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Create a ConfigCard with ConfigEditor

With a BALTECH ConfigCard, you can easily deploy a configuration by presenting the card to the readers. With BALTECH ConfigEditor, you can create a ConfigCard using the BALCFG configuration file.

With this method, project managers can create ConfigCards and provide them to technicians. Alternatively, technicians can create ConfigCards on-site in Uploader.

Equipment & requirements

  • BALTECH ToolSuite version v4.26 or above
  • A reader to create the ConfigCard: We recommend ID-engine Z BRICK or ACCESS200

    Legacy readers with a firmware ID other than 1100 will not work.

  • A ConfigCard v2 (is rewritable)

    Alternatives to ConfigCard v2
    • If legacy firmware support is enabled, you can also use legacy BALTECH ConfigCards (without the addition v2 on the label).
    • If legacy firmware support is disabled, you can also use an unformatted MIFARE DESFire card (EV1 or above).

    Both cards are rewritable.

  • The released configuration in BALCFG format

    My config contains a packaged firmware
    • Due to space limitations on ConfigCards, a packaged firmware, won't be included on the ConfigCard.
  • Target readers with the following firmware:

    • If legacy firmware support is enabled:
      • Any firmware version
    • If legacy firmware support is disabled:
      • 1100 v2.00 or above
      • Custom firmware originally created as of November 2021

Create ConfigCard

  1. Connect a reader to your computer.
  2. Open BALTECH ConfigEditor.
    If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it here as part of BALTECH ToolSuite.

  3. Open your BALCFG configuration file.

  4. Click Create ConfigCard.

    Screenshot: Button "Create ConfigCard" in BALTECH ConfigEditor

  5. Place a BALTECH ConfigCard on the reader.

    Screenshot: ConfigCard dialog in BALTECH ConfigEditor

  6. The configuration is being transferred to the card.

    When you see the success message, you can take the card off the reader and use it to deploy the configuration to other readers.

    Screenshot: ConfigCard created in BALTECH ConfigEditor
