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Limit the number range via a blacklist or whitelist

If you configure the reader to autonomously read programmed card numbers (PCNs), you can use a blacklist or whitelist to block certain numbers. The reader then blocks the respective cards autonomously, so you don't have to make any changes to the host system.

This feature requires BALTECH ConfigEditor v4.21.00 or above.

Blacklist or whitelist?

  • In a blacklist, you specify a range of number to allow. All numbers outside this range are blocked. In addition, you can block individual numbers within the allowed range.
  • In a whitelist, you specify the card numbers you want to allow. All other numbers are blocked.

Don't mix the 2 approaches. Otherwise, you may end up with unwanted results.

Create a blacklist

  1. Open BALTECH ConfigEditor.
    If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it here as part of BALTECH ToolSuite.

  2. Open the BALCFG file of your existing configuration.
    If you don't have a configuration file yet, create a new one.

  3. Click the Plus icon > Advanced Settings > Blacklist or Whitelist.
    Screenshot: Menu path to add a blacklist or whitelist in BALTECH ConfigEditor

  4. In the List Type dropdown, select Blacklist.

  5. In the Card Number Length field, specify how many digits your card numbers consist of.
    This is the length as defined in the PCN Length field of the Autoread Number in File/Sector/Segment component.
  6. In the First Number in Range field, enter the smallest number in the range of allowed project numbers.
    In the field, enter the largest number in the range of allowed project numbers. Thus, all numbers outside this range are automatically blocked.
  7. To additionally block an individual number within the range of allowed project numbers, click Green Plus icon at the bottom of the input box and enter the number.
  8. To remove an individual number from the blacklist, click the relevant entry, then click Red delete icon at the bottom of the input box.

    Screenshot: Create a blacklist in BALTECH ConfigEditor 9. Click File > Save Draft.

Create a whitelist

  1. Open BALTECH ConfigEditor.
    If you haven't installed it yet, you can download it here as part of BALTECH ToolSuite.

  2. Open the BALCFG file of your existing configuration.
    If you don't have a configuration file yet, create a new one.

  3. Click the Plus icon > Advanced Settings > Blacklist or Whitelist. Screenshot: Menu path to add a blacklist or whitelist in BALTECH ConfigEditor

  4. In the List Type dropdown, select Whitelist.

  5. In the Card Number Length in Digits field, specify how many digits your card numbers consist of.
    This is the length as defined in the PCN Length field of the Autoread Number in File/Sector/Segment component.
  6. To add a card number to the whitelist, click Green Plus icon at the bottom of the input box and enter the number.
  7. To remove a card number from the whitelist, click the relevant entry, then click Red delete icon at the bottom of the input box.

    Screenshot: Create a whitelist in BALTECH ConfigEditor

  8. Click File > Save Draft.
