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Changelog for firmware 1100 v2.07

2.07.02 (2024-07-01)

This version also includes all features and bugfixes of the stable version v2.06 up to and including v2.06.02.


  • Added support for ID-engine Z variants 10126-xxx-xx.

  • Added support for an expert Autoread configuration component that is available upon request.

  • Activated power-saving measures for the following readers operating in Autoread mode:

    • ISO/MIFARE readers
    • LEGIC reader variants 10117-xxx-xx, 12117-xxx-xx, and 10119-xxx-xx
  • On ISO 15693-based cards, you can now read block numbers above 256 using VHL and low-level commands.

  • When a support request is sent from the Mobile ID app, additional information about the reader hardware and firmware is now included in the app log attached to the request.

Bug fixes

  • Since version 2.06.02, ID-engine Z product variants 12115-xxx-xx and 12117-xxx-xx blinked red and didn't respond anymore when a configuration containing an OSDP component was deployed to such a reader (usually by mistake, as these variants don't support OSDP).

  • ID-engine Z product variants 12115-xxx-xx and 12117-xxx-xx operating in Autoread unidirectional communication mode via serial interface (RS-232/UART) couldn't be switched to BRP protocol e.g. in order to perform a firmware or configuration update.

  • On ID-engine Z product variants 12115-xxx-xx and 12117-xxx-xx, firmware uploads in BEC2 or BF3 format via virtual COM port failed.

  • Presenting a Cotag card for 10 seconds or more could cause the card to be read several times.

  • The Iso15.GetUIDList low-level command no longer worked.

  • Several boot statuses were incorrectly categorized as hardware errors, although they actually only require a firmware upload or reader reboot.

  • Mobile ID stability and reactivity improvements
