard

Store the configuration on a ConfigCard and deploy it by presenting the card to the reader.

Equipment & requirements

  • BALTECH ToolSuite v4.26 or above
  • A reader to create the ConfigCard: We recommend ID-engine Z BRICK or ACCESS200
  • A ConfigCard v2 (is rewritable)

    Alternatives to ConfigCard v2
    • If legacy firmware support is enabled, you can also use legacy BALTECH ConfigCards (without the addition v2 on the label).
    • If legacy firmware support is disabled, you can also use an unformatted MIFARE DESFire card (EV1 or above).

    Both cards are rewritable.

  • The released configuration in BALCFG format

    My config contains a packaged firmware
    • Due to space limitations on ConfigCards, a packaged firmware, won't be included on the ConfigCard.
  • Test reader with the following firmware:

    • If legacy firmware support is enabled:
      • Any firmware version
    • If legacy firmware support is disabled:
      • 1100 v2.00 or above
      • Custom firmware originally created as of November 2021

Create ConfigCard

  1. Connect the reader for creating the ConfigCard to your computer.
  2. Click Test Full Configuration with Host System > Create ConfigCard.

  3. Place a BALTECH ConfigCard on the reader.

    Screenshot: ConfigCard dialog in BALTECH ConfigEditor

  4. The configuration is being transferred to the card.

    When you see the success message, you can take the card off the reader and use it to deploy the configuration to the test reader.

    Screenshot: ConfigCard created in BALTECH ConfigEditor

    Don't use this ConfigCard productively

    As long as your configuration is still in draft mode, only use it for test purposes. To deploy the configuration productively, always release and export the configuration first and overwrite your ConfigCard with the released BALCFG file.
